Artemis Fowl Drabble

Word prompt: Thinking of you

Usually it was a busy city, but tonight all was quiet. The silence unnerved her, because it was then her thoughts would take over. She didn't really want to be left alone with them. Thinking was dangerous, especially what her mind was drifting to. Falling was dangerous, but it didn't even feel like falling anymore. It felt more like she was floating in a beautiful abyss of love. It was a strange place, somewhere she was unfamiliar with. It was somewhere she had never been before.

And yet, it was he, of all people who took her there. Sometimes she wondered if it was truly a mistake to make such a daring move, but when she thought again; could it really have been helped?

Thinking was dangerous. So was loving. But then again, she had always been a dangerous kind of girl.

Updated daily. Prompt me, please. Oh, and reviews are loved, hugged and showered with kisses.