A young girl was lying on the ground, half crushed beneath a truck. Her brown hair was spread on the ground, her glasses broken, and her blood pooled around her.
She hadn't run in front of the truck, she had merely been standing at the edge of the sidewalk when it swerved. An unlucky accident, nothing more.
The girl opened her eyes, and saw only darkness. She shivered, and whispered softly, "I….I don't want to die."
"Normally, I would ignore that. However, there is a place for you, if you accept it." Said a young, male child who had suddenly appeared in front of her.
She jumped, and made a small squeaking noise.
"Who are you? What do you mean?" she asked, her voice quavering a bit.
"I am the guardian. As for what I mean…there is a place, in another world, where you would fit. You could live there, if you wished." He answered before flashing her a cute, little boy smile.
"I'll go." She said, having made up her mind the moment he offered it. "I mean, if I can't go home…."
He shook his head.
"No, you can't go back. Your body is dead there."
She nodded, she had thought that. But then another thought struck her.
"What about where I'm going? Why can I have a body there?" she asked curiously.
He smiled. It was so rare to find halfway intelligent people…
"There is a person there who has a body much like yours, however, her mind has left."
He did not explain how the other girl's mind left, and she didn't ask. She had a feeling she didn't want to know.
"Okay, well, can you tell me anything about this place?" she asked, curious now she had decided she would not be harmed.
"You know of stories people have written, shows on 'TV' and so on. They can tell you they 'just thought up the idea', but the truth is, they are simply more sensitive than normal humans. They can feel when another world goes past, and they can see it, how it works. Sometimes they can see it clearly, sometimes not. Sometimes they write about it, but mostly not. As for the place I'm sending you…I believe they called it 'Pokemon'?"
She stood still, accepting all this information, and then nodded.
"Okay, well, the Pokemon world must be easy to live in…" she murmured, half to make herself feel better. She didn't really like the idea of living somewhere where there were creatures who could breath fire, and poison, and more.
He smiled, and it had a mischievous edge to it.
"Don't be so sure."
She opened her mouth to ask him what he meant, but before she could say anything she was hit with an impact that knocked the breath out of her. Her eyes closed instinctively.
She opened her eyes after a few breaths, and gasped in surprise. She didn't know where she was, but she could see stars above her, in the sky.
She realized she was lying down, and slowly sat up, not used to the feel of the body she was in. She felt something in her hand, something cold, hard, and smooth. After feeling it for a bit, she decided it must be a pokeball, which meant whoever had been in this body before her had been a pokemon trainer.
She shivered. It was nighttime, and she was cold. She only seemed to be wearing jeans and a short-sleeved shirt.
She stood up, tried to take a step and fell over. She tried to catch herself with her hands, but they skidded, and her face hit the ground.
After a few moments she sat up, and spat dirt out of her mouth. She licked her lips, which stung, and tasted blood.
Perfect, she thought bitterly, this was just the way to enter my new life.
Then, after exploring a bit on all fours, she sighed, and decided the place where she had been before was probably the best place to stay.
She lay on the ground and tried to fall asleep, but ended up merely thinking about things (like how uncomfortable the ground was, and if she just had a blanket…) until there was enough light to see by.
She winced as she stood up carefully. Her lip hurt, she was sore and cold, and hungry, and really confused. If this was being a pokemon trainer, she didn't want it.
She sighed, and pushed her glasses, then froze.
Idiot, she said to herself, as she had just realized this new body had glasses. She hadn't realized before, as she was so used to pushing up her own glasses whenever they fell down
She pulled the glasses off and looked at them. They were round, oval shaped frames, and dark brown in color. Nothing special, though the lenses were thinner than she was used to.
She put the glasses back on, and looked at herself. Her shirt was yellow, her jeans blue. The shirt had a small red flower on it, but nothing more.
She reached back and found her hair was medium length, and, when pulling a lock of it in front of her face, found that it was brown.
She also noticed a pouch on her hip, and after assessing where she was (a small patch of dirt with very high grass all around) took it off and opened it.
Inside there appeared to be what was some form of money, three hard, blue berries, and one paper card.
After looking at the money, which seemed very strange to her, and poking at the berries, the girl pulled out the card and read:
Pokemon Trainer Alexandra Wood
Rank: Beginner
Badges: None
It all looked typed, but not fancy whatsoever. Obviously, no one cared much about this trainer, which made the girl very relieved. She had time to figure everything out; she would bet no one paid attention to little rookie trainers.
She then looked at the ground where she had slept, at the pokeball she had had in her hand, and sighed.
Before I do anything else, she thought, I need to think. First, I can't be called by my old name, it would be too strange, and people would notice me. I have to go by this one. Alexandra. Not the best, but at least I can shorten it to Alex.
The newly named Alex slowly took a few steps, measuring the distance, and holding her hands out to the side for balance. Then she crouched down and picked the pokeball up.
Alex took a deep breath, preparing herself, and then pressed the little white button on one side of the pokeball.
A bright light came out of it, blinding her for a few seconds. But she could see the basic shape of the pokemon that came out.
And then hear it.
"Eve? Evee, vi?"
Alex was surprised, to say the least. An eevee? How would the other person have gotten that as her first pokemon?
Maybe her parents were rich, Alex thought, but then shook her head. No, if they were rich, there would be more than just some berries, a little bit of money and a paper card in her bag.
"Ee. Ee. EEVEE!" cried the rabbit like pokemon, bouncing a bit.
Alex looked at it, feeling rather embarrassed. She hadn't been paying attention at all.
She leaned down to look at the eevee.
"Um, hi. I know this is a strange question, but have you ever seen me before?" Alex asked, wanting to know if the other girl had known the eevee before.
The eevee cocked its head, thinking. Then, it shook its head, wondering if all trainers were this….different.
Alex was pleasantly surprised. The eevee could understand her it seemed, and the other girl hadn't even seen the eevee before. She smiled, happy something had gone her way.
"Alright then. Are you a girl?" Alex asked, deciding to name the eevee before trying to get out of the tall grass she was in.
The eevee nodded, her bunny like ears going up and down.
"So now to give you a name…." Alex said, before noticing the eevee shaking her head frantically.
"What's wrong? Do you just want to be called eevee, then?" Alex asked, confused.
The eevee shook her head harder, inwardly raging about how stupid it was that she couldn't talk to humans.
Alex thought for a few seconds.
"Do you already have a name?"
The eevee nodded, relieved they wouldn't have to play the guessing game for long.
"Okay, well, um, do you know how to read and write?" Alex asked, half needing to know, half curious.
The eevee shook her head.
"Okay, well, here…" said Alex, drawing a lowercase A in the dirt. "This means 'ah'."
Then she drew a lowercase B in the ground.
"This means 'b'." she said, and then went on to repeat this with every letter in the alphabet while the eevee watched patiently.
When done, Alex smiled proudly and said, "Now I'll go through them all, and you can nod when you hear the first sound of your name, and then second, and third….you see?"
The eevee nodded while translating her name from pokemon speech to human. It would be easier that way.
When Alex finally figured out what the eevee's name was (Yarrow), it was actually close to the normal time to wake up, and Alex was starving.
"Hey, Yarrow, could you find some food? Or at least a city? I could probably buy something there…" asked Alex, reminding herself mentally to talk to Yarrow about training later.
Yarrow nodded, and started walking away on slender legs, sniffing the ground once or twice.
She slipped in between the grass and Alex followed her, and got only a few steps in before falling flat on her face. This wasn't as bad as the last time for a very simple reason; the grass was softer and tasted better than the ground.
Still, Alex groaned. Why did she want to live life again?
Alex sat down in a patch of dirt, panting a bit. It had been a while since she started following Yarrow, and it seemed to by noon, judging by the sky. While Yarrow seemed perfectly fine, if a little tired, Alex was exhausted. She had fallen down many times after the first time, and she could now catch herself with her hands more than half of the time. When she didn't fall she had to push large grass out of her way. It was a hike, and the worse kind.
Yarrow stopped moving and turned to look at her trainer, and then seemed to sigh. She sat down beside Alex, waiting patiently until Alex would get up and walk again, as she had done many times before.
"Hey, Yarrow." Muttered Alex. "Any water around here? I'm thirsty…"
Yarrow didn't bother to lift her head and sniff; she already knew the answer, and nodded.
Alex nodded a bit too.
"Which is closer, the town or the water?" Alex asked. "Never mind, forgot you can't answer me. Just take me to whichever is closer…."
Yarrow nodded, and set off into the grass again, while Alex whimpered, and stood up to follow her.
Alex only fell four times before getting to the small creek. She sighed, and crouched down beside it, cupping her hands together to make a container for water. She drank noisily, filling her hands six times before she was satisfied. Beside her, Yarrow leaned down and licked the water for a few seconds before sitting down, waiting for Alex to ask something of her.
When Alex had drunk all she could, she sat down a few steps away from the creek, and found that the long grass made a good seat. Yarrow turned and walked up to her, then sat down near her feet.
"Yarrow." Alex acknowledged. "Is the city nearby? Sorry, I mean, can we get there before dark?"
Yarrow turned her nose up and sniffed the air, then nodded, though she was a bit unsure.
Alex smiled, and stood up.
"Okay, lead the way."
It was dusk, and Alex was sitting at the edge of a town. She saw Yarrow, a bit before her sitting, waiting for her, and stood up, and started walking into the town.
The town was much different from the ones she was used to, but Alex didn't look around much. Her feet hurt, and she just wanted to find somewhere to sleep. Then she saw a large red and white building, seemingly made out of some type of metal. The large letters on it proclaimed 'Pokemon Center'.
Alex walked up to the door, and it slide open to access her. A young, blond haired nurse was at the counter, looking bored.
"Pokemon trainer?" the nurse asked as soon as Alex walked in.
"Yeah. Can I stay here?" Alex asked, too tired to say anything else.
The nurse shrugged.
"Sure, you're not the first one here. Your pokemon hurt?"
Alex shook her head.
"Follow me then." Said the nurse, coming out from behind the desk and sounding every bit as bored as she was.
Alex followed her up an escalator, and down a hallway to the second last door.
The nurse pointed to the door.
"This is your room, for however long you stay here."
Then she left quickly, not saying another word to Alex.
I wonder, thought Alex, if some people stay here long enough to have a nametag put on their room.
Then she shrugged, and opened the door. Inside was a small bed, a toilet, and a sink. Alex didn't bother wondering why there was a toilet, and instead turned to look behind her.
"You there, Yarrow?"
"Eve." Said a voice from the bed.
Alex tried to smile, but failed. She mumbled 'Good' and lay down on the bed. She fell asleep the second after she had folded up her glasses and put them on the floor.