So this story was created for the delightful Clar the Pirate for the ACA Ficathon! It's a multi-chaptered novella of sorts, so I'll try to get a chapter up a day. The story is divided into three parts. Each part has approximately two chapters, four letters, and one short story. Each of the three main characters speaks in a different form of writing. It's quite complex, but I thought you (Clar) would enjoy a story with a little more meat and mystery! I do hope you enjoy!


I wanted to thank you for that Christmas present you got me; those mittens are adorable and they look absolutely perfect with my new kitten hat! Really, Ellie-Bellie, you are an angel; you know just what to get people! Though, I must insist that I deserve some of the credit, too; after all, if I had never eaten lunch with you under that big elm, you wouldn't have anyone to give superb presents to! Ha, ha! I jest, of course, Ellie-Bellie, after all I think it was actually you who sat next to me. Oh, and don't you remember that awful red-haired boy who used to sit in the front row of Oakleigh's? Well, his brother's getting married tomorrow and we're going to the ceremony. Good luck to the bride! I'd hate to have that horrid little rat as my brother-in-law.

Anyway, I am so excited to see you! I have been so busy preparing your room that yesterday I even forgot to eat supper! Yes, I was working that hard! Oh, but don't feel bad, Elsie, really you mustn't. I'm just too excited for you to visit! Really, it's been ages and ages since I last saw you! Papa is also looking forward to visiting your parents; he always enjoys talking to them so.

Speaking of Papa, oh, Elsie, I have something I'm just itching to tell you! Shall I wait until you arrive? No, no, the surprise might be ruined by then. Yes, I must tell you. Are you ready for this? Oh, Elsie, this is too exciting! Listen to this: I think Papa is in love. Eeeee! I can't believe I just wrote these words on paper! Oh, Elsie, don't think me foolish, but it's true; I really think he's in love! He's been working on this mirror for weeks and I think he intends to give it to someone as a present. Oh, I cannot believe Papa has a sweetheart; it is too wonderful! See, your father always said he'd meet someone, and I truly believe it has happened! Oh, miracles do happen! Thank the Lord!

Do write back soon, Elsie; I am so anxious to hear what you think about Papa's secret love and do tell me if you're enjoying that book I got you!

Yours truly,
