A/N... I'm not Stephanie... don't own the characters... do love them and writing about them... hope you enjoy reading about them...

Life after the Voturi visit had returned to normal. Well as normal as a houseful of vampires, werewolves, a half-vampire child and various human hangers-on could get.

This afternoon was much like any other, most the members of our extended and highly unusual family were scattered around enjoying their various pursuits. Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett were planning the next big hunting expedition, Esme was pouring over some design catalogues, she had promised Sue Clearwater some help in "modernising" Charlie's place. Sue and Charlie had actually gone away together for the weekend. Rosalie and Alice were designing their winter wardrobes (and I knew they had another makeover in mind for Bella) and also choosing the latest in haute couture for Renesmee.

My favourite little monster was in the middle of the living room opposite a chess board from two enormous brown-skinned young men who were trying to match her already advanced skill. Jacob didn't mind so much, he preferred letting his imprinted one win. Seth, who was usually very easy going however, found it irritating to be thrashed so convincingly and often by someone who wasn't even officially six months old!

Bella was seated behind her daughter and looked to be totally captivated and enjoying the game. I was pretending to be involved with the conversation about the upcoming hunt in the Rockies but my mind was really focused on the way Bella's eyes sparkled as she watched the others.

I tried not to think too much more about how her lips curved invitingly upward, how smooth the skin was as it flowed down her throat to her shoulders. No I couldn't think of those things while we were surrounded by the others, it was hard enough to maintain control without letting my imagination run free.

I turned back to Carlisle trying to engage myself in the hunting plan when I heard a mental summons. "Edward!" The voice that called me wasn't unfamiliar, but it was certainly unusual for me to hear it with my gift.

My gaze flicked back automatically towards my wife, she was still looking at the group in front of her as if nothing different had transpired. I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined it when I saw the edge of her lips curl upwards in a sly smile. "Edward" she called again in a soft tone.

I coughed to disguise my chuckle, I had better play along. Carlisle briefly glanced in my direction but then refocused on his maps. No-one else knew that Bella had been able to shift her shield and allow me into her thoughts, I had kept that information private.

"Edward, I have a problem" the voice floated in my head again, what problem could she have that she would need to tell me now, in this way, I wondered? I raised my eyebrow, she did not show any outward sign of even knowing I was across the room but I could "see" her watching my reaction with her peripheral vision. I wanted to laugh but was tensely awaiting her explanation of the problem.

"Edward," she started again, I inhaled deeply, "My lips have forgotten what yours feel like, I need you to remind me...." her mental tone was amused and teasing. I pressed my mouth together in a tight line, it was very difficult for me to suppress the laughter that threatened to burst forth, yes, that was a problem. I guess I could help with that. She wasn't finished yet, she was now showing me in detail a vivid memory of her lips searching up my neck across my jaw....

Oh have mercy!

My latent desire for her, which was always simmering close to the surface, suddenly hit boiling point! I swallowed hard, this was not fair, but I was far from being annoyed. "Bella." I called, surprised that my voice sounded normal.

She looked up at me with a look of exaggerated surprised innocence, her acting had not improved with her transformation, "yes?"

"Could you help me in the kitchen for a moment?" I asked. "Of course." She replied warmly. Only Carlisle looked up, I noticed a brief flicker of amused suspicion in his thoughts but he returned quickly to his work.

Bella entered the kitchen behind me, I was waiting for her near the pantry door. "You've been practicing!" I accused in a whisper, "I thought you were only going to use your powers for good!"

She crossed the room and reached up to me purring "Oh, I'll be good, I promise!"

My lips crushed hers and I held her close to me trying to suppress the moan building in my chest, the others would hear!

not that they would really object, but we could do without Emmett's comments.

It never ceased to amaze me, how wonderful it felt to have her in my arms, to have her lips moving with mine, it felt like the first time, every time. Small electric jolts were zinging from every place our bodies touched. Her lips moved urgently parting slightly, her tongue tracing my lower lip.

Ahhh she was as good as she had promised!

My breathing sped, my fingers tangled themselves in her hair, she pressed her body hard against me. I broke free from her lips and kissed up her jaw, "Bella, do you have any idea what you do to me?" I breathed in her ear. With an amused glint in her eye, she concentrated hard and I saw a replay from her perspective, I felt the sensation of heat that was sinking through from her skin melting her bones. Her smile broadened and her eyebrows rose in a question. "Yes, something like that you tease!" I chuckled in a whisper. "What am I going to do with you?" Again, the look of exaggerated innocence.

"But how many times have you told me you wished you knew what I was thinking?" she asked laughing, her lips leaving a fiery trail down my throat, "I was just letting you know!" I couldn't disagree with her, even if I had wanted to. She certainly knew how to add a bit of entertainment to the afternoon. It was nice for us to be able to be so carefree after all our troubles in the past. I very much enjoyed her playful little game but we would have to wait until we were really alone to keep playing. She reached up to touch her lips against mine again murmuring against them "mmmm, thanks, I remember now."

I smiled in reply, "Anytime!" I wonder if she realised the easiest way to make me happy was for her to be happy, and I was at this moment very happy to continue making her happy this way.

Reluctantly, I pulled myself away from her embrace, "Well, I suppose we'd better feed the dogs as an excuse for being in here so long," I suggested with a sigh.

"I guess," she shrugged slyly, "I have another suggestion, but I suppose it can wait til later!"

"You are very naughty today Mrs Cullen!" I laughed, patting her behind. I reached to grab a container of pastries. "Lucky I have these I prepared earlier, or I would not be able to salvage your reputation!"

"My reputation was shot when I starting hanging with the freaks at school anyway!" she shot back, still teasing, reaching to run her hand across my chest. A wave of pleasure rippled through me.

I had to get her out of this kitchen before I gave in to temptation totally.

"Later then..." she giggled, grabbing the pastries and dancing out the door, leaving me standing helpless in her wake.

On the night she had finally agreed to marry me, I had called her the "most dangerous creature I have ever met", that certainly applied now more than ever. Until later then....

Please let me know what you think... I have more little one shots... will post if I get feedback... :)