Sorting Hat Capers by Brita*Chica

A/N: This is going to be a collection of small pieces about what could have happened when certain characters from the Harry Potter books put on the sorting hat in their first year. This first piece is an introduction.

Disclaimer: I don't own the sorting hat and I'm not saying that this is what happened. It is just a possibility and this is just Fanfiction so please do not sue me!

Chapter One- Little To Do, Nothing To See.

"Hufflepuff!" I yelled. People cheered, The girl went to sit down and it was over for another year. Sometimes I wish that I hadn't been charmed. It had to be more fun to be a normal hat. One that wasn't able to think. I reckon that they all forget that I think the moment that the sorting's over. I am quite smart you know. I could be used for a number of things. I helped once, to that Harry Potter boy. With Godric's sword. After that it was it. Dumbledoor only talks to me once in a while. Maybe only three times a year. Can you believe that?! I flippin' well can't but it's true. It's true. I go into that office and all I see is that stupid Phoenix wandering around day in day out. I don't even face a window! I felt McGonagall's hands lift me up, ready to take me to the office.

"Let go of me you stupid idiot!" She almost did. Almost dropped me on the floor. I noticed that everyone was staring at me. Well, now that I had an audience I'd give them something to stare at! "Who are you to boss me around." I told McGonagall. "I remember when you were sorted."

A/N: I got the Intro out of the way then. I think I like Rebel Sorting Hat. I'm sorry if this plot has been done before. The next chapter is McGonagall, obviously. Please Review!