Hi everyone,
I would just like to say I have done some thinking and I will continue this story to the end. Uni doesn't start until the end of september so I will try and get it done by then. Thank you for sticking with me, and I understand if I have lost some readers due to this. This has been a big learning curve for me.
As a response to DisneyVampire's review (which I will have to do publically here as I cannot reply to her message), I just want to say thank you for your comments. You obviously cared a great deal for the story otherwise you wouldn't have bothered with such a long review. I thank you for reading. I would like to say that I had been thinking about this story and as I said in the last update I didn't know what I was going to do, but as a fanfic reader I did feel bad about the idea of leaving it. I have had some lovely messages from people, some of whom I replied to ensuring them I was going to finish the story after some thought.
I see your frustration through the message you sent, and I understand it, but please understand that I did find some of your comments a little unfair. You made it sound like I didn't care...and I do...more than you will ever know. Writing is very new to me and I have found that I love it. I know I have a lot to learn about it (hence going to uni), I was swept up in the excitement of it all when I started posting this story and in hindsight I should have written the story before posting any of the chapters at all. I have lived...I learnt.
This comment, "What you have done here is selfish." hurt like hell! I am not selfish at all. Maybe I am naive, maybe I am a little hasty, but all along I have thought about my readers...tweeking the story as it went along to entice their excitement of the story and I tried to reply in thanks to all my reviewers. Even though only about 10% of my readers actually reviewed. But hey ho, it was nice to know people read anyway.
What I am trying to say is...don't be so quick to judge...pregnancy, work, death and life all get in the way of writing and when you have been out of the story it's really hard to get back in...I am guessing you are not a writer or you would understand this. I know patience is a lot to ask...but please...give me a chance...and time...because I have learnt so much through this and I in no way want to upset the kind people who like my story.
Thank you to everyone and watch this space...the next chapter could (and should) be up back end of next week!
Take care x