A/N: I'm back-ish. This is un-beta. This was suppose to be posted on the 10/6/12. But homework got in the way.

The reason on why I was able to write, since I had/have major writer's block. Is because the idea for this chapter wouldn't go away so I went to the computer on my College campus and started to type away. I had Alice's pov done a year ago, just added a bit more. Bella's Pov is the one that got stuck in my head and needed to be written.

So I won't be abandoning any of my stories. Its just going to take awhile for me to update.

Sorry for the LONG wait, but its something. Next Chapter will have Jake & Ren making an appearance.

Chapter 7 : Past and Future

Alice's POV

I already saw what Emmett was going to do. And I didn't want to stay here for the aftermath. Knowing very well that Jazz will send waves of lust when it happens and seeing as I can't fuck him…and Bella is not here to return the favor, so I'm wasn't going stay.

But then it came to mind, if Bella did stay and Jazz did send those waves. I would have a chance to return the favor without hearing any bull shit coming from Edward because he'll be busy with Jazz or running like the little girl he really is. But damn she left to go to her place.

So I sneaked out my room, and went off to where Bella is. A place no one dares to go, her place. It's actually quite a lovely place. A cliff with a waterfall, is really what's Bella's place is. Usually she'll be sitting on a rock in the middle of the waterfall, as it hits her body. And she comes, home soak to the bone.

But why no one goes to her place, is like for everyone else. We never go to each other's places; it's a personal paradise where no one can interrupt. Where we can escape from reality or escape mind reading brothers and my hubby. But sometimes mates are allowed, but Bella allows no one, she wants to be alone and no one says a thing. Expect Edward of course, he argues about it over and over. And Bella just kicks his sparkly ass out.

I broke through the tree lines that lead to Bella's place.

"What are you doing here Alice?" Bella growled from above. I looked up to see her standing on the cliffs edge, staring me down with a heated glare.

"Well Bella..."

She jumped off the edge and landed in straight in the river, causing a big splash. Thank the heavens I was near the tree lines or my outfit would of been ruined. Soon Bella emerged out of the river soaking wet, sending my mind straight down the gutter.

"I'll ask again Alice. What are you doing here?" She sneered. See! She was very territorial of this place. She didn't even want her best friend here. She's so mean.

I wanted to return the favor but since she's being so mean she gets nothing from me.

"Just wanted to talk is all."

She looked like I was crazy to just come here and suggest that.

"About what?"

Wow, she really wants to talk. Wait this could be a trap, let's play this by ear.

"About your time with Rose going to get the schedule two days ago."

"Can't you just have a vision of the conversation and then be on your merry way." Bella seemed annoyed

"I can, but I won't. I want to have an actually conversation. Pleeassee." I pouted giving her my puppy eyes I know she can't resist.

She tried in vain to look away but it was too late. I blurred right in front of her letting my irresistible look sink in.

"Damnit! Fine Alice. But right after you will leave." She finally gave in but I knew she just had to add something else. We'll see about that Bella, remember whose the psychic here.

Bella's Pov

"So where the hell should I begin?" I asked frustrated that I allowed Alice's puppy dog pout to overpower me yet again.

"From the beginning of course, silly" She giggled

"But Alice you were there for that part." I whined

Alice's lower lip started to quiver and followed up with the sound of sniffles. I knew we couldn't cry but come on. She's just going in for the kill.

"Okay Alice, you win."

Soon enough her lower lip ceased and the sniffle sounds were no more. She was now jumping up and down, spun each time she jumped back up clapping her hands as she went in victory.

I sat under a tree and waited until she was done so I can begin. When she was done she joined me under the tree.

"Well, this was two days ago on fourth of September and no one wanted to go get the schedules. We were already was a week moved into the house with no parental supervision, like we really needed one."

"Okay so who's going to get the schedules, then?" Emmett asked, everyone averted eye contacted with one another. No one wanted to go, hell no one wanted to repeat High School again. I finally understood why. This is my seventh time, and I already hate it, all those hormonal boys and girls. No, it's not that I'm jealous when all the female student body drools over Edward, I could care less. It's just that I cannot handle their arousing scent from both female students and males, ugh.

"Why don't we write our names on a slip of paper and put into a hat, the two people who are draw from it have to go?" Jasper piped in.

"Why don't we let Bella write all our names and have Edward pick the two, since her can't read her and it'll will only be her scent on the papers." Rose informs. Everyone seemed fine with the idea but Edward. He still does not like the fact I continue to keep my shield up even though I can bring it down at a win. There are times where I had put my shield down for him in the beginning of our marriage but now times have change. Just because were married doesn't mean I'm going to let him in my head. I like to some of my privative to myself, thank you.

Sometimes Rose asks me to shield her and I do, and that usually pisses Edward off. I don't even know why, since he says he doesn't like to hear his family's thoughts. I swear, his a hypocrite.

I went off to find a hat, paper and a pen to write ours names. When I returned I had everyone's name written and folded into the hat.

"You didn't cheat did ya?" Emmett questioned, looking at me up and down.

"No. Now here." I growled tossing the hat filled name to Edward, who caught it with ease.

"The first person picked will get the schedule and second will wait and make the introduction to any students to ask who you two are." Alice said as Edward reached into the hat to pull out the first slip of paper.

"Rose" He called with his crooked grin.

"What," Rose snarled, "that's bullshit I bet you didn't even put your name."

Edward ignored her ranted and continued to draw the next person, "Bella" and unfortunately I had the liberty to also get drawn. Now that should shut her up.

"See its fair babe, Bella was called also." Emmett tried to cheer his wife up.

"Shut up Emmett!" She shouted. God, the she beast is out and about. I feel bad for Emmett crowing in fear of his super model Ice Queen. But then I realize it's funny as hell so I got over it.

"It's not like you got to talk to any of the humans Rose, so quit the whining." I reminded her.

She mumbles a fine and headed to the garage. I rolled my eyes at Rose's retreating form.

"Be carefully, love." Edward said sweetly all I could give him are you fucking kidding me look. Like seriously I'm a bloody vampire what is a bunch of humans going to do to me. Bleed? I'm the second best with my control even when I was in the newborn stage.

Alice shook her head in disappoint and Jasper looked at him, trying to read what's on with Edward's emotions to say such a thing. But I didn't have time to stay to figure it out had to leave before Rose's she beast makes her return.

The car ride to Forks High School was silent as ever. The only sound that was coming from the Rose's red BMW convertible was the purr of its engine. There was no idle chit chat, no music, just dead silence.

All eyes were on us when entered the student parking lot and parked it, "Of course we have to pick the damn schedules in the bloody morning." Rose exited the vehicle and slammed the driver side door shut. Oh she's going to regret doing that later. I soon followed suit minus the complaining and door slamming.

And the whispers commence,

"Damn who's the hot blonde?"

"You can have the blonde, I want the brunette."

"Aren't those the new students?"

"If one of them ever needs a ride, they can ride on…"

I tuned out the rest of the annoying humans and followed Rose into the main building. Jeez, after sixty years you think they will change the architectural structure of this school but I guess not.

"Excuse me miss but I'm here to pick up my families schedules." Rose said polity to the grey hair sectary.

"Oh of course and the last names are, dearie?"

"It will be the Cullen's, Hales and Swans." We stood with Rose and Jasper being twins so they stayed as the Hales. I had to go back to my maiden name every time when we start High School because Renesmee and I were always assorted by the humans as being actually sisters. My daughter started to look a bit more like me when she finally hit the body of a seventeen year old girl she still had her father's unruly cropper hair though. We didn't want a repeat of when my daughter first entered High School, stupid questioning humans.

Just as we were about to leave, the Main Office doors swung open revealing a teenager boy in a Forks basketball Leather-man's jacket. I studied boy in front of me, his hair dark brown hair pulled back into a pony tail. His blue eyes sparkly like it found the greatest treasure. He had a baby face that reminded me of someone but I pushed that thought away. And to top it off he sent us what he thinks is his version of a sexy smirk. Oh yeah we got ourselves a jock who thinks just by smirking pussy will just go flying in his direction.

"Hey, so you're the new students." The teenager jock stated looking between me and Rose. No shit Sherlock.

"Yes we are. I'm Bella Swan and this is my sister Rosalie Hale." I informed

"Sisters, you girls don't look alike." He was puzzled. It was true we didn't, expect for our pale skin, our amber eyes and beauty.

"Were adopted, our whole family is. Expect Rosalie's twin brother Jasper and my little sister Renesmee." I added in. I really did not want to talk but this got the question about our family out of the way and the gossiping about my family would make it spread much faster.

"Oh, well I'm Michael Newton. Mike for short." I turned to my sister in horror. Oh god why did Newton had to reproduce. She of course had the same idea and look but quickly composed herself before he suspected anything.

"Maybe I can sho-"

"Oooh Mike!" We were saved from that dreaded question by some cheerful voice, thank the heavens.

We all turned to the source of the voice and I couldn't believe my eyes or my nose when she got closer. There were three different scents coming off her, by what I can tell it was two males and another female.

And just by looking at what she's wearing I believe she does this occasionally. She was in a tight purple halter top which looks like her big size C breast are about to pop out, a mini skit that if she bends over you get a view of her crutch. And I have a funny feeling she lost her panties during her sexually advantages and doesn't mind. Lastly a pair of purple two inch heels that gives her original 5'3 height a look of 5'5, "Lauren, where you been?"

"Ya know around" She said nonchalant.

"Yeah, you have been around alright." Rose mumbled under her breathe, her nose twitching in disgust. I had to stifle my giggles so they wouldn't take notice.

"So who are they?" Lauren said finally taking notice of us.

"They're the new students, Bella and Rosalie. This is Lauren Crowley." Mike introduced us. So Tyler and Lauren did get married, and this their great- something granddaughter.

"We just came to get our families schedule." I told her

"So there are more of you? How nice" She looked us up and down, and gave us a chestnut grin. I had to stop myself from gagging when Lauren's own lustful scent hit my nostrils.

"Yeah, well I was abo-"

"We apologize but we really need to get going," Rose interrupted Mike, "also don't you both have classes to get going soon."

With that said we quickly took our leave.


"Well school is going to be fun." Alice giggled

"Oh, yeah a bag full of fun." You could hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"So when are Jacob and my daughter coming back?" I don't know what made me ask this but I had a feeling something is going on between the two.

I look towards Alice, her eyes glazed over, "Sooner than excepted."

"I thought you can't see the shape-shifters or my daughter."

"I see can't," Alice huffed, "but since living with them I am able to see around them. They just appear as black holes in my visions, now."

"So what were you able to see then?" Well this was news to me, but I needed to stay on point. What's so important for them to miss their honeymoon?

"Well we all were in the Library, minus Esme and Carlisle. The calendar on the wall showed September nine. So that will be three days from now. I couldn't hear anyone speak it was like I was watching a silent movie. Edward got up furies. Then the Library doors open revealing another black hole, I'm assuming its Leah." Alice shared her puzzling vision.

I was confused also, usually in her vision the people are speaking. But this one is full of surprises. The fact whatever Jacob and Renesmee said to us to make Edward mad. In addition why does Leah need to show up? I know Jake can handle his own against my husband because of all that training with Jasper.

That had to be Leah in Alice vision. It couldn't be Seth because he found his imprint thirty years ago and moved in with her. It was hard on Leah to lose her only brother, but my daughter was always there to try and cheer her up. Plus the new shape-shifters down at that reservation won't willingly come on our property.

"Well we got three days until then, and school. Can't wait to found out they're about sudden return." I sighed wishing Alice and more information to give than she did.

"So Alice you heard the tale. Why are you still here?"

She huffed, "You are so mean." she got up to leave but I quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her on to my lap.

"I was kidding." I wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled up against me.

"Your still a meanie head." I could tell she was smiling.