Silhouette of Misconceptions

Chapter One

Budding Rivals


"The higher you get on the mountain, the more lonelier you become."

- Chinese Proverb

A major corporation named the Hamasaki Technology Company released a new video game system, which landed a huge success, namely around the teen audience. With the growing success of the technology, Kaiba Corporation, a toy and trading card company, was impressed with the video game system. The board members thought it would be an excellent idea and investment if they worked together with the software company. The CEO of Kaiba Corporation wasn't fond of the idea at first, but with the attention and success that the company was receiving, he took the advice of his colleagues and contacted the CEO of Hamasaki Technology Company. Hiraku Hamasaki, CEO of the software company agreed with the idea, and soon the companies were partners.

The software company provided the latest technology, and the toy company supplied the material. A Duel Monsters video game was in the making, and soon to be released to the public.

To celebrate the partnership and success of the two companies, they held a grand dinner. To Seto Kaiba, it was another social gathering he would rather not go to. To twenty year old Midori Hamasaki, daughter of Hiraku Hamasaki, it was another opportunity to get to know her competitors.

Entering through the doors of the building, Midori found herself in a grand lobby filled with people. The guest were dressed in formal attire, appropriate for the event that was held in the building. She walked on into the reception room, striding along side her father and a butler named Mr Fujiama.

Looking at her father, she smiled proudly at him and whispered, "this is your night..."

Hiraku smiled back and replied, "thank you, sweetheart, but this is also everyone's night, including the workers from Kaiba Corporation."

Hearing the name of the company, Midori sighed and rolled her eyes. She wondered why her father accepted a collaboration with another company in the first place. Kaiba Corporation usually never shared ideas with other companies, but with the recent success of Hamasaki Technology Company, they seemed impressed and respected that in the software company, which was rare of them. Midori's first reaction to the partnership between the companies was utter disgust. It irked her mind every time she thought of it, that she would have foul bouts almost every day. The software company should work alone, and it should always stay that way as long as she lived.

They'll never be on the same level as us... she mused as she inhaled a breath of air.

"Be nice, Midori," firmly stated the CEO. "I want this to be a peaceful night without a smart remark. Please, darling..."

The young woman sighed, nodded in grievance, and muttered, "Yes, father... I'll be on good behavior tonight."

Midori was lead to a group of men and was introduced to them by her father. She then learned that they were Hamasaki Company executives, which she accepted warmly. When she was introduced to the Kaiba Corporation executives, she coldly accepted their acquaintances. A young man in a white tuxedo with a light blue neck tie was in front of the Hamasaki family. Once Hiraku noted the presence of the youth, he turned to look at Midori.

"This is Seto Kaiba, owner and chief executive officer of Kaiba Corporation," introduced Hiraku.

The head of Kaiba Corporation was right in front of Midori. Even though this was their first meeting, she knew for a fact that she was utterly revolted by him. Even though she felt detest, her facial expression was ordinary and calm. She was good at harboring hatred of her opponents. It was extremely useful in past company meetings. If it weren't for that skill, she probably wouldn't be alive and standing in the building with her father.

"A pleasure to meet you and that your work with my father, Mr. Kaiba..." bowed Midori. "But wouldn't working with someone more experienced than you be a bit... challenging for you? Hopefully, you didn't had to catch up at such a fast pace."

She could see the man's eye twitch, but his face still kept the stiff conscience look.

"It wasn't my idea to work with your father in the first place, Miss Hamasaki," began Seto. "I simply just went with the suggestions of my colleagues, since they liked the video game technology your company designed. Are you saying that it's foolish for two companies to come together, even though their level of expertise are different from one another?"

"I do not think you are a fool, but then what's my own humble opinion against thousands of others?"

A hand reached for Midori's, and looking up she saw that it was her father's. Hiraku's face cringed, his brow scrunched up and mouth in a quick frown. His eyes seemed to shout out, "what did I just say?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Hamasaki," said Mr. Fujiama. "You have a phone call, it can't wait."

"Certainly, I'll be there," nodded Hiraku.

Turning, the father gave his daughter a quick glance of warning, giving off an unusual smile and a raised eyebrow. Midori breathed, turning away to look at the fountain.

So much for promises...

"It takes a lot of nerve to say something like that," said Seto.

"I don't regret saying it..." smirked Midori, giving off a small chuckle. "Any offense taken?"

"The worst I could do is end the partnership with your father's company."

She gave off another chuckle. "We would be fine with out you anyways. Your company would just be in the way of our work."

Hearing the dinning bell, she walked to the doors of the dinning hall, leaving Seto behind where he stood. For the rest of the evening at her table, she glanced at Kaiba Corporation executives with much loathing. The one executive who received the most dislike was Seto Kaiba.

Glancing outside of the limousine, Midori saw the lights of the streetlamps glowing in the dark. It gave the outside of the limousine a haunted atmosphere as lights darted from one side of the car to the other.

Looking down at her necklace, she gently lifted the pendent up with her fingers and placed it in the palm of her hand. It was on a gold chain with a golden heart and a chain of diamonds hanging out of the heart with another heart dangling. The necklace was a gift from her mother about two years ago.

Thoughts on her mother and her attendance at the dinner came across her mind. After a few minutes, she realized the aftermath if her mother did came, and she thought of it no more. Her mother should definitely not come, but she wished that things would be different so her mother could be there.

Hiraku then broke the silence. "What is your opinion on Seto Kaiba, Midori?"

Midori thought for a moment, smirked and said, "to say that Seto Kaiba is a fine gentlemen would be a terrible lie... I'll be glad when this collaboration is over."

Author's Note

Hey, everyone in computer land! What's hanging? This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh! fic, so it'll be fun to write for a new fandom and meet new people. I first watched YGO when I was in elementary school, so it was a special treat to travel back in time.

Advice to improve on my writing, comments, questions are happily welcomed in the review. :) And say at least one thing that you liked about the story when you write the review, please! :) ^^ It means a lot to me. :)

If anyone needs to know, the story takes place post-Millennium World. And sorry, Yugi and the rest of the gang might not appear in this fic. If anything changes that, I'll let you know as the story goes on. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Before I retire for the day, all I have to say is... BROOKLYN RAGEEEEE!!! :D