My first story. Vile here. Crossover with one of my favourite games Tenchu.



"Demon Talk or Summon"

Demon Thinking or Summon

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Tenchu

Chapter 1 Prologue

Deep in the land a wave in the mountain area there is a cave. In side it a camp or a small house inside. Outside the house is man that is build and is wearing a black gi with chainmail underneath, with arm gauntlets and shin guards. He had a mask over his mouth and a downward scar on his right eye and has silver short hair. The most noticeable feature is that he's carrying a young girl into the house.

There is nothing special about the place. The place is 4 meters in diameter and is styled old Japanese. In the middle of the house is a small fire place.

Once he is inside the place he put the girl in a futon and left the place for the night.

In the morning

The girl began to stir when the sun began beating on her. She woke up and began checking around her surroundings. She noticed that she is wearing a regular white sleeping kimono. The first thing she sees is a girl laying in a futon in bandages and still sleeping. She notices that she is in a small house inside a cave with some holes in the ceiling to let some light through. She got up and went to take a walk outside but is stopped by a man that brought her here sitting next to a camp fire with his back towards her.

"You're finally a wake." He sounded strong and with great authority in his voice, but didn't turn to her.

"Um, where am I and who are you?" The Girl asked sounded scared with a little stutter. (I am not doing the stutter talk)

"You're in one of my safe houses and my name is not important." Still didn't turn to her.

"Why am I here and who am I?" she was about to scratch her head when she noticed her head is wrapped in a bandage.

"Who are you? I don't know. Why you are here. I found you lying in your own blood with that head injury. The damage on your head must have caused amnesia. Why I didn't take you to a hospital. There wasn't one around, so I did the bandaging myself." He's still looking at the fire.

"Who's that girl?" Pointing at the bandaged girl and feeling a little safe after a few answered questions.

"I don't know. All I know is that she is strong. With those kind of wounds at that age should kill her 4 times over and I found her as well. She is most likely left to die. You two were unconscious for about a week. "

"Left to die?" She asked.

"The area I found her had many tracks. They must be adults from the looks of it. They must have hated her so much that they wanted her dead." Still keeping that same strong voice with a hint of disgust but the girl didn't know that.

"You can stay here till your ready to leave. If you need food look in the tool shed. I have missions to do." With that the man just flickered away and disappeared.

The girl didn't know what to do. She could leave but she doesn't know where to go. She has no memory of who she is or where she's from. All she has now is a place in a cave.

She was thinking till she heard a groan from inside the house. She went inside and looked over her to get a closer look and sees that she started squirming in her futon. She started taking in her features. She is a 6 year old girl just like her. She notices that she has short wild blonde hair. She has these adorable looking whiskers on her cheeks. Once she opened her eyes that she saw that were sky blue.

The blonde didn't say anything. She was looking at a girl that is looking down at her with curiousness in her eyes and is still looking down at her. The blonde didn't know what to say she was greeted with red purplish slit eyes, with short wild black hair and her age as well. She didn't know whether to scream or say cool.

"Um. Hi." The blonde just said out of eagerness to end this awkward moment.

"Hi." She is still looking down at her.

"Who are you and where am?" The blonde said wanting to get out of this situation.

"I don't know."

"Not even your name?" She shrugged. "What should I call you?" She shrugged. "Do you know where we are?" She shrugged... again. The blonde sighed after her unanswered questions.

"Well my name is Uzumaki Kiriko." She said as she sat up ignoring the bandages on her and raises her arm to greet this weird cool looking girl.

"Nice to meet you." She said as she shakes Kiriko's hand.

She let go and went out of the house to better check her surroundings and is followed by the blonde who is walking normal who is wearing a sleeping kimono over her bandages as well. The place looked quiet. There is the fire place that she saw that man from before, a small tool shed, a weird looking fireplace that has some tools around it, some shelves that hold some wood and metal, and there is a path that must lead to the exit.

The girl and the blonde went through the path for 10 minutes and came across an open field still inside the cave. The place is large and looks as though that it was made this way. There were many spires and boulders around the place. The cavern had some water coming in and is deep and the same holes on the ceiling of the place that aloud light to come through. There were no more paths.

"Where do we go now miss?" Kiriko said. The girl didn't know where to go but can see that the ceiling aloud light through and decided to climb the walls. Once she place her hands on the cavern walls she noticed that they were moist and slippery, which is impossible to climb up.

"We might as well head back to the house." She said while walking back to the campsite. Once she got there she sat in the place where that man was sitting and Kiriko sat on the edge of wooden floor of the house.

"Were stuck here aren't we." Kiriko said.

"That man probably knows a way out."

"What man."

"Some guy that brought us here when we were injured. He said something about this secret place and some food in the shed. He left to do some mission."

"Is he nice, is he strong, is he cool and what does he look like?" Kiriko trying to get some answers but just received the shrug from the girl she was interrogating. "Why did he help us?" The girl gave another shrug.

They sat there in silence for a couple of hours. Then the inevitable "Why won't you tell me your name?" Kiriko wanted that one question answered when she first met this girl.

"I don't remember." She said looking at the fireplace that wasn't lit.

"We'll I should just give you a name since I don't want to keep on saying you, miss, hey you and all. So what do you like?" She started doing the thinking pose. "How about Kitana, or Shirio, or Nanami, or Miso, or." She didn't get to finish.

"First off, I am still trying to remember who I am. Second, thanks for trying to cheer me up. And lastly, Miso?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My favourite ramen." She said while the girl face faulted after she said that.

"Just give me some time to remember ok." She said while Kiriko nodded.

After a while the two got hungry and went to get some food in the shed and found dry meet. From the look of things the sun started to go down and the two just sat there waiting. That is until the man that brought them here appeared.

"I see you two have gotten comfortable with the place." He said showing the aura of authority two the two girls.

"Why are we here?" Kiriko asked.

"I found you both injured and decided to save you or I could have just left you there to die." He said.

"Yeah but, why are we here?" The no name asked.

"I am looking for new subordinates and you two have just filled in the positions. From what I could tell. Both of you are dead from the world. You two." Points at both Kiriko and the girl. "You were both found dying in your own pool of blood. You are the most likely to not get noticed with no identities. Whatever connections you have in the outside world. Break them. You will have nothing other than each other and your missions." He said

"What missions?" We said in unison.

"I will be training you two to become ninjas. I will teach you how to hide in the shadows, how to kill, when to kill, and where to kill. I will teach you both my personal techniques. After I am finished with your training I will be sending you two out to do missions. Nothing degrading. These will be hard missions from stealing documents to killing runaway ninjas. You two understand why I am doing this right."

"Because I have no memory of who I am." The no name girl said.

"Because people think I am dead." Kiriko said.

"That is right. I will not go easy training you both. We will start tomorrow morning. You." Pointing at the no name girl. "You should give yourself a name. I will not be calling my apprentice you for the rest of your life." He said.

"Ah sure. What should we call you?"

"You can call me sensei or Rikimaru." He said and disappeared.

After all was explained and night has come the girls have decided to call it a day. The Nameless girl went back to her futon. She was lying down and started to drift to sleep until Kiriko was by her side holing her pillow against her chest.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to be alone tonight." She sighed and scooter over and Kiriko got in and got herself comfortable.

"Have you picked a name or you can't remember." Kiriko said lying down.

The girl didn't know what to call herself. She can't remember her name or her life. She started giving up on her previous life. Her new life is to become a trained ninja to do missions without question. Kill people that you are hired to kill. This is her new life along with Kiriko now.

"Kagura." She said out of the blue.

"What." Kiriko said sounded sleepy.

"My name is Kagura."

To be continued

Well there you have it. Ja ne.