Me: Blame my mind for creating this. This is the last time I watch old TV Shows late at night.
My head…
Who's that?
It's becoming clearer. It sounds familiar.
The name's on the tip of my tongue, but not quite there.
Lan! My eyes shot open as I jumped onto my feet. I turned to my left to see the screen showing my little brother and NetOp. His chocolate brown eyes were filled with a mix of worry and shock for some reason.
"Are you okay, Megaman?" he asked.
"I feel perfectly fine, Lan. Why do you ask?"
Lan pulled a mirror over to the screen. I looked at it and screamed. What in the Pit happened to me?! I'm a Slaggin' blue and cobalt bot! …Where'd I learn those words? Nevermind… The only things that seemed to remain from my old self are my helmet that was now covering my green optics, my backpack, and my symbol; a gold ring with two red blocks separated by two black triangles and a line. I looked closer to see both red blocks had a strange beast-like symbol in them. I looked around my surrounding to see I was in a clearing in a jungle of sorts. I noticed something nearby and walked over to it. It was a smoking container of sorts. I leaned in closer before I feel into the crater it was in. My head hit the control pad on the side of the container. It began to beep and whir.
Two giant gold disks shot out of it, scanning the entire jungle.
The container hissed as the top opened. I heard a yawn before there was the sounds of someone smacking their lips.
"What a great nap!" a voice cheerfully said as the smoke cleared.
My optics widened. Standing before me after it came out of the container was a gold and white fox the size of a horse with TWO tails! It had soft blue eyes and a white muzzle.
"Hello," the fox said, "I'm Maximal TwinFox. Nice to meet you."
"Uh… hello? ACK!"
I fell to my knees as I felt my body burning up and spark.
"What in the Inferno is happening to me?!" I screamed out in pain.
"Oh no! Megaman!" I heard Lan call out.
"It's Energon Overload!" I heard TwinFox gasp, "Hang on! I'll put you in here so you can get a form to negate its harmful radiation!"
I felt something lift me up and put me into the container. The pain and sparking stopped as the lid shut.
"What are you doing out there?"
"Starting the Pod up," I heard TwinFox reply.
The pain returned and I couldn't even release a scream. My whole body felt like it was on fire and melting! Yet, strangely, it felt as if it were being rebuilt and reshaped to better suit something. Not too long, the pain stopped and the top opened. I quickly jumped out and landed on all four.
"How are you?" TwinFox asked.
"Holy cow! Megaman, You're a Megawolf!" Lan gasped.
I looked at myself in the Pod-was that what TwinFox called it?-and saw a cobalt wolf with a blue muzzle, paws, and tail tip. It also had my deep emerald eyes.
"Now the Energon won't effect you!" TwinFox smiled.
"Just where are we?" I asked.
"I'm not sure," TwinFox replied, "I only woke up five minutes ago."
Suddenly, my eyes widen considerably. The smells! Everywhere around me! I could almost taste them, I could trace them, I could easily identify their sources, there where SO MANY of them! I suddenly heard something moving around in the grass. My nose told me it was small, fuzzy, and fresh. I bolted after it.
"Hey! Wait up, Megawolf!" I ignored TwinFox's cry.
I pursued my mystery thing… my prey… before pouncing on it.
Oh, so good! Why did no one ever tell me that rat tasted so delicious?!
"Ew!" two voice cried out.
I turned around to see a disgusted Lan and TwinFox.
"You just ate a rat!" TwinFox stated before running behind a bush to barf.
"RAW!" Lan added before moving away from the screen to barf.
"Tasted good if you ask me."
I suddenly tensed up.
"HIDE!" I cried before tackling TwinFox into the bushes.
We looked out to see a red pterodactyl land near the Pod. Huh? What was a pterodactyl doing here? The next thing it did surprised me more than anything that's happened so far today.
"Terrosaur: TERRORIZE!!!"
The prehistoric avian screeched as it began to reshape and change form. He was now a red and silver robot with his wings on the back and his pterodactyl head on his torso with sky blue optics. He looked in the Pod and I heard him release a stream of curses. I looked to see Lan covered his ears and TwinFox was using his tails as earplugs.
The robot changed back and flew off.
"We're leaving," I said.
TwinFox nodded before following through the jungle.
"…You take one down, pass it around, fifteen shards of Energon on the wall…"
I swear if I hear another verse of that I'll…
"Fifteen shards of…"
OH, THAT IS IT!!!! I pounced on TwinFox.
"You could have just asked," TwinFox, now with bumps, bruises, and bite and claw marks all over him thanks to me, groaned.
"Yeah, well, I've stopped listening to reason the moment I changed into a robot," I replied.
"You weren't made as a robot?" TwinFox asked, having a shocked tone in his voice.
"I was once a NetNavi that went by 'Megaman' and one day, I found this weird golden disk and then I woke up near your Pod as a mechanical being."
"What's a NetNavi? It sounds so cool!"
I stopped and looked at the twin-tailed fox.
"You don't know what a NetNavi is?!"
TwinFox shook his head.
"Lan, explain to our new friend about NetNavis, please," I said, "I'm going out to get more food."
"DON'T BRING BACK ANY RATS!" I heard as I ran off.
Now I knew what dinner was for tonight; Rat and a leaf of water.
(Normal POV)
Megawolf yawned before burping up a rat's leg bone. He then re-ate it and burped again.
"You're disgusting!" Lan and TwinFox said with their tongues out.
"Lan, why don't you go to bed," Megawolf said, "I'm sure the next time you turn the PET on, I'll still be here with TwinFox."
Lan nodded. He waved to the two before the screen vanished. Megawolf sniffed the air.
"Why is it that I smell a giant lizard?" Megawolf asked to himself.
"You smell a giant lizard? Cause I smell a giant rat!" TwinFox said.
Megawolf licked his chops and crouched down to wait for his feast.
"We're not eating it, Megawolf," TwinFox said.
"You're right, WE'RE not eating it," Megawolf agreed, "I'M eating it!"
The bushes shook before a large, TwinFox-sized, gray rat came out on its hind legs.
"HELP!" the rat yelped in a Brooklyn accent before hiding behind TwinFox, "If anyone asks youse two; I ain't 'ere."
A brown and pudding-colored raptor jumped out next.
"Where is that vermin?!" the raptor snarled.
"He's right here," Megawolf replied as he pulled the rat out.
"Traitor!" the rat growled, "Hey, wait! You can talk!?"
"Yeah, I can talk," Megawolf replied after releasing the rat, "So can TwinFox here."
"Hi," TwinFox waved his tails.
"Are you Maximals," the lizard growled, "Or Predacons?"
"Maximals," TwinFox replied.
The two nodded.
"Dinobot: Maximize!" the lizard roared.
The lizard's body slightly split in places as it began to reform. The head attached to his torso. On the lower body, Compartments start to open, attached to the lizard legs were robotic arms and hands, the lizard legs acted as shoulders. When the arms were released, the robotic legs come out. Then his lizard arms attached to the top of the torso by folding behind. From out the torso, popped his head. In appearance, the robotic form of Dinobot was blue with silver on the base of his ankles and on his forearms and pieces of the lizard's scales acted as armor. And finally, the tail detached itself and landed in Dinobot's right hand, opened in half down the middle, and revealed a long sword. He grabbed it with his right hand.
"Rattrap: Maximize!" the rat cried.
He jumped into the air and his whole body split in half, releasing robotic arms and legs, the shell body folded tightly on his back. The tail retracted inside so it wouldn't be in the way and the head attached itself to the robotic chest. Finally, his head popped out of the torso as he landed on his feet, which had claws like real mice had. His head, like the rest of his body, was bronze and silver, his head was completely bronze except for the top of his head which was silver and looked like a brain, his eyes and mouth were red, and in his mouth were two buck teeth, as a result from having the rat form.
"Cool!" TwinFox exclaimed, "Let me try! TwinFox, Maxi…"
Megawolf clamped TwinFox's mouth shut with a paw.
"No," Megawolf ordered, "We should conserve our other forms incase that pterodactyl robot finds us."
"Who?" Rattrap asked.
"A big red bird-like bot," TwinFox said after Megawolf released him.
Suddenly, the four heard a scream.
"Roll-chan!" Megawolf gasped.
"Who?" Rattrap asked.
He didn't get a reply since Megawolf was now dashing off.
"I'm coming, Roll-chan!" Megawolf howled.
The others looked at each other.
"Don't look at me," TwinFox said, "I've only met him today."
The other two went back to being beasts and the three ran after Megawolf.
Megawolf whimpered as he helped a pink and black female robot through the jungle towards the Pod. The female robot was semi-conscious and her jade optics were semi-closed as purple sparks came off her now and then. TwinFox was beside them, helping the femme bot.
"This is where you two got your Beast Modes?" Rattrap asked.
TwinFox nodded.
"Megawolf, Maximize!" Megawolf issued.
He howled before a robotic head came out in the middle of his back between the shoulder pads, his wolf head receded a bit before going forwards at a ninety-degree angle, becoming the torso. His front paws gained thumbs as armor formed on his legs, reshaping them to a more human-like appearance. His backpack came out of his back as he stood up on his legs. He gently picked the sparking robot up and placed her into the Pod. He closed it and activated the Pod's scanners. He went back to Beast Mode as the Pod hissed open once more. He looked inside to see the resting form of a yellow fox with a pink muzzle and black highlights.
"Dinobot, help me get Roll-chan out of there," Megawolf ordered.
Dinobot snarled at Megawolf, who snarled back before biting Dinobot in a certain area.
Rattrap fell over, howling in laughter. Megawolf let go after a few minutes. Dinobot, now following everything Megawolf told him to, made sure the fox was on his back.
"Well, well, well," Rattrap grinned, "A nice and cute femme bot."
"Try to move in on my mate, and I'll eat you alive," Megawolf threatened as he gave off the nastiest glare he had ever release.
Rattrap gulped, shaking in a small yellow puddle.
"You got it, blue bomber," Rattrap saluted nervously, "I won't hit on 'er or anythin,' blue bomber."
"I like the nickname," Megawolf said, smirking and dropping the glare, "Just make sure you don't try anything on Roll-chan, got it?"
Rattrap nodded before deciding to lead.
"I'll take youse guys to da Axalon," Rattrap explained, "Dere, you can go into Robot Mode without worry about Energon Overload."
Megawolf and TwinFox nodded before following the rat and the lizard.
"Sentinel, stand down!" Dinobot ordered as the group approached a large ship on a ledge.
A green energy dome appeared over the ship before vanishing. The four stepped onto a lowered elevator before being raised up into the ship.
A lizard resembling Dinobot began to walk out of the control room when the real Dinobot, Rattrap, Megawolf, and TwinFox came in.
"What in the Inferno are you?" Dinobot snarled.
"You…if you had stayed with Master Megatron!" the fake snarled before tackling Dinobot.
"Whoa! Two Lizard-Lips?! AH! IT'S MY WORST NIGHTMARE COME TRUE!!!!" Rattrap screamed before running off in fright.
Dinobot got up as the other two ran after Rattrap with the fox on Megawolf's back.
"Dinobot: MAXIMIZE!!!"
Dinobot transformed and the fake gulped.
"Transform and fight me!" Dinobot growled.
"I-I can't!" the fake stammered.
"Ah. A clone," Dinobot realized, "Very well. I won't fight such an inferior opponent."
He went back to Beast Mode and the fake slammed him into a wall with his tail.
"Rattrap, where do we put Roll-chan so she can heal from Energon Overload?" Megawolf asked, transformed and holding the fox.
"In here," Rattrap, transformed, replied as he pointed at a bathtub full of silver liquid.
Megawolf nodded before he gently placed the fox into the tub.
"Hey, where's TwinFox?" Rattrap asked.
"EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!" the two heard before TwinFox ran in, "DINOBOT'S GROSSER THAN YOU, BIG WOLF!"
"What did he do?" Megawolf asked.
Dinobot, back in Beast Mode, a large black gorilla, a big brown rhino, and a cheetah as Rattrap and TwinFox came in.
"Whoa," Rattrap said, "Youse two did a number on da place."
"Rattrap, who is that?" the gorilla asked.
"He followed me home, oh Fearless Leader," Rattrap replied, "Can I keep 'im?"
"I'm TwinFox, Mr. Gorilla," TwinFox bowed, "Can I transform yet, or do I have to wait until Roll-chan gets up?"
"I'd say we wait until the femme bot gets up, T2," Rattrap replied.
"So where's this clone?" the rhino asked.
"I'm afraid he has left," Dinobot replied, "Such a shame. He was such a… handsome creature… and quite tasty."
He flicked some meat off his teeth, hitting the gorilla below his eye, before belching.
"EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!" TwinFox gagged.
"You're disgusting," the gorilla stated.
Dinobot grinned.
"Wait. Who is this 'Roll-chan' you speak of?" the rhino asked.
"She's in da CR Tank wit' Megawolf, Rhinox," Rattrap replied, "He bit Chopperface here in da steel bearings."
"Don't remind me, Vermin," Dinobot growled as his tail went between his legs.
"Megawolf?" the gorilla repeated.
"We'll tell youse guys tomorrow," Rattrap sighed.
"Very well," the gorilla agreed, "TwinFox, I want you to spend the night with Cheetor. You'll have to follow him to his room, though."
"Aw man…" the cheetah sighed, "I was hoping to learn who these 'Megawolf' and 'Roll-chan' are."
"I'll tell you all I know about them so far," TwinFox smiled.
"Aw, that'd be stellar!" Cheetor grinned, "Hope you can keep up, TwinFox."
With that, the two ran off.
"Ten rations of Energon that those two are related one way or another," Rhinox said.
The gorilla nodded.
"Just what have we gotten ourselves into now?" the gorilla sighed.
"No idea, Optimus," Rattrap said, "But I know one thing…"
"We're all going to die," all four Maximals in the room said at once.
"See! Now youse guys are agreein' wit me!" Rattrap smiled.
Me: I've decided to do Maximal and Predacon data files in this.
Data File: Megawolf
Alliance: NetNavi and Maximal
Beast Mode: Cobalt Wolf
Combat: 9
Speed: 9
Defense: 7
Intelligence: 8
Instincts: 8