'It has been so long since I've seen my pupil's children. It seems their clans are at war with one another now despite being part of the same village. Then again, there is only one left of the Senju... No, two left. The young Kyuubi vessel.' An elderly man with gray hair thought to himself as he slunk in the dark allies of Konoha's slums.

Dressing in all black, wearing an equally black cloak with a hood covering his head, the man was quite mysterious but enough light shined on his face to show his grey hair and aged face.

He was here as he wanted to pass on his legacy to the other child of prophecy as fate was keeping him alive just for that purpose. Soon as he arrived, he had a distinct feeling that he was being followed, but he could find the one that was following him. Still, he needed to be here and finish his last purpose so he could finally be released from this world.

The first seed he had planted was in a young boy in the Rain years back. But now that boy was heading the Akatsuki, bent on showing the world his power and bringing it peace.

'I should teach the boy a lesson. He knows nothing of the power of the Rinnegan. If he did, he would have not fallen prey to the Uchiha's will and would have succeeded him as the Akatsuki's leader.' The old man thought to himself as his purplish-grey eyes scanned the darkness.

"Where is the boy? He isn't home, but he isn't around here?" He asked himself as he got tired of searching for the young blonde that destiny had fated for him to implanted the last seed of his power.

He found it ironic that the power would be given to the younger brother's family, which he had stated was better suited for bringing peace to the world. But now, he would be permanently putting an end to the possibility of their bloodline to continue as his own would be placed over it.

There was the notion that he could just go out and into the open to find the boy, who was probably enjoying the festivities. It, however, would be too big of a risk as the ninjas there could sense his power and deem him a possible threat to the village, so he had to stay out of sight.

But why exactly where they throwing a festival on this night in October, exactly twenty-two days before Halloween or any other major events he could think of?

Then it hit him. Tonight was the night that the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, defeated the nine tailed fox Madara had sent to destroy their village.

Fate had an odd and cruel sense of humor as this was the very night that he sealed this very seed away, his brother and one of three that possessed the Rinnegan and could pass it to another. His brother was more then willing, unlike their sister, to be sealed away for that purpose and await the person he would grant his power.

Sighing as he continued through the dark allies to avoid detection, there were a few people walking through them as well. What caught his attention was the amount of blood he saw splattered on their clothes.

Narrowing his eyes, he didn't bother with them as it would do best not to draw attention to him and walk towards where he had saw them come from.

What he saw there, was not what he expected.

A young boy, the very one he had been looking for, was covered in blood, his own, and was trembling as the last man stood over him before kicking him. "No good demon! Why did you have to take away everyone I love?!"

Seeing the condition of the boy, he knew there wasn't much time to act and he would have to unveil his power, despite knowing he had been followed.

Raising one hand towards the person who stood over the blonde haired Kyuubi vessel before muttering two words. "Shinra Tensei."

The man was dead soon as he was picked from the ground and slammed through the alley wall and six feet into the ground, shattering almost every single bone in his body and splintering them into his vital organs.

As soon as he acted, the one that had been following him appeared only feet behind him, a wakizashi pointed straight towards the back of his throat. "Hold it right there."

The elderly man only chuckled for a moment before he began to mentally count in his head. As he reached one, he spoke in a very apathetic tone. "And why should I? You cannot do anything to me."

The young man growled before trying to shove the blade forward, only meaning for a shallow cut, however the old man suddenly turned around; his hood falling off to show just how old he was and his grey eyes. Before the young man could react, he suddenly felt himself pushed with unbelievable force by absolutely nothing and slammed into the wall.

But as this happened, the young man turned into a plum of smoke as another appeared ten feet in front of the old man, not even stunned by his almost skeleton like face as his red eyes burned behind his mask. "It seems that you have the ability push and possibly pull objects by using gravity. Not a bad trick and a very effective move."

Seeing his red eyes, the elderly man only chuckled more. "Ah, so you're an Uchiha. No wonder why you would stop me from helping this poor Senju."

Quickly gagging the shock in the young man's eyes, he realized that it wasn't common knowledge that the Kyuubi vessel was a direct descendant of the First Hokage. He knew as he paid extra close attention to his student's families. "Hm, it seems is lineage was kept a secret from him and all those around him. I have to credit the Hokage for a good cover-up."

Regaining his composure, the young Uchiha responded as his Sharingan spun as it focused on the old man, making sure he didn't try anything. "Why are you here and how do you know all this?"

The old man shrugged before turning towards the young blonde and reached into his pocket and dug into it. "I have no time to explain to you. This is my last duty before leaving this world."

As he neared Naruto, the young Uchiha reacted and flew between the old man and the Kyuubi vessel, only to be hit by a gravity push and slammed painfully into the ground.

Lifting the boy's head up like a doll, the elder man flinched as the boy was beaten worse then he thought. Still, the fox inside of him seemed to be doing its job. "Good, it isn't awake. That will make this easier."

Pulling a small seed out of his pocket, he forcefully put it into the young boy's mouth and made him swallow it, assisting him along the way by rubbing his throat.

After a full minute and seeing he was going to keep it down, the old man sighed peacefully as he noticed that the Uchiha was pulling himself out of the crater he had created and crawling towards them. It didn't matter now as he was finished.

Seeing his very own hand beginning to deteriorate in front of him, the old man smiled peacefully. "Use this gift to bring this world peace it deserves, Namikaze Senju Naruto."

In a burst of dust, the elderly man was finally taken to the next world. It swirled around the young Naruto for a moment before fading away.

Having seen all of this from a distance, another old man sighed as he jumped into the alley before picking the young boy up and looking towards the Uchiha. "Itachi, you are dismissed for the rest of the week. Get some rest and forget that this ever happened."

Before the Uchiha could respond, the Sandaime Hokage was gone in a swirl of leaves, heading for the hospital to get Naruto the medical treatment he needed.

"WHY AM I IN THE HOSPITAL AGAIN?!" Naruto's voice sounded through the hospital the next morning as the eight year old boy didn't understand why he was here.

This is also what the Sandaime Hokage of Konoha was greeted to as he opened the door, to see a female medic ninja, failing to pacify the young boy as he tried to find a pair of clothes so he could get out of there.

A large sweat dropped fell from the back of his head as he saw this, but it quickly passed as it was a regular thing as Naruto never did like the hospital. 'Probably too many bad memories of how he got here in the first place.'

It wasn't as if he was constantly sent to the hospital as he was only there once a month, ten of the times during the year were his own doing from his training. The other times, however were always on his birthday and/or a special time in the village and he was caught on his own.

Sighing as he knew how to deal with this and had brought some clothes for Naruto, Sarutobi would have spoken until his eyes met Naruto's.

He dropped the clothes he was carrying as his entire body froze, knowing the eyes all too well. 'So it is... He is a chosen one and a holder of the Rinnegan. But why bring more torment onto the boy? Surely there could be a better to give this power to, could there?'

As he dozed off, the medic left as Naruto went straight for the clothes, just a white t-shirt with an orange spiral and a pair of long blue shorts, and put them on. Soon as they were on, he grabbed the third's attention with his boisterous voice. "Hey old man! Thanks for the clothes!"

"Don't worry about it, Naruto." Sarutobi spoke as if nothing was wrong, knowing the blonde wanting nothing to remind him of what happened. Still, he needed to be informed about the sudden change of his eyes.

Having a decent idea, he decided on an elaborate plan to explain to Naruto about his new eyes and abilities. He also realized that with this sudden change, that the boy would have to have a lot of super vision as there were some factions in Konoha that wanted nothing to do with the boy, both civilian and ninja.

Glad that the majority of the ninja community held the boy in high respect and the majority of civilians mostly ignored the boy, Sarutobi summoned a mirror out of thin air. "Naruto, there is something I must tell you about what happened last night.

The sudden darkening of Naruto's face told the third he didn't want to go over it, but Sarutobi wasn't going to let it stop him. "Naruto, you need to hear this as this is a sudden change in your very own body and can become a great gift if you can use it correctly."

Hearing the gift portion, Naruto was far more interested now although he didn't understand what it had to do with the night before. "What is the gift, old man?"

Chuckling lightly for a moment, the third sighed before shaking his head slightly. "Just after you went unconscious, a man arrived and bestowed his own power onto you after taking care of the last person. What he did, however, is slightly alter your own being so that you would receive a power gift and curse. Naruto, I want you to take a look at your eyes with this mirror. It will help me explain."

Doing as the old man asked, Naruto took the mirror from Sarutobi and gazed into it so he could see his face, only to drop the mirror as he saw his new eyes. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY EYES?!"

As Naruto started to panic, he was calmed down as the third placed his hand onto the boy's shoulder. Once he was down to a reasonable level, Sarutobi continued on with his explanation. "Those eyes are known as the Rinnegan, said to be the most powerful of the three Dōjutsu in this world."

Seeing Naruto's face suddenly light up, knowing about both the Hyuuga's and Uchiha's despite not knowing their clan names, Sarutobi shook his head. "However, there is a curse to the eyes. One who possesses the eyes have the power to change the world. The power gets to their heads and they lose sight and end up changing the world to a darker place."

"It isn't well known, but the dark ages long before shinobi came into being was brought on by the first wielder of the Rinnegan. But it was also the next wielder of it to bring forth the age of shinobi, bringing the world out of darkness." Sarutobi finished, hoping Naruto would understand the impact.

It seemed Naruto did as his eyes widened for a moment before he picked up the mirror, which surprisingly didn't shatter, and looked into it, staring into his new eyes. After a few moments, the third was about to take it away as Naruto's hand tightly clinched.

But before he could, Naruto suddenly gave him the biggest smile he could give. "Don't worry about that old man! I'll only use this power to protect those who I care for because that's my way, believe it!"

It took a few seconds to register, but after it did the third couldn't help but start laughing. He should have never doubted about telling the boy about his new powers. He was so pure of heart that the amount of darkness surrounding him did not matter. He would find the single ray of light and use it to extinguish the darkness.

Calming down, he placed his hand on Naruto's shoulders before leading him to the door. "That's my boy. Now how about I take you out for some ramen to explain some of the new powers you will have."

"I don't think he's qualified as I am to do that." A voice suddenly spoke from within Naruto's mind.

The boy panicked soon as he heard it and screamed out loud. "AHK! SOMEONE'S TALKING INSIDE MY HEAD!"

Sarutobi would have been startled as well but it quickly dawned onto him what the seed must have been. To make sure, he placed his hand on the boy's head and used a jutsu he had help to create by Inoishi's father a long time ago.

Knowing it wasn't the fox demon, he mentally sighed in relief before removing his head. "Naruto, don't panic. I forgot to mention that in order to give this power to you, he had you swallow a seed. That seed while having the power to alter your being slightly also contained an ancient technology forgotten by most."

"The voice inside of your head is known as a TWEE and is an artificial being with super-human intelligence and with the ability to interact with the technology around it. With the limited amount of tech around these days, the latter part isn't too useful but still comes in handy in a pinch. Depending on the age, it might be able to help you with training in your own abilities." Sarutobi finished explaining.

"So I should ask it about my abilities then?" Naruto concluded after carefully listening to the third, a rarity as the boy had a very short attention span.

"Correct. I was designed to help you understand your abilities and teach you how to use them efficiently." The semi robotic tone of the TWEE spoke.

Thinking how cool it was that he could to have someone inside of him to help him with his work in the academy, Naruto was about to speak when the TWEE suddenly responded. "Do not think about using me for a cheat sheet. All I will do is help you with your work, not do it for you."

"AH! HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING?!" Naruto yelled out, catching Sarutobi off guard as he was about to lead Naruto out to get some ramen anyways.

"I'm inside your body and attaching myself to your neural network. I am effectively a part of you now and can hear every single thought with you as long if one of us doesn't cut our communication link." The TWEE stated, sounding a little more human then before, as if his voice was adjusting to make it seem more natural.

As Naruto was attempting to fully comprehend what the TWEE had told him, Sarutobi sighed and shook his head as he placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder once more. "You know you don't have to talk out loud to it. It will make you look... well crazy."

Naruto twitched at this before he gave it a try and thought to the TWEE. 'Why didn't you tell me that I could talk to you inside my head?!'

"It made no difference as I could hear you either way. However, I thought it would be humorous for you to talk out loud to me and gage people's reactions." It responded with what sounded like an amused voice and far more like a human male then before as it completed it human voice adapter.

Seeing Naruto twitch, Sarutobi chuckled as he walked out with Naruto following him. "So does it have a name? I heard from my teachers that they supposedly had names."

'Hey! Do you have a name? It would be inconvenient to call you TWEE all the time.' Naruto thought to it instantly, curious to its name.

The TWEE didn't answer immediately as if it was thinking before it gave an answer. "The full name I was given when created was Zohar Analytical and Galvanization Gadget and Enhanced Retainer."

"I was one of the first created and was a complete accident, so they didn't know what to call me at the time. In fact, they had no clue what I did until they started creating others. But if I was to have a name, it would Zagger to shorten it." It stated as it realized Naruto couldn't comprehend, or even remember, the name it gave him.

'Zagger... Hm, sounds cool.' Naruto commented; kind of liking the ring to it and was seriously glad he didn't have to call him Zohar Anay... Whatever it was.

"Ah, I'm full!" Naruto burped out as he rubbed his abnormally large stomach after eating his ramen.

"Cannot compute... The input of food was far too great... How has the stomach not burst?" Zagger sounding very robotic, not sure how Naruto was able to eat his own body weight in noodles and still be alive. So far all of his scans came back very little information, leaving the TWEE ready to malfunction.

Sarutobi was in the same predicament and groaning that he had to pay for the build. He swore that the boy was an Akimichi just from how he ate even if he knew who the boy's parents were. The boy had a stomach like no other and inhaled the ramen so quickly Teuchi could hardily keep up.

Sighing as he pulled out his wallet, he easily paid for the meal, as he was Hokage and the village was well off meaning he was as well. "Well Naruto, I have to get..."

He noticed Naruto wasn't paying attention to him at all and instead looking out of the ramen stand and looking over to a group of kids, seemingly playing ninja.

"No, I don't want him on my team! He's too slow and can't even hide!" One of the boys said, obviously the leader of his team.

"Well I don't want the fatso on mine either! Every time we play, the team he's on loses!" The other team leader said, pointing to a large kid with swirls on his cheeks and reddish-brown hair.

The said boy's face fell at being called fat once more and was ready just to walk away when one of the girls spoke. "Yeah, let's just play with what we got. It would be more fun that way."

Seeing the look on the boy become further depressed, Naruto decided to act right then and there not being able to handle seeing another being picked on. "HEY! Just who do you think you are not letting him play?!"

Standing besides the large boy, Naruto's Rinnegan shone brightly as small pebbles began to rise in the area.

Zagger instantly was doing scans through Naruto's body to discover the sudden rise in his chakra and power levels as they were off the chart, or at least the chart he currently had, for someone his age. It quickly found the source and decided to scan it, learning instantly what it was.

Wanting to know more, it dived in, leaving Naruto to the current situation outside.

As it did so, another boy walked up with his hair tied in a pineapple pony tail and his hands in his pockets. "And do you guys even know what being a ninja is? It isn't all about how well you can hide and being able to move quickly?"

"It's all about the heart of the ninja! As long as a ninja believes in himself, nothing is impossible! Why you could be talking to the three greatest ninja this village has ever seen right at this very moment!" Picked up where the black haired boy started, Naruto finished his statement as the wooden kunai in the boy's hand suddenly flew out of his and into Naruto's.

From this act alone, all the children were suddenly frightened, not sure how Naruto had did that. They didn't stick around to find out as they ran off, leaving Naruto alone with the large boy and the pineapple.

As they rushed off, the large boy sadly smiled at both of them. "Thank you two... No one has ever stood up for me."

"Don't mention it. I can't stand to see someone be made fun of just because they think something wrong with them." Naruto answered, speaking on his own behalf and about the way he was always treated or ignored by almost everyone he ran into.

The pineapple head nodded his head in agreement. "It isn't right to judge people on their first glance and I know you far better then they do, Chouji. I know you'll make a fine ninja one day."

Chouji suddenly smiled brightly at the black haired kid. "Thanks Shikamaru. I really needed that. And thank you..."

"Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto is the name, the future Hokage!" Naruto answered immediately and with as much enthusiasm he could muster, which was quite a lot.

While Shikamaru gave him a flat stare, Chouji only smiled even more, if that was even possible. "So that's why you said what you did in the end."

"Of course!" Naruto passionately responded, pumping his fist into the air before realizing that the third wasn't around. "Wait, where is the old man?"

"The Hokage went back to his office, Naruto! He told me to tell you he'll see you tomorrow morning!" Teuchi yelled at to him from his stand, smiling as he had watched the entire scene and was quite impressed with the two boys stepping up for the other.

This caught both off guard for a moment as they looked at him, Chouji being the one to speak first. "You know the Hokage?!"

Naruto simply nodded, not seeing what the big deal was. "Yeah, the old man treats me like I'm his grandson or something. I swear he watches over me like a hawk at times and he's there if anything bad happens really quick."

It took the two boys a while to calm down, but once they did, Shikamaru shrugged as the Hokage was a nice man from the few times he met him. "Well, anyways. I was going this direction to look at the clouds, do either of you want to join me?"

"Sure!" Naruto gladly accepted the offer as he rarely was offered to spend time with other kids around his age and both were really nice.

Chouji simply nodded as both he and Naruto followed Shikamaru as he headed for his favorite spot.

As they were walking, Zagger quickly communicated to Naruto as his findings alarmed him. "Naruto, we have something to talk about. Not now, obviously, but in the future we need to explain a few things I've just discovered."

Startled by this sudden outburst, it took a few seconds for Naruto to recover before he gave a mental response, almost saying it out loud. 'Okay, but can you give me a little what it is about?'

"No... This is something startling and I'm not sure how to explain this to you just yet. I'm afraid you might not handle it well." Zagger responded, his voice periodically switching from robotic to human-like, suggesting the TWEE was in a state of distress.

Not sure how to take this, Naruto simply put it in the back of his mind and followed Shikamaru up the stairs of the building.

"Naruto... He's a child of destiny now?" A large man a lot like Chouji responded to the third, who was standing besides him and having told him the whole story as they watched Chouji and Naruto follow Shikamaru.

"Correct, Chouza. What more is that he was also given an ancient technology known as a TWEE. I'm not sure how to take this as it happened so suddenly. ...I would like your help and the help of Inoishi and Shikato in watching Naruto, especially after seeing how your boy and Shikato's hit it off so well with him."

Nodding in understanding, Chouza watched them for a moment longer before turning to Sarutobi. "I'm not one to turn down a request of yours Lord Hokage and I would rather deny my own wife then deny that of one of my best friend's son. And after seeing how he defended my boy, I'm even surer he'll succeed in his goal."

Sarutobi only chucked at Chouza's response before the large man walked towards the stairs, giving him a simple wave. "And I'll talk to Inoishi and Shikato and I'm sure they'll agree to help. Maybe Inoishi can get Ino to talk to him... Lord knows the boy needs to know how to behave around the girls."

Once again, the third could only chuckle at Chouza's response as he walked off. "Too true... Damn. Now I have to go back to work."

Frowning, thinking about just following Naruto for the rest of the day, he sighed before turning to his office and heading in that direction.

How he hated paper work in its entirety.

Jutsu Translation

Shinra Tensei - Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God

A/N: Yes, a new story, even though it isn't too new for me. This was a mix and rework of my first version of Naruto's True Power and Pain before it became the dark story that it is, which will be making it's redebut on my Yahoo! Group soon. It also has some story structure from A Helping Hand and Evangelion Naruto, so some of this might seem a little familiar.

Also, I perfer using Shikato over Shikaku as I always confuse it with Shukaku and have a tendency to change it the latter. With Shikato, that doesn't happen and mostly everyone has a picture of who I'm talking about.

Zagger is not a self insertion, either. He was a character I created a long time ago for my horribly drawn stories years before I came a writer and I chose the name as his stories were the first I ever created and helped me become a writer.