Vile here and running. My new story and yes I am working on my other ones also. It's just a bit harder now. Well enjoy this story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any such products or series
Chapter 1
The Sandaime Hokage isn't having a pleasant day. Why, he just finished with the public executions and had to shut the damn mouths of the civilian council. And he is now in the hospital observing the child that was the cause of this commotion but he didn't blame her. He knew who this child is and her parents. Naruto Uzumaki the daughter of the Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze and Captain of the Anbu Black Ops Kushina Uzumaki. He couldn't tell her who her parents are in fear of her father's enemies taking out their revenge on her, so he gave her, her mother's name.
Right now he is watching her in the observation room. He can see the injuries the villagers have caused and the most noticeable injury he knew that can't be replaced or fixed.
"What's her diagnosis Hikaru." The hokage asked his personal doctor.
"She has multiple broken bones and ribs, but is repairing at a fast rate. She has many bruises and cuts on her skin. Her left lung is punctured and her left eye..." She took a deep breath. "... her left eye is damaged and has a 7 percent chance of working if it repairs itself. We need Tsunade's help for her to regain her sight in her left eye. Her healing factor should have healed her eye, but it seems that it isn't even bothering with it." She finished her report on the girl's injuries.
The Hokage felt ashamed for letting this happened to the daughter of his successor. She will have a hard time ahead of her with one eye if he doesn't find Tsunade. The real question is will she come back just for a child to have her eye sight back. Possibly no. She will just have to get use to having one working eye.
He knew that there are ninja that over came this disadvantage of having one eye. Kakashi is one of them. Even though he has a sharingan where his missing eye use to be, but he still over came that obstacle. The other person... well animal. A nin dog named Kuromaru. Tsume's partner has also lost his eye and overcame it.
I just hope you are strong enough to overcome this obstacle too Naruto. The old man thought as he continued to observe the little seven year old beginning to wake up from her rest.
In the White Dome Medical Room
She felt her body ache from the beating she received a while ago. She opened her eyes and felt her left eye being forced close and could only open her right eye. She felt her eye sting from the bright lights so she slowly opened them till she got use to the light. In the weird dome room again. This wasn't the first time she has been dropped off in this room many times and talked with that woman named Hikaru. She couldn't remember her last name.
She raised her hands to reach out for her left eye to feel what is covering it. She felt the same bandage feel on her eye. Then she remembered about last night and the pain. She stayed out of the village and lived in the forest on her own, but they were able to find her. I should move deeper in the forest. The most I have to worry about is the wolves in that area. At least if I stay out of their territory, they won't come after me. She thought as she began to shift around the bed to stretch her muscles.
"You're up and about I see." She looked towards the door on her left and noticed she can't see the door. She had to turn her head further left to see who entered the room.
"Hikaru-chan." She began to open up to this woman a bit, even if it was a little bit.
"You should be healed up by next week, so you better rest up to regain your strength." She looked at the child's face and noticed her smiling.
"We both know that the other doctors will have their chance with me if I stay here." Naruto said as she remembered the other doctors would beat her and throw her out of the hospital. That's we she has decided to live in the forest so no one can find her, but last night showed that someone was tracking her or keeping an eye on her. Probably an Anbu who resents me.
"That won't be happening. The hokage have ordered Anbu to look after your room and only allowed me to enter your room." Hikaru reassured her only to see her look more sadden by this.
"Just like the previous times when the allowed someone else inside and just watch other than keeping me safe like they were suppose to!" The little girl shouted and remembered that inu mask Anbu with the silver hair. "The only Anbu I have ever trusted was that neko mask Anbu. The rest would just ignore their orders." She got off the bed and looked for her clothes.
"What are you doing? Your still healing from your injuries and your left eye is damaged. We need to make you adjust without." She warned and can see the little girl swap to the right and her misdirection.
"What about my left eye?" She stopped and began to unwrap the bandages only for Hikaru to stop her.
"Don't! You're still healing. The hyaloid Canal of your left eye is completely damaged and if you take off your bandages, then you will lose it completely." She warned her about her left.
"What's my chance of my eye working if I keep the bandages on?" Naruto asked and Hikaru hesitated in answering her. "What are the odds!?" She yelled snapping the woman out of her debate.
"You have a 7 percent chance of your eye working again and Tsunade is the only one, who can repair it, but once we find her, it will be too late to heal you." She felt sadden telling the girl this and she just removed the bandages from her left eye to show her eye shut closed with no scar, but the damage has been done.
"Then I shouldn't bother with having any hopes of having my left eye back." She left the hospital dome room and instantly found her way block be Anbu.
"Sorry miss, but our orders are to make sure no one enters this room. So please enter back inside the room." The bear masked Anbu asked politely and Naruto isn't going along with it.
"Your orders are to keep people out, not to keep people in, so step aside." Naruto said with a bit of malice and they can see that she growled a bit when she said that, so they stepped aside.
"Where will you go if you leave?" Hikaru new that Naruto would have left a long time ago. So the hokage made her a deal. She would have to stay near the village if he keeps the villagers away from her and it seems, now he has to allow her to leave.
"I'm going to go deeper in the forest." The area she is living in for 2 years is Konoha's forest area just outside the walls. She has been hunting and gathering edible food to survive. She used whatever fur was available to stay warm at night and store them away for safety measures like now. When she was attacked, they burned her camp down with her supplies. "I will probably have to go deeper in the forest and further away from the village." She said as she left the room and headed towards the gates of Konoha. Even if I have to enter wolf territory.
Wolf territory. It was a name she has given to that section of the forest. It was far away from Konoha and it was the best hunting ground for her. The problem is that entering that area will result into a bit of competition. The wolves in that area are nocturnal and hunting at night would be a bad idea. If you hunt during the day the wolves will keep an eye on you until you leave the area. If you hunt an animal like a deer or something, than the wolves will kill it before you and by hunting rights 'those who kills it, earns it.' Right now, she is on fair grounds with the wolves for some reason. If she doesn't hurt their kind, then they won't hurt her.
I don't mind the competition, but it will get me away from this village. She thought as she entered the sight of the gates and someone in front of it, waiting for her. Old man.
"I know we made a deal and I have to keep my word." The aged shinobi said and sees the blond haired girl with one sky blue eye. Her whiskers mark identifies her as the Kyubi jinchuriki. Damn those villagers. They couldn't see the difference between the warden and the prisoner. He thought about all those people that wanted to kill her the moment he told the village about her.
"Came to see me go and say good luck or good bye old man." She asked with a smile. The old hokage was the only person she has ever trusted, along with Hikaru and the neko Anbu.
"Yes, I wanted to give you some supplies for you when you leave." He handed her a pack. "There are the essentials in there for camping and there are some scrolls in there to teach you about becoming a ninja, which will be helpful to you later on. I know you can read since I taught you and here is something you will need for emergencies." He gave her a wakizashi that is almost as long as her. It was a simple sword with a simple black sheath, with a simple black handle. "Be careful when wielding it. It's really sharp. There are some kenjutsu techniques in the pack as well."
"Thanks old man." She strapped on the pack and tied the sword over her shoulder and hip to hold it behind her. "Any advice while I'm still here."
"Stay away from the village until your old enough to look after yourself. I'm ashamed to even live inside a village full of arrogant and self-centered people." He said and gave her one final hug. "Oh, here." He pulled out an eye patch.
"You're kidding right?" She hoped it was a joke.
"It will give you a look that will tell people to stay away from you if you were it." He was astonished by the speed it was taken and strapped around her left eye.
"How do I look?" She asked with an eye patch that was a bit too big for her, but she will grow into it.
Cute. He thought and saying that to her would have her throwing it away. "You look like you are an experience hunter." He knew of Naruto's hunting habits outside of the village. How she skinned them and uses them to keep her warm at night or sell them when caravans enter the village. He was amazed at what a five year old can do. She first hunted rabbits and started hunting bigger animals when she got older. Right now she is hunting deer shaped animals, although she stayed away from hunting wolves.
Naruto smiled and turned around to leave and the hokage noticed that she was swaying to the right. She will have to work on her coordination on her own. That's how everyone else has overcome this disadvantage. I wish you luck Naruto.
Naruto's burned down campsite
After many trips and falls and walking into many trees, she had finally made it to her campsite. Or what is left of it. She looked around to see what was still useable.
After 10 minutes of searching she has found her bow and arrows, skinning knife (all-purpose kunai), a few utensils and her flint and a rock for starting fires.
"They sure did a number to this place." She said to herself. She grabbed and packed her stuff and headed to her stash.
It was 5 hours away at a child running pace and getting use to her right side vision. She is use to carrying heavy stuff and running for long periods of time. She stood in front of a tree and she tapped it to hear a sound that she was expecting to hear but didn't hear it. She walked to another one and tapped it and didn't hear the sound she wanted to hear. She went to another and tapped and heard that hollow sound.
What was it now? Head northeast for 2 hours. She thought and went towards the next direction.
1 day later
She is now standing in front of her hidden stash, which is now in an area she had dubbed the wolf territory. She made it impossible for ninja of Konoha to follow her with her planned out directions. She opened up a trap door and climbed down. Inside were her supplies that she has stashed and purchased during the caravan trading. She couldn't buy anything inside the village so she had to wait for the monthly caravans to enter the village to sell their merchandise.
She had everything she needed in this compartment from kunais to making arrow tips for her bow. She had a small little forge for making her arrow tips. She customizes her own. She had enough material to make thousands of arrow tips and she is really good at making them. That was one mystery she couldn't figure out, like how she knew all this, why she keeps things hidden, why she likes hunting and why are the wolves putting up with her?
She didn't know why. They just walk by her when she is in their territory and she knows about the laws of hunting. Even the wolves respect her kills. If she kills her target the wolves would just go look for something else or wait till she is finish with it and given her permission to eat it. They even left her stash of food alone. She thought it was something to do with hunters respecting hunters.
She put aside that thought and grabbed some food and camping supplies. She left and closes the trap door and went to a cave that was nearby. It was big enough for 10 people and she had fur covering the entrance for the winter seasons. Once she entered it she came across her two nuisances.
"OH COME ON!!" She shouted at the two wolves that have been keeping an eye on her since she started hunting. They were as tall as her and one had black and grey fur and the other was silver. "You two are not going to cause me trouble are you?" She felt stupid talking to wolves.
They shook their heads no and went back to lying down.
She started a fire and began cooking some meat she took from her compartment. Once they were finished cooking she ate it without a second thought because she didn't had anything to eat for a day. All her food was burned or ruined at the camp. Once done she fell asleep after a long day of traveling.
Once she was in a deep sleep.
"Are you sure she is her daughter." The black grey furred wolf said that sounded deep like voice.
"Yes." The silver wolf said and sounded a bit feminine. "She has skills of a hunter and she knows how to use a bow. Even her smell conforms she is the one we're looking for." The other nodded.
"We will have to do something about the Kyubi. The damn creature is the reason her left eye no longer works." He growled as he sensed the Kyubi's chakra is preventing her left eye from healing.
"Fenrir, I will go ask Tsukuyomi (Moon God) for assistance if we are going to get rid of Kyubi." The silver wolf fazed out of existence and left the two alone.
"Looks like Fenris is going to have to sweet talk her way to get the Kyubi out of you girl." He moved and lied next to Naruto and the little girl moved closer to the wolf for warmth. After all, it wouldn't do us any good if our little cub is being hold back by that damned fox.
The wolf began to drift off to sleep and little did Naruto know, is that the wolves will become her greatest ally.
To be continued
If you guys figured out the pattern of my stories. It's gone from animals or kickass abilities.
Right now this one is about wolves my favourite animal and hunting.
The other is about foxes and an ability to stop time.
The next one is about dragons if you didn't figure it out by the title.
The last one is about hell abilities or if you didn't figure it out pheonix.
The last one is a combination of wolf, fox and dragon.
Well if you guys like it review. Haters and flamers....... get lost. People with opinions or suggestions feel free to review.
Till I update, ja ne!