Yes! It's a brand new story after temporarily halting(i hope) Just A Fling. It's another story line, which i don't think is used much.(i REALLY hope) but if it is, TELL ME. I really would want to know so i can change it to make it different. Cause who likes to read fanfics that all follow similar plots? i know i don't. Sorry if you find this chapter a little, naggy and draggy, but I tend to write like that at times. Oh and PS, this isn't a story with literal POVs where you'll find the "I felt....", cause i'm really uncomfortable with writing that way.

This story is M for use of vulgar words, promiscuity, usual. don't want to read, Don't. This is warning enough.

Okay I won't banter much more, a disclaimer and the story's next!

Disclaimer: As much as I and the world wants, neither Twilight nor its characters belong to us. We can't even buy the mortals who act as them in the movie. But if it helps to write fanfics to portray them any way we want, even if they STILL don't belong to us. (GOSH this is long)

"Alice,need us to grab you anything? Edward and I are going to the mall to get our hockey equipment!"

Alice snapped out of the blank stare she was giving her half complete art work to holler "Yeah! Grab me some chocolate chip cookies from Stacy's! Thanks!"

" No problem!" The door slammed just the words registered in Alice's mind. Guess Jasper was waiting for an answer before he left. She smiled at the thought that Jasper cared for her,even if it was only as a friend, a sister, or even just his best friend's baby sister. He cared, and she didn't care how much or in what way. She felt that he cared more than her own brother did, always asking if she wanted something if he was going out, letting her hitch a ride to and from school when she could easily have gone with her brother. He never made it seem like a hassle, or appear to think that he would rather her go along with her brother.

It was funny, really. Alice had known him for close to 5 years now, since she was twelve. He had just moved in to the house next to theirs, and was the ideal student. He played hockey, was a straight A student, composed music and played the guitar. He was every girl's dream guy in 7 th grade and had remained that way all this time. But it wasn't until last year that Alice felt anything remotely more than what she would towards an older brother.

She didn't develop feeling for him intentionally, or slowly watch it develop into something more. How was it her fault that she would stroll into the pool area to see him shirtless,with his hair dripping from being in the pool minutes before, strumming his guitar and singing? A love song, no less. She took them all in the past individually. A shirtless Jasper and Edward were rather common, especially after their hockey games. Or if they went swimming, which was when she would see his blond locks dripping. He strummed his guitar almost every week in Edward's room, while Edward would play his keyboard. Alice would watch sometimes, occasionally looking for inspiration for her art. And during this time Jasper would sometimes sing. He and Edward would take turns on vocals, trying to see whose vocal range matched the song better. Those were all fine. Alice took them as they were. After all, it was her brother and his best friend hanging. Nothing wrong with that. What he did, her brother did.

Except that one time her brother wasn't around. He had gone to bring his girlfriend Bella over. And Alice couldn't help but notice the intense emotion in his eyes. Pairing with a stray lock of hair that flopped into his eyes, Alice thought he was just about the cutest,and hottest if it wasn't enough, guy she had ever seen. And when he looked up to see who it was, his warm eyes and crooked smile simply made her heart melt. It was unexpected,but the feeling never left her from that moment on.

At first she would stammer around Jasper, unsure how to keep her new feelings for him under wraps, never wanting him to find out. He probably thought of her as a baby sister anyway, if he knew, it would just make things awkward, and maybe seem a little wrong. Edward didn't want his friends to mess with his baby sister, ever. One relationship with his good buddies Eric turned out horribly wrong and Alice was beaten up by him a few times. It was when she was just fifteen, Eric was seventeen, and she just loved the idea of the bad boy type of guy. When Edward saw her bruises, he took it upon himself to deal with Eric, without inflicting harm on himself. One good plan got Eric a month of suspension and he was kicked off the hockey team. Alice never found out what Edward did to not get any blame for it,to escape unscathed.

After the incident,no matter which friend of Edward's Alice had a crush on, bad boy or not, no matter how hard she pleaded to let her go on a date with his friends, Edward determinedly disallowed it. Once he knew that Alice liked a friend of his, he would tell the friend, and minimize contact with said friend for a month, or until Alice got over it. His plan had yet to actually fail. Alice hoped that, by some stroke of luck, she could be with Jasper. She knew that he would be better than any guy she's met and will ever meet. He wasn't jealous, but protective, and he had loved his girlfriend wholeheartedly. Yes, had. They broke up when Jasper saw his girlfriend Maria screwing some random guy in the car. He didn't quite get over it easily. He had been with Maria for 2 years, and any other girl who threw themselves at him were promptly ignored. But Maria? She screwed any guy she could lay her hands on, and didn't let Jasper find out,until then.

Jasper had come over to the Cullen's more often, written more emotional songs of betrayal in love, thrown himself into hockey with nary a care as to whether or not he got injured, and Alice barely heard him laugh anymore. He picked himself up after a few months of building a wall around himself to sort things out emotionally, and the Jasper Alice had known before was back, more confident than ever, with one difference. He wasn't the sweet, passionate lover anymore. He became, if anything, a playboy. He became like Maria. Everything about him was the same, good grades, fantastic hockey player, talented musician. The one difference, was that he flirted as and when he wanted, and screwed random girls in the back of his car. Sometimes Alice would wistfully wish that he would do that to her too, but no, it was hands off the best friend's sister. And Alice didn't want to throw herself at him for a good fuck like any other slut in the school, she wanted Jasper and her to be together, romantically, not even fuck buddies or anything like that. Sure she wouldn't mind him fucking her brains out, but she wanted Jasper's heart more than she wanted his body? Dumb? Naïve? Maybe, but isn't that what all girls dream for?

Yup! One rather short chapter. Usual aim is to hit 1000 words, and I only just managed. The reason for my using hockey is school's really good at it!

Hope you liked the chapter, but whether you do or not, REVIEW!! i've thought about it, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is ok, as long as it has a point and can be understood,so no gibberish.

Have ONE chapter roughly thought out in my head,but it's going to have to wait for me to write a few more chapters for the story to progress there. BUTTT,it's going to be..M rated. but it's going to be a while