Bond Of Blood

Ch. 12


Days had passed, weeks, months, Zero and Kaname had kept their relationship a secret, though the other students had sensed something, been asking questions, Zero was getting tired of the looks, all the questions, especially from the other male students. He had been trying to ignore it, though it was hard, but every time he was with Kaname, the world would disappear, only they existed, he didn't care about the other students, they could look as much as they pleased, he didn't care. But still, none of them said a word to anybody, and summer vacation was getting closer and closer.

Half a year they had been together, their relationship was getting stronger day by day, even though it had been a long, hard climb. Zero had been stressed, exams was hard on him, his lust for blood had been holding him down, but Kaname had saved him every, single time, letting him drink from him, until he was finally satisfied. He didn't like the fact, that he had to drink the blood of his beloved pureblood, but in order to stay the way he was, to not sink to a Level E vampire, he had to, Kaname would insist, he didn't want to see him like that, he wanted him to become a full vampire, and without Zero's knowing, he was planning on how to do so.

"Get back! It's the last day of school, give them a break already!" Zero yelled, as he pushed some girls from the day class away from the entrance at the night class dorms. Obviously, he knew they wouldn't listen, they were always even more aggressive than usual, when it was the last day of school, they just wanted a glimpse of the night class before going home for the summer, which usually ended up in chaos. Zero would always protect Kaname more than the rest of the night class, he didn't want any of them to touch him, he wanted Kaname to be his, and his alone, but he couldn't tell anyone that, couldn't show them. A glimpse of sorrow appeared in his beautiful eyes of lilac, but only for a moment, for soon, the gate to the dorms opened, and there he was; his Kaname, walking elegantly in front of the other students. Zero watched him, his eyes observed every single move he made, noticed the movements of his soft hair, and finally he let them rest at his face, watching his red eyes, enjoying them. But then, his face turned red, as he watched him come closer, his eyes was looking directly into his. Zero froze, what was he doing? In front of everyone, the day class, the night class. He was coming closer, step by step, until he was right in front of him. Little did Zero know, what was going to happen. Kaname raised his hand, let the slim, cool fingers brush against his cheek, gently running them through his silvery hair, until he let his hand rest in his neck, gently pulling him closer. Zero was frozen, his heart was beating faster and faster, he couldn't resist, he didn't want to resist. He slowly closed his eyes, letting a hand rest upon his chest, as he felt his lips press against his. Ah, the secret was out. The crowd gasped. Neither of them cared.

As Kaname pulled back, he looked into the eyes of his lover, the silver haired teen in front of him, Zero. His eyes was calm, full of love, as he pulled him close to him, listening to the silence around them, no one dared to say anything, they just looked, as Zero pressed his body against the pureblood, burying his face in his hair. The pureblood gently placed a kiss on the pale skin of his lover, before he raised his head, looking at the crowd with cool eyes, before he raised his voice, breaking the silence "Now you know! For half a year, we have been lovers! Our secret is out, but I do not care! I love him, I have loved him for a long time, and now, I claim him as mine! And just as he is mine, I am his, and his only!" The crowd stared, no one knew what to say, neither did Zero. He was blown away by his speech, his passionate words, he was claiming him, and at the same time, giving himself to him. He opened his mouth, wanted to reply, but before he had the chance, Kaname had lifted him from the ground, he was holding him in his strong arms, whispering in his ear, before he ran: "Let's get away, my love!"

The room was dark, clothes were spread on the floor, two naked bodies were on the bed, gently touching each other, letting their slim fingers caress their soft skin. Kaname let his eyes of red rest on the face of his lover, the silver haired teen had his eyes closed, enjoying every single touch from the charming pureblood. "Zero…" Kaname whispered, "If we bite each other at the same time, just tasting each other, we will forever belong to each other… I to you, you to me… You will become a full vampire, unable to become a Level E… We can be together forever…" His voice was soft as silk, his eyes caring, full of love. Just twenty minutes earlier, their bodies had been connected in a passionate act of love, Zero had been crying, scared of what would happen, if they bit each other, scared that it might go wrong. But as soon as Kaname had entered him, he was at peace, the fear had left his body, he was determined to go through with it. He slowly raised his head, let a finger trace the pureblood's soft lips "Make me yours, Kaname… And I will make you mine… There is nothing in the world, that I want more…" His voice was a soft whisper, he meant every word, he wanted nothing more, than to stay with Kaname. The pureblood smiled, as he pulled the beautiful teen closer, gently licking his neck, before piercing his soft, pale skin with his sharp fangs. He heard him gasp, before he felt his fangs in his neck. There they were, drinking from each other, both sighing in delight, before pulling away, pressing their lips against each other, mixing the blood in their mouths.

Kaname pulled the teen closer, as he felt his body start to shake, the final transformation had begun, he knew it hurt, but after a couple of minutes, Zero stayed still. The pureblood held his breath, as he listened to his heartbeat. It went slower, slower, and finally, it stopped. He waited, did it work? Panic almost took over, but then, he heard him gasp, the silver haired teen raised his head, his eyes of lilac were open, just the same as ever, and the pureblood sighed in relief. Zero stared at him for a moment, before he pushed him down on the bed, snuggling close to him, pressing his lips against those of his lover "I am yours now, Kaname…" he whispered, his voice soft and loving. The pureblood smiled, holding the slim body close, as he whispered back, gentle words in his ear: "And I yours, Zero… Now, we will be together forever…"

The End