Okay so I read this fan fiction once about what if in frostbite on the way to the qualifiers the snow storm really was too much and they had to pull into a hotel, well sadly they never finished theirs (sorry I don't know who to give credit to PM if it was you and I will give you credit) so I thought I would try my hand at it.

Disclaimer: I, sadly, don't own these characters because I am not Richelle Mead (because if was I would never have turned Dimitri) but I have met her and she does seem cool(I had her sign all my books!!)…

And on to the story!

(Sorry I skipped ahead to the part where I can actually get to my story)

"Thanks, coach," I teased, snuggling back into the seat.

"I'm here to help," he replied. His voice was light and relaxed- rare for him he was usually wound up tightly, ready for any attack. He probably figured he was safe inside a Honda- or at least as safe as he could get around me. I wasn't the only one who had trouble ignoring the romantic tension between us.

"You know what would really help?" I asked, not meeting his eyes.


"If you turned off this crap music and put on something that came out after the Berlin Wall went down."

Dimitri laughed. "Your worst class is history, yet somehow, you know everything about Eastern Europe."

"Hey gotta have material for my jokes, comrade."

Still smiling, he turned the radio dial. To a country station. (a/n okay so this is where it really gets into the story)

"My God cowboy!" he laughed again, then the song cut short. I opened my mouth to say something about this music was so crappy it was no longer aloud on the radio, but he held up a hand and shh'ed me. God, its creepy how well he knows me and well it's kinda hot… no bad rose we are trying to make this easy on us not harder.

The news came on over the radio, "attention ladies and gentlemen for your safety we ask everyone to stay inside unless it is absolutely necessary. There is a severe weather watches over all of Montana and in…" he went on to list a bunch of counties including the one we had just left and the one we had just entered, "there is a severe weather warning. Thank you and stay tuned for more updates." A new country song came on. Dimitri swore in Russian, he still refused to teach me. He turned off the radio.

"And you tell me I don't listen." I said trying to make a joke. He just raised an eyebrow. "They said stay tuned…" I let my sentence fade off. He just shook his head. He grabbed his phone and spoke crisp and fast into it. He quickly snapped it shut and cursed again but this time in English. "Shit!" I was about to ask what was wrong when his gripped on the steering wheel tightened and the car swerved.

I heard a blood curling scream it took me a second for me to realize it was me but it didn't matter I was back in time. Back to a time when a different car had swerved and hit a tree and not only to end my life but changed mine and Lisa's. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me pulling me back from the crash, the metal twisted around me and… I felt myself sobbing.

"Shh… shh… Roza, Roza, please Roza look at me." A Russian accent spoke in my ear. "You're here, you're safe. Roza its okay." He repeated this for god knows how long. Finally I stopped sobbing and leaned out of his arms and turned to the window to wipe my eyes dry. "Roza I'm sorry we hit ice… I'm sorry… are you okay?" he sounded seriously concerned.

"Yeah, sorry I was, I… never mind. Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked like he was going to push it but I interrupted him, "I'm fine comrade." I gave him a smile for good measure. He shook his head and looked out the window.

"There is a motel just up the street." He observer and look back at me, "can you make it?"

"Sure thing." I said dreading getting out of the car.

We walked into the motel. It was a shabby run down place but would serve its purpose for us until we could get a new car. Dimitri and I walked up to the front desk there was a girl about my age sitting behind it, I read her name tag, Alyssa Baker, seeing how the motel was called Baker motel I guessed she was the daughter of the owner. The second she saw Dimitri she dropped her Seventeen magazine and gave a big smile, then she saw me and the smile became forced.

"Can we get a room with two beds?" he asked I saw her smile become more real.

"Hold on just one second." She turned to the computer and frowned, "sorry sir we only have one room left and it's a single." The frown stayed on her face and I was just about ready to laugh… then kill her.

Dimitri looked at me shook his head then told her we would take it. What was that head shake about? Would I end up sleeping in my jeans? Would we really share a bed?! These questions taunted me as I walked with Dimitri down the hall to our room.

So???? Love it hate it? Anything I could do better? Let me know! Also at the end of each chapter I will ask a question just leave an answer in the review area so I can see how many people read this. Thanks many!!