Title: Misconception, NejiSakuLee
Summary: Ino banged her head on the table, muttering something along the lines of, "What does she see in him?" Neji x Sakura x Lee
Words: 882
Time-Period: It doesn't really matter, but let's just say before Orochimaru was killed.

It's crack, sort of, and it's extremely short. I hope you enjoy it, though!

Devastated, Lee turned away from the scene before him and wept bitterly.

"What does he have that I do not?" He asked himself as he wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his green spandex suit. Before him was his best friend, and greatest rival, Hyuuga Neji, as well as the love of his life, Haruno Sakura. Usually, he would be ecstatic at seeing them both, but this time was an exception. Why?

Because they were together.

"I had a great time, Neji!" Sakura exclaimed, linking arms with the usually emotionless Hyuuga. To Lee's utter shock, he blushed a light pink and turned away from her with a small, noncommittal 'hn'.

"I really appreciate everything." Sakura continued as they walked back towards the heart of the village, arm in arm.

Lee couldn't take it anymore. With the speed ten times faster than a cougar, he dashed out from behind the bush and into the heart of the village, where a festival was taking place. Distraught, he made his way towards a restaurant, where Choji and Ino sat, eating barbecue.

"Lee, come sit with us!" Choji exclaimed, as soon as he spotted the spandex-clad teenager. Ino elbowed him in the ribs, but smiled with fake cheer as Lee sat down in front of them.

"What's got you so down?" Choji inquired as he placed a few slabs of raw meat across the grill.

"I'm not feeling down!" Lee replied, giving them a sparkling grin and a thumbs up. "I feel as youthful as ever!"

Ino banged her head on the table, muttering something along the lines of, "What does she see in him?"

Unaware of Ino's obvious exasperation, Chouji and Lee continued to converse amiably. Minutes passed, and soon even Ino was comfortable enough to join in.

"Hey guys!"

Ino lifted her head to look up at the newest guest. With a sigh, she muttered, "Speak of the devil."

"What was that, pig?" Sakura inquired.

"Nothing, forehead. Come, sit." Ino offered, and Sakura took a seat beside Lee, who was speechless and wondering why she was with them and not Neji.

"So where have you been? Chouji and I were waiting here for quite a while- oh, and we invited Lee to join us." Ino stated, giving a pointed look at Chouji, who seemed blissfully unaware.

"Just sparring with Neji. He's teaching me some attacks that are focused more on chakra-control, which now reminds me," Sakura turned towards Lee with a shy smile. "could you teach me some taijutsu combinations tomorrow? I mean, well, if you don't mind- I don't want to be any hassl-"

"It's no problem, Sakura-san! It would be an honor to assist you!" Lee accepted, with much fervor. Now that he knew she wasn't dating Neji, he didn't feel so sad.

"Great!" Sakura replied, grinning at him. Lee felt his heart leap, and a blush rise to his face, but he quickly suppressed the giddiness threatening to bubble up. Now that he'd gotten this far, he really didn't want to scare her off.

The four ate in delight, conversation coming easily to the childhood friends.

As they finished their dinners, Sakura stood up and thanked them for the company.

"I have an early shift tomorrow." Sakura announced, placing her money on the table. "I'll see you guys around."

"I'll walk you home, Sakura-san." Lee offered, standing up as well. Sakura blushed a light pink and shook her head, saying that it really wasn't necessary for him to go out of his way to walk her home.

"But I want to, Sakura-san, it's really no problem." Lee urged, and Sakura eventually resigned.

The two walked to Sakura's home in a comfortable silence, smiling as they passed by the bright, colorful decorations from the festival.

Once their destination was reached, Sakura turned to Lee with a shy, apprehensive expression.

"Thanks for walking me back, Lee, I really appreciate it." Sakura murmured.

"It was my pleasure!" Lee replied, grinning down at her. Despite how thrilled he was with being able to accompany Sakura, he noticed Sakura's quiet demeanor. Now that he thought of it, she had seemed more reserved today than the usual loud, fiery girl he grew to know.

Just as he was about to inquire why, she stood up on her toes and planted a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, then quickly turned away with a blush staining her face and a murmur of goodnight.

Distraught, Neji turned away from the scene before him and brooded.

"What does he have that I do not?" He asked himself, as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Before him was his best friend, and greatest rival, Rock Lee, as well as his current -dare he say it- crush, Haruno Sakura. Usually, he'd be somewhat pleased at seeing them both, but this time was an exception. Why?

Because they were together.

The end!

It was just a quick drabble but it would be great if you guys reviewed and tell me what you thought! (: