Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Severus Snape sprung from the talented and creative mind of J. K. Rowling.

Notes: This is very short, barely a story, just a brief moment in the minds of Harry and Severus. Slash.


Passion and hatred swirl in his dark eyes. He holds me in his grasp tightly, not daring to let go. It's better that he doesn't, because I'm not sure I could hold myself up. I can feel his heart beating through his black robes against my chest. My own flutters in a way it only does when he is near.

I long for him to look at me with something other than disdain. But even as we embrace, he cannot hold back the anger he feels towards me. Why does he hate me? And why do I love him in return?


Why do I love him? Why do I care about this young man who has shown nothing but contempt for me all these years. I hate this growing need to be with him, to hold him close to my heart and never let go.

My own heart has betrayed me. Somehow this lone boy managed to slip past all my defenses and ingrain himself into my soul. Love is a weakness, one I cannot afford, and yet when I look into his eyes I find I cannot live without it.

But could he ever feel the same?