A/N: The final chapter, just added it to join on to the next story (look at the bottom for name and summary). Sorry it took so long guys!

In another dimension...

He fell to the floor, crying out in surprise as the TARDIS jolted suddenly. The TARDIS groaned and wailed inside his head as she crashed through... something. And then they were falling, her lights fading rapidly as he was tossed about the console room like popcorn in a pan.

"Old girl? WHAT IS GOING ON??!" He yelled, clinging on to the console for dear life "I set the coordinates for the Scarlet Galaxy!"

"You and your bloody driving!" She groaned in reply.

There was a loud BOOM as the TARDIS collided with something, and became still, the consoles lights vanishing as he stood up. Damn. Looked like wherever he was, he was going to be there for... a considerable amount of time.

"You idiot!" Came a weak voice from in the corner of his mind.

"Oh. You're all right then?" He thought back, in surprise.

She hesitated a bit before replying "Yes. Stronger second time round."

He grinned at the console, pulling himself of his bum, and up the ramp, to check their coordinates, only to find that the screen wasn't working.

"Going to be here for a while, I'm afraid. That's what comes of not sticking to the time limit. Your lucky I can repair myself this time or you'd be stuck."

He rolled his eyes, before taking her words into consideration.

"Second time round, you say?"

He felt a nod in his mind.

"So... We've been wherever we are now before, eh?"

"Oh yes." She chuckled "Go and take a look outside."

He gave the console a suspicious look, before walking down the ramp, and stepping out of the door. It closed quickly behind him.

He gawped as he looked around and then up at the sky.

A sky that was full of zeppelins.

A/N: And that, my dearies, is the end of that story. I will shortly be starting a story called 'What A Fantastic Life" where the eleventh doctor gets to witness Rose's new life for himself, pretending to be someone else. And finds it hard to leave.

I'd love hear what you thought of this story, and thankyou all for reading and reviewing (hopefully :])