LITD: HOLY EFFING BANANAS! I updated!...*Notices angry glares from readers*...O_O' I'm sooooo sorry, but I do actually have a excuse for once. It all starts off from the author's note from the last chapter that did actually state about that fact that I had exams shortly after I had updated last time. They finished mid-June. I know I should have updated quicker than this, but this is also due to the fact that I had a major writer's block leading up to the start of July then I went to Japan for 16 days...and that is my life story up until now...

Is it just me or is Transformers: War for Cybertron fricking awesome! XD

Now, let's get onto the important stuff.

I would like to thank the following for reviewing the last chapter (I'm going to comment on each one from now on):

teddy – Thanks for the feedback! :) I hope you'll enjoy the rest of it and hopefully I won't be so late in the future.

Standout4Christ – To be honest, I have the same thing going on with my big brother too, but I guess that's just the brother's role in the family. They annoy the hell outta you, but they're loving at the same time...anyhoo, thanks for the review and I'm so sorry for being so late.

Saphireblu987 – Thanks for understanding and I really appreciate your review! I'm just really sorry for being late. I hope your exams went well too.

Kaelyn the Hedgehog – Writer's block suck, simple as. I'm sorry for being so late, but I guess sometimes you can't help it. I hope you enjoyed Johnny Carino's (despite the fact that was a while ago now). Italian food for the win!

2GrayBoys – Thanks for being patient with my slow, annoying self, but now I'm back. I'm sorry for being late and hopefully it won't happen again.

EclipticNight – I liked your phrase at the end of your review, but unfortunately it is true. Life/exams suck, but now that they've passed I can focus on this a lot more (Yay!). Thanks for reviewing and, once again, I'm so sorry for being late.

To sum everything up, I am really sooooo very extremely sorry for updating late (again) and I'm hoping that this will be the last time. Now we can finally start... O.o

Just want to say R.I.P Paul Gray, bassist for Slipknot, who died May 24th so there is a Slipknot song in this as a small tribute to Paul and the ones he left behind. Why are so many musicians dying this year?

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or Slipknot...T_T

Beach Party

Ok, so at the time of being overly excited about the whole beach thing I never realised how hard it was to actually plan an event like this, especially since most of the supplies needed we (consisting of me, Jazz, Sam, Mikaela, Bumblebee and any random that just happened to be off duty at the time) had to get by ourselves...oh well. Got more than enough money, but by the way that things are going I'm going to run dry pretty soon.

Money problems aside, once we gathered enough supplies that could feed a whole army (that was the idea anyway) it was set out on benches that were spread out on the sand located next to the base so that anyone who was off duty could just come over and have what they want. It was just a way to relax for everyone and, in a way, helped me to sort out my organisation skills since Jazz kept disappearing to do his duties of being in charge while Big Bossman was away.

When we finally finished with a few hours to spare, I stood back and surveyed our work. It wasn't anything fancy, but I thought it looked great. Food had been laid out evenly between the tables and banners swayed smoothly with the light breeze. Sounds cheesy, I know, but its the thought that counts.

"Jazz!" I shouted over to the mech's holoform who was leaning against a lone tree that sat next to his bypedal mode.

He looked over to me. "Yo, what's up Rach?"

"What time is my brother's team arriving?"

"6:20pm I think."

I exhaled in frustration at the answer. Sides? ETA?

Just after 6pm. We're not too far out.

That's good. Since it was 4:12 it gave me enough time to get ready. Why?

I let out a smile as I began to stroll towards my apartment. "Just need to make myself presentable for the party." My reply made him send my a confused feeling. "It's a girl thing." I added and continued my walk down the street, humming random songs as I went.

For a girl, getting ready for a party is a vigorous task especially for one like myself who hasn't attended an event like this for a long time. It may be informal, but the majority of the female population still see it as a way to show themselves off...great, now I'm portraying myself to be a slut...

Anyway, it was exactly an hour and a half later when I finally emerged from the building. My face had a light tint of make-up while I had ditched the tom-boy look, for once, for a sky blue dress that stopped at my knees with frilly bit hanging off the end. My hair had been changed from it's plain, straight style into wavy strands that bounced as I walked down the path towards the beach. Since i'm the type of person that never leaves the house without their Ipod, I had, believe it or not, Slipknot blaring into my ears, singing along to one of my personal favourites, Duality.

I push my fingers into my eyes

It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache

But its made of all the things I have to take

Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside

If the pain goes on...

Unfortunately, the walk wasn't long enough to finish the whole song as I entered the area where the part was being held. Sand shifted as I wandered over to the middle table where Jazz and Bee were having an active conversation.

I had finally got up to them when the two were laughing like wild hyenas.

Their bellows were quite amusing that, despite the fact I didn't know what they were talking about, I found myself chuckling along with them. "Did I miss something?"

"Nah." Jazz said once his voice lowered enough to reply. "We're just remembering one of the good old days." He ended with a mournful sigh and both of the mechs' eyes fell, their moods suddenly dropping with them.

Talking about the past is not the best thing right now. Sides suddenly said sombrely, startling me.

After a few moments of an uncomfortable silence, Sides added, this time more characteristically, Better get ready. We'll be there in about five minutes.

I smiled and relayed that to Bee and Jazz who smirked back before going off to do any finishing touches.

Jazz grinned and jogged over to the table that held the sound system. Can't have a party without the music, right? Bee, on the other hand, quickly scanned ground each table to make sure everything was perfect.

Our soldiers deserve nothing but perfection, especially for what they do for us. (A/N This is damn true. Our soldiers deserve to be treated like kings for protecting us in such hostel parts of the world.)

True to his word, vehicles and soldiers alike arrived five minute later as did the family and friends of the men and women who could make it. Then I saw Jack laughing at something Rob had said, his big grin was making me smile with him.

I couldn't stop myself from running up to my brother and almost spearing him to the ground as I hugged him tightly.

It startled him to say the least. "Whoa! Where's the fire?" He exclaimed and returned the hug, rubbing my back in a soothing way...the same way Dad used to.

Everyone said that they were alike...

"You were away too long." I mumbled and pouted at him.

Suddenly, Rob Epps, being the jolly kind of guy that he is, wrapped an arm around Jack's neck. "Aw, come on Rach. You're killing him 'ere. And anyway, where's my hug?" He said like a child. Just typical Epps. I laughed and gave him a hug so that he would stop complaining.

After the greetings were finished, everyone gathered around their own table and began to eat their way through the food that was out. Beers were chugged together and laughter was constantly heard along with the music.

This is how it should be like. I let out a long exhale and I focused on my Coke in my hand. However, it wasn't long until my thoughts were interrupted. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked to see Sideswipe gazing down at me with sad eyes.

"Not to dampen the mood, but we have to keep it in our processors that there is a war going on and unfortunately it won't stay like this." Sometimes I would forget about bond we shared and there would be times where I saw it as an invasion of privacy. Though, in the end I told myself to butt up and shut up because there was nothing I could do about it apart from accept the fact.

"Yeah, but still. I wish things could stay as cheerful as this." I said, gesturing to the party in front of us. We were at the table at the back of the cluster so it was easy to see the proceedings around us. The rest Autobots had gathered at the car park, naturally, and were discussing about things that I know I wouldn't understand. Though I just happened to notice that the moody can of mustard wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where's your brother?" I asked, but in a monotone voice to show that I wasn't exactly concerned about him. It was more of my curiosity that forced me to ask.

Sides rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "I spoke with him about what happened while the rest of us were away. He's an aft, but never usually like this."

"Joy. I must be that annoying to be around these days."

His hands grabbed my shoulders, which forced me to look up at the mech, his eyes seemed more serious than I think I've ever them and this was Sideswipe, one of the least serious mechs you could ever meet. "No, don't be like that." Sides said firmly. "In a way, frustration is Sunny's way of showing his concern."

Despite his effort, it just didn't do it for me, not after the things Sunstreaker said to me. "Sides, he said that I would be better off dead. I really don't think he's concerned about me." I deadpanned as I remembered the hatred in his voice. There was definitely no concern to be heard there.

It surprised me when Sides' holoform began to chuckle. "Trust me. I've been around him all of my life. He's concerned, you've just got to give him a chance."

"That's the thing. I've given Sunny plenty of chances and he still practically spits in my face." It was true when you thought about. I would try to be nice to him and all that walking piece of scrap metal would is turn his back on me...damn, I've been around Ratchet too long.

"Yep, being around the Hatchet will do that to ya." Sides smirked at me, lifting the mood quite a bit. "Speaking of the mech, I need to talk to him about stuff."

"About what?"

"Heh, my elbow joint hasn't been as functional as usual. It's been annoying the frag outta me for a while, but while we were on this mission it got quite bad. I'll be back later." He answered while walking towards the car park and gave me a two fingered salute before turning away from me.

I watched him for a while, but I was so focused on him that I didn't notice someone sneak up behind me.

If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me.

Oooooooooooo, baby please don't go.

My eyes widened when I realised who it was and I could feel my cheek flare up. "Bee!" I squealed in surprise as I spun around to find him laughing to the point where tears were about streaming down his face. I pushed him off of the bench and he fell to the floor, but all that did was put more oil into the flame. His laughing increased, which in turn was making me laugh along with him.

At this point, I was relishing in the fact that laughing is indeed infectious.

The next hour wasn't that eventful, but it wasn't boring either. It mainly consisted of talking about funny events and dancing along to whatever music came on. We were treated, eh hem, to Epps and a few others trying to sing along to a number of songs, the majority being ones that were covered quite badly that people were either laughing or singing along with them...I suspect it was to drown out their severely out of tune voices. It was still a good laugh though.

After the karaoke section was over everything returned to calmer state and I decided to watch the sunset on the bench closest to the sea. It was beautiful and that an understatement.

So tranquil...

Unfortunately, I couldn't admire the hot red sky for long as someone slumped down next to me, shaking the bench with their added weight. Jack said nothing for a while, he just sat there staring out to the ocean as I had been doing for the duration of me sitting where I was, the only sound came from the water brushing up against the sand every so often.

"Rach, can I see your Ipod for a minute?" Jack asked suddenly.

I looked at him suspiciously as my mini alarm bells in my mind were ringing. "Okay." I said slowly with narrowed eyes, handing over my prized possession to my brother.

I knew it was a trap for something.

Two people grabbed me from behind, whooping and laughing as they lifted me. Above my screams I could hear Jack giggling like a girl in the background as I found that Epps and Bee had been the ones kidnap me. Then my eyes darted forward to watch as the ocean got closer and closer.

I guess you can tell what happens next.

With one fling, the boys threw me into the water.

...It was damn cold!

My head emerged from the surface almost immediately after I had entered the body of water. It took a while from my brain to really react to what had just happened to me as I sat there while the boys and anyone who was watching laughed on. To be honest, I started to laugh too, but then I stood up slowly and turned to the closest guy to me. I dashed at Rob and used my body weight to spear him into the water.

"Now I'm not the only one whose wet!" I shouted victoriously as we sat back up.

"COLD!" The soldier squealed.

"Pussy." I smiled sweetly at him when he gave me a glare and jumped up threateningly before advancing on me. I ran from him back onto the beach towards Jack, who was still practically peeing himself with laughter.

When I got behind him I yelled, "Be a good big brother and protect me!" and pushed him into Rob before running away again though this time towards the party.

Now I had two wet boys after me...Please no dirty minds :P

Running through the middle of party while soaking wet while screaming your head off will turn a majority of the heads there, but I never stopped as I ran towards the car park, my shoes squeaked with every bound.

I found Sides grinning like the Cheshire cat, but by now I was used to it. I got behind the red Lamborghini and scanned the area for my pursuers.

"Helpmehelpmehelpmehelpme." I gasped as I tried to catch my breath.

All Sides' holoform did was raise an eyebrow at me, but what worried me was the fact that he had kept his grin on. "And why should I help you?"

"Isn't that your job?" I asked, realising that this wasn't going to go anywhere since the retard was playing dumb.

"Now, since you called me a retard, I'm definitely not going to help you. Besides, its my day off." And with that said, Sides' holoform snapped from existence and my cover decided to rev incredibly loudly, the horn went off and then the car drove away, leaving me looking on stunned.

"You BASTARD!" I shrieked after him, not noticing that Ratchet and a few other Autobots were watching the whole thing play out.

"What was that, young lady?" Ratchet scolded.

I spun at him with wide eyes, my breath still not fully recovered. "Aw, come on Ratchet. You saw what happened."

"That doesn't mean you can use foul language in retaliation."

"That's rich coming from you-AH!" I didn't get the chance to hear the medic's reply to that as once again I had been plucked up by Jack and Rob who were both making evil laughs.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold. Back in the sea you go!" Jack cheered as they continued to carry me kicking and screaming back down to the water.

In my head I could hear Sides snickering at my misfortune. Traitor! That just sent the red twin into hysterics.


Well, today was certainly eventful...and it went swimmingly. I guess that's putting it lightly.

LITD: Well, I know it isn't the best chapter for the amount of time you guys had to wait, but I hope you never thought it was that bad. You probably noticed that they was no Decepticon activity in this chapter since it was more of a heartwarming one, but the next chapter will hold a major twist in it and will definitely have Decepticons in it. Its a major plot-setting chapter so stick around for it.

Please review guys, it shows that people still read this story and will drive me to write quickly. Also, I hope you're all having an awesome Summer! :D Till next time!