10 ways to annoy Cleon


Me: ok. Chapter done. I don't own Cleon or Tamora pierce…. Wait….

Me: Mum!

Mum: yeah?

Me: do I own Tamora pierce?

Mum: is she that strange lady that you have been keeping in your bedroom chained to your window.

Me: oh yea! Thanks mum

Me: ok. Scrap that. I do not own Cleon or Tamora pierces work but I do own Tamora pierce.

Kel: SO! You did one on Cleon now huh!?

Me: I would be careful what you say Kel….

Kel: why?

Me: I currently have your author locked up in my bed room. And at my say so she would write that you marry….. Ummmmmm…… how about….. Dom. No. Neal? No. I know! Lord Wyldon!

Kel: (face an ashy white) you wouldn't!

Me: I would!

Kel: Ok! Ok! (Backs away slowly)

Me: yay!

Score: perfect 1! Kel 1….000000000000 Alanna: 20000000000

Me: sigh…

Me: notices Kel climbing out of my window with Tamora pierce) what the hell are you doing?!

Kel: noooottthiiinnnggg……

Me: (notices Kel's glaive) gasp! Gurgle….

On with 10 ways to annoy Cleon!!!!!

10.) Being with Kel when he was betrothed….. Tsk tsk!

9.) Set him up with a jousting match with lord Wyldon. Tell him "GODS! You're going to die a virgin! Shall I get Kel to come and fix that for you?!" run. Fast

8.) Start calling him names like "pearl of my heart." And "mirage of delight"

7.) Laugh at him because his betrothed is small and he must bend double to kiss her. Remind him he didn't have to with Kel.

6.) Tell him you brought him a friend his own height.

Bring out a giant.

5.) Tell his betrothed that he was with Kel. Watch the fireworks

4.) Tell his mother that he was with Kel. Watch the fireworks.

3.) Tell Cleon what you told his mother and betrothed

Note: It is advised you do not hang around to watch the fireworks….

2.) Ask him what magic potion he used to turn his eyes grey and is the ugliness an unforseen side affect?

1.) State your theory that Kel loved him because he gave her love potions. That's why she didn't love him when they were separated for ages.