Title: One Awkward Triangle

Chapter: How! (From Heaven to Hell in Two Sentences)

Warning: -Just a reminder- At least 3 Reviews! Thanks to everyone who reviewed my last chapter :) Slash (Male/Male Relationships)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the ideas thought of to make the story. all characters and quotes belong to the BBC!

A.N.: Heyyaa everyone! Sorry, it's been a while since I last updated... To be honest, I don't really have a valid excuse, I've just been reading loads at the moment... Anyway, I hope you like it!

Arthur sat perfectly still, keeping his emotions hidden, but only just.

"Who has been saying these things? They are ridiculous! Merlin, a sorcerer? He can hardly walk in a straight line without falling over something. How could he possibly have magic? and why on earth would I want to be involved romantically with,

1. A man.

and 2. A servant? The idea alone is preposterous!" his father nodded

"I know. However, we must look into the question of him having magic. A group on knights will search his room later today." Arthur nodded "Very well. Who is to lead the search?" he asked politely.

"You, unless you are busy. If so either Sir Leon or Lancelot shall. If you have no further questions, you may go. That is all i wanted to talk to you about." Uther told his son, who nodded

"In that case, good afternoon Father." he said, nodding his head slightly, before leaving the hall.

Oh god... he thought how are we going to get out of this one?