don't own anything that is recognisably Tamora Pierce's. that is sort of obvious, though, seeing how if i did own that stuff, then i wouldn't be writing this stuff on FFN, I'd be writing it in an actual book. But yeah, you get the point.


"May I have this dance?" Dom asked, holding his arm out. Kel laughed and grabbed the arm, leaning her head in the crook of his shoulder. He could have that dance whenever he wanted. Kel wondered, for the millionth time, whether she should tell Dom how she felt. . .

She quickly dismissed that silly thought.

"Of course," she breathed into his shirt. Dom shivered, for reasons unknown to Kel. His eyes were smouldering, looking down at her the way they were. It made her dizzy, nervous, excited, and crazy all at the same time. How could such a man do this to her? How could he unconciously make her feel this way?

Dom brushed a curl out of her face. "Kel," he murmured quietly, "I've been meaning to talk to you. . .I - I think. . ."

He couldn't say it. It was too hard, evidently. It was like. . .comitting a crime.

"I like you, too," Kel smiled up at him. "I like you a lot. I really care for you. I -"

No. They weren't ready for that yet. They weren't in love with each other. . .

Were they?

"I really care for you, too," Dom said awkwardly.

Kel kissed him, a small smile forming on her lips at the thought of this brave knight being flustered, because of her.


Dom wrapped his arm around Kel and pulled her out into the dark of the night. They were walking through the beautiful palace gardens. It was empty, due to the fact that most of the courtiers were inside, dancing.

Kel was much happier kissing Dom than talking to people she barely knew, though.

"Kel . . ." Dom moaned, pulling her tightly to him. She smirked up at him, at his face as she saw the obvious strain from holding himself back. She wanted to tell him not to hold back. If he wanted this, and she wanted this, then wasn't that alright?

But what if the same thing happened this time as last time?

Either way, Dom had Kel undeniably flustered and she was admittedly speaking without thinking. Dom obviously acknoledged that fact and decided to ask some much-needed questions.

"Why did you leave, that morning?" Dom asked breathily as he kissed down her neck. "Why didn't you stay?"

"I didn't think I was feminine enough for you," Kel whispered as she felt his hand slide down her back and rest on her behind. "I didn't think - I thought, we were drunk, right? I thought it was just the ale talking."

"You were wrong," Dom breathed into her neck.

"I know," Kel replied, running her hands through his hair. "Gods, I know."

"Kel?" Dom whispered into her hair as they began walking up towards Dom's rooms. The moon shone overhead in a half-sillouette, illuminating Dom's features.


Dom looked concerned. "About those bananas. . ."

Kel sighed. Oh, gods.

the end

Yeah, I'm sorry. It was meant to be a short, drabble type fic. I talk way too much about bananas, even though I don't even like bananas (except in smoothies...yum...)

I hope you like it, and thanks to those who reviewed! Love you all :)