I couldn't help it! I just HAD to write this! X3 I hope you all like it! (Hinata's POV)

His hair was blond;
His eyes were blue.
My first grade heart pounded,
And I instantly knew.

I knew I loved him.
But would he love me?
I stumbled after him,
Stuttering so awfully.

His face was so open;
So kind and warm.
My belly twisted anxiously
With an approaching storm.

I couldn't help it.
"I love you!" I said.
Crying with embarrassment,
I turned and fled.

It wouldn't leave my mind:
The shock that crossed his face.
I was horrified with myself.
I didn't know my place.

The next day came,
And I had to move away.
My heart broke to pieces
As I thought of yesterday.

I had known we were moving,
But it still hurt to be apart.
I knew at that moment
That he would always hold my heart.

Years passed by,
But the pain didn't ease.
We never moved back,
Despite my pleads.

Five grades later,
I saw him once more.
He was taller than me now
As he leaned by the door.

His hair was still blond,
And his eyes were still blue.
My sixth grade heart pounded;
And he said, "I love you, too."