Motherly affection
Turtle Tot fiction. Rain brings many things….occasionally danger. So one night, after most of New York has been evacuated from devastating
earthquake-the tots are separated from Splinter-and are aided with something they never knew.
Hello! Yes…I am back. ^^ Sorry….I really have very little time to update, considering I must now use a school computer and Qwerty (That's what I
named the little computer I generally use now) gets…..sick. A lot. : ( Poor Qwerty.
I like saying that word, so please allow me a moment of insanity, perchance? Qwerty, Qwerty, Qwerty. The first six letters on your keyboard. ^^
Anyhoo-after a good bout of chibiness-I do hope to start on my new project: The Broken Doll.
Please be well, everyone. ^^
Quote: "The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men - from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their hearts." ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Hopefully, God wasn't kidding on the whole, "I'll never flood the Earth for forty days and forty nights again," thing.
So thought Mary, wincing slightly as she drew her hand over her eyes as she bustled outside, the red flag of the nearby mailbox standing up.
She had been out here for a good three minutes-and already the poor woman felt she'd much rather be typing-sipping hot chocolate-following
the forecaster's advice and ducking under the chair-anything, but this.
Mary drew her cloak around herself and sighed, shivering slightly as she reached for the now slightly damp mail, abruptly shoving the lid shut
before hastening back to the door. was bad enough Jessica was still at school. She bit her lip nonetheless as she bustled back to the house, wincing as the chilly wind sent
her hair spinning backwards, quickly becoming plastered with the oncoming rain.
Which felt like a sheet of pure ice.
There really was no need to be overly concerned-all the educational facilities in this country were expected to have regulatory Tornado and Fire
As for hurricanes, well....
Gladly reaching the door of her home, she wrenched the door open-with some difficulty-and then shut the door behind her, shaking herself slightly
with a sigh.
Before an enormous THUD echoed from outside, and the mail slid from her hands as she managed a startled cry.