Chapter One: A Warning from the Castle

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters in the story

Remus Lupin sat on the couch in the living room, stroking Andromeda's grey cat who sat stiffly on his lap. He watched as his wife fed their child unintelligible mush, crooning to him softly. A savory aroma was drifting from the kitchen, along with the trademark sound of Tonks's mother humming happily to herself. The fire in the heath was burning happily, giving the room a warm, comforting feel, yet Remus Lupin was completely alert.

Tonks, whose hair was a purple shade to match her robes, noticed his troubled expression. "Remus, I'm sure they're alright. The Order would have sent us a message if they weren't."

Lupin stood up, his hands clenched into fists, "Last time I heard, they were in Hogsmeade, Dora! The entire town's on high alert! They're bound to be caught!"

"Aberforth might have found them," Tonks said hopefully, "Then they'll be safe."

"Yes, one man against an entire army of Death Eaters, that's safe, is it?" He sat back down, "I'm sorry, Dora. I'm just…"

"It's fine, don't apologize. Here, would you mind holding Teddy for a minute, my arms are getting sore." She handed him the gurgling child, whose hair was now an emerald green. "I think he'll grow up to be a fine wizard, don't you?"

"If he's not a werewolf, that is."

"If that's the case, it still won't stop him from being a fine wizard," she smiled, "I mean, look at you, far better than I am and not even an Auror!"

His expression lifted a little, "I'm not sure about-"

All of a sudden, a silver form fell through the roof and onto the floor in front of them. The patronus-goat opened its mouth, and, in Aberforth's gruff voice, announced, "Hogwarts is in danger, we need your help, alert the rest of the Order!" Lupin stood up immediately, handing the baby to Tonks, and took his wand out of his robes.

"I'll send a patronus to Shell Cottage," Lupin began.

"I can do that," said Tonks quickly, "You get to Hogwarts and I'll meet you there soon."

Lupin stopped. "No Dora, I don't want you to get hurt. Stay here and look after Teddy."

"What?!" she looked hurt, betrayed, "After all I've done for the Order, you want me to stay out of trouble?"

"I would never forgive myself if something happened to you." Lupin murmured.

"And I could never forgive myself if something happened to you while I sat here twiddling my thumbs!" Tonks retaliated.

Teddy started to cry. Lupin looked down at his son. "He needs you more than he needs me. Please, Dora." She opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off.

"Would you rather he be an orphan than without a father?! Now, send word to the rest of the Order. Tell them I'll meet them at the Hog's Head." He grabbed Tonks's hand and held it tight, "Look after yourself, Dora. And if anything happens to me, tell Teddy that his father died fighting!" He let go of her hand and gave his wife a sad smile. Then, with a resounding crack, Lupin disapparated.

The room was quiet. Teddy had stopped crying and was now hiccupping in his mother's arms. Andromeda's humming had stopped. Tonks blinked away the tears in her eyes and lifted her wand, "E-Expecto patronum…" a few wisps appeared, but nothing of form. Get a hold of yourself, Nymphadora. "Expecto patronum!" A wolf burst from her wand and ran off into the night. The sight of it made Tonks' stomach lurch. He will live, he will come home.


When Lupin arrived at the Hog's Head, he found it more crowded and noisy than he had ever seen it. Aberforth, who looked completely exhausted, was running back and forth between ferrying younger students to safety and dealing with the increasing amount of witches and wizards arriving, all eager to fight. "Need some help there, Aberforth?" he asked.

"I'm fine," he grunted, "If you could just glance out that window every now and again and make sure none of those ruddy Death Eaters are poking around here. But I'm pretty sure they're all up at the castle."

"What's happening up there?"

"You-Know-Who's preparing a full-frontal attack. All the students are being evacuated, except those who are over-age and willing to fight. Did you get my message alright?"

"Yes, we did. Tonks alerted the rest of the Order, too."

"Speaking of which, where is that lovely wedded wife of yours?"

Lupin felt a pang of guilt, "She's back at the house looking after Teddy."

"Pity, I think she would've done herself proud in a fight like this. She is an Auror after all." Lupin's feeling of guilt grew.

There was a sudden crack and Kingsley appeared. "What's the trouble, Remus?" he asked. "Hogwarts is under attack from Voldemort." Lupin answered.

"Is Harry in there?" Kingsley asked.

"Yes, he and his two friends turned up about an hour ago." Aberforth said.

There were several loud cracks from behind them, and the entire Weasley family appeared. Aberforth raised his eyes to the heavens, "Not more!"

"How can we help?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Is Harry alright?" asked Mr. Weasley anxiously.

"Yes, yes, just get over there." Aberforth hurried them over to the portrait of Ariana, Lupin and Kingsley following close behind. They climbed through and followed the long staircase which led them to the Room of the Requirement. There was much bustling as they entered the room; it was already filled with many people. Mrs. Weasley embraced Ginny, Fred and George all at once and Bill gave contemptuous looks to some of the male students, who were gazing adoringly at Fleur.

A few minutes later, a black-haired, bespectacled boy came into view, and cheers were heard throughout the room. Lupin pushed his way towards him and met him on the foot of the stairs, "Harry, what's happening?" he asked.

"Voldemort's on his way, they're barricading the school – Snape's run for it," Harry looked around, "What are you doing here? How did you know?" As Fred explained to Harry, Lupin looked around. Most of the people in the room were students, almost all of them Harry's age. A few other members of the Order of the Phoenix were here as well. All of them looked ready to fight. Lupin's stomach lurched, they're so young. Most of them were just over-age. There was a surge as the crowd started to head towards the foot of the stairs, eager for a fight. Mrs. Weasley was arguing with her daughter, her voice rising above the incessant noise in the room. "I won't permit it! The boys, yes, but you, you've got to go home!" As Lupin watched their argument, the feeling of guilt in his stomach became stronger. You have to stay here, you have to be protected, you can't fight with the rest of us. He was reminded of the look on his wife's face, that look of hurt and betrayal…

There was a thump and Percy Weasley – it was obvious who it was from the red hair and horn-rimmed glasses – came crashing in from the tunnel. The room was filled with an awkward silence, only broken when Fleur asked Lupin, particularly loudly, "So – 'ow eez leetle Teddy?" It took a few moments for Lupin's mind to get itself together again.

"I – oh yes – he's fine! Yes, Tonks is with him – at her mother's." There was that twinge of guilt again. She'll never forgive me after this, he thought.