Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, I own didly squat blah blah blah

A/N: Sorry about the cliff hanger in the last chapter but this one is going to be a lemon and I wanted it to be really good so please forgive me

RECAP: He took a shaky hand and took the small box and held it front of Ed and opened it. "Marry me Ed, please." He practically begged and Ed's eyes widened in surprise. "Roy...."

Ed looked at him with what looked like disbeleif for a moment then practically threw himself at Roy. "Mustang you idiot of course I'll marry you." He said with a smile before presing his lips to Roy's. Releif flooded through Roy and he deepened the kiss, his tongue tracing Ed's lips silently asking for entrance and he groaned when Ed opened his mouth. He reveled in the taste in the unique taste of Ed, he tasted like mint, citrus, and ginger and he couldn't get enough of it. They seperated reluctantly for air and Roy slipped the ring onto Ed's finger and he felt as if it was the first time they had confessed their love for eachother. "I love you." Ed said softly and began to run his fingers through Roy's hair. "Love you too Edo." He replied and their lips touched again. Slowly their kisses had gone from sweet and chaste to needy and passionate.

Roy picked up Ed and carried him upstairs to his bedroom and laid him down on the bed and quickly covered his body with his own, trailing kisses from his jaw down to where his neck met his shoulder. He sat up on his knees, pulling Ed up with him and rid them both of their shirts and Ed bagan kissing down his chest and stomach. He was almost down to his waist band when Roy stopped him shaking his head. "Nuh-uh, tonight's about you." He said breathing heavily and laid them both back down and brought his mouth down to Ed's nipple. Ed threw his head back and moaned loudly and Roy smirked and moved to pay attention to it's twin and he felt Ed entwine his fingers into his hair.

Supporting his weight with one arm, Roy snaked his hand down Ed's stomach and into his pants, gently gripping his hardened length and began to stroke him. "Oh god Roy." Ed breathed out and moved hips in time with Roy's hand, and Roy began kissing his way down his washboard stomach until he reached the waistband of his pants. He stopped breifly and Ed voiced his protests until he realized that Roy was pulling his pants off of him and himself then he laid back down until his head was nestled in between Ed's thighs and began to gently stroke him again before running the tip of his tongue over the head. Ed moaned out his name and buried his fingers into Roy's hair and did his best not to buck his hips when he felt him take his length into his mouth. Roy reveled in the sound of his lovers moans, gasps and mewls as he bobbed his head up and down his shaft, doing his best to take him to his release.

He lifted his head off of Ed's manhood and slipped his fingers into mouth, coating them with his saliva. he then resumed his position and looked up at Ed. "Ready?" He asked and Ed only nodded in response, his mind too fuzzy to really come up with words. He smiled softly and slipped Ed's shaft into his mouth once again and after a few moments he slipped one of his moistened fingers inside him and he made a hiss of discomfort. He lifted his mouth from him and made his way up to Ed's mouth. "You ok?" He asked concern in his eyes. "Yeah it just feels weird." He replied, wincing a bit as Roy moved his finger inside of him. "Do you want me stop?" He asked just as his finger brushed against his prostate. "Oh god! No don't stop, do that again!" Ed gasped out and Roy did as he was told and then let out a surprised moan as Ed grabbed his manhood and began pumping his hand up and down his shaft. "Ed...ugh" He groaned out and moved his hips in rythm with Ed's hand and slipped another finger inside of him, causing him to grab the back of Roy's head and pulled him roughly to his mouth for a needy kiss.

Roy moaned into Ed's mouth before moving his kisses along his jaw and tried to distract himself from how close he was to his release. He wanted Ed to come first and slipped another finger inside him and pressed a bit harder against his prostate and Ed moved his hand up and down his length more urgently as his breathing sped up. After a few more moments Ed cried out Roy's name and emptied his seed all over Roy and the sheets. Soon after Roy came in the same fashion and he collapsed on top of Ed trying to control his breathing. After a few minutes he supported himself on his forearms and looked down at Ed, who had a silly grin on his face. "Wow." Ed whispered and Roy nodded with a smile and bent down to kiss him. "Was it everything you expected?" He asked when they seperated and Ed shook his head. "Nope it was way better." He answered with a smile and pulled him down for another kiss.

They pulled apart for air, they looked around and then at one another and laughed. "We should probably get cleaned up." Roy suggested and stood up, taking Ed with him. "Sounds good." Ed agreed and eyed Roy suggestively. "Well your faith in my stamina is appreciated, but I think it's best if we take our time." He said and began to gather the stained sheets and threw them into the laundry basket. Ed made his way to the bathroom with Roy on his heels and turned on the water. "I think some of it got in my hair. I can't beleive I just said that, I sounded like a girl." Ed complained and Roy laughed. "Come on the water 's ready." He said and stepped into the shower with Ed following suit. He handed Ed the shampoo, but he had handed it back to him. "I want you to do it." He explained when Roy gave him a confused look. Roy grinned and took the bottle and emptied some of the shampoo into his hand and massaged it into Ed's hair. He sighed softly and leaned into Roy's chest as his fingers lightly scratched over his scalp.

When he was done he stood underneath the water until all the smampoo had been rinsed away. When he turned around, Roy held a washcloth and some soap and pulled him closer. Ed smiled and let him wash his body, closing his eyes he moaned softly as the cloth made it's way over his skin and made the familiar heat of his arousal pool in his belly. Roy smiled at the way he affected him with such a simple gesture and had to admit that it was making him quite aroused as well. When Ed was all washed and rinsed, he took the cloth from Roy and mimicked the strokes that he had used just moments before. He washed his arms and shoulders first, then he moved to his chest and belly before descending to wash his legs and moved slowly up until he had reached his manhood and took great care in cleaning him before he turned him around and washed his back. By the time they were done they were both ready to have another round of love making. They got out and dried eachother off and headed back to Roy's bedroom and replaced the sheets.

They laid down with Roy on top of Ed and he lowered himself down to kiss him. "Are you ready?" Roy asked when they parted for air. Ed nodded and leaned up to kiss him. When they separated, Roy leaned over to the nightstand and got some lube out of the drawer. "Ok, now I want you to relax, it'll hurt less." Roy instructed as he rubbed some of the lube on himself and Ed. "Ok I'll try." He replied and took a deep breath. When Ed gave him the go ahead, he began to slowly slide himself inside of him and gasped. He was so tight that it almost hurt and Roy had to grip the sheets near Ed's head as he tried to suppress the urge to slam himself into the younger man. Ed however was having a different reaction, he gripped Roy's forearms as if his life depended on it. The pain was almost overwhelming, he felt like he was being torn in half and felt tears welling in his eyes. Roy saw this and bent his head to kiss him and whispered words of encouragement while he shifted his hips and hit his prostate.

Ed let out a shaky moan and Roy pressed in a bit further until he was buried to the hilt, then pulled himself out almost all the way and slid himself back in, trying to keep it a slow pace until Ed was used to the feeling. He knew it was safe to speed up when Ed tried moving with his thrusts. As he began to gain speed Ed threw his head back into the pillow moaning out his name. Eager to please, Roy began thrusting faster, Ed's screams of delight encouraging him to become more vicious with his movements. He wrapped a hand around Ed's manhood and began to pump in time with his thrusts, which caused Ed to cry out and arch his back and Roy grinned at the wanton sight. Ed felt as if he was on cloud 9 Roy knew exactly when, where, and how to touch him and it drove him near insanity with need for the man above him. He was getting really close and Roy seemed to sense this and sped up even more, and within a couple minutes he came, much in the same fashion as earlier and soon after Roy had come inside him.

For a minute they just lay there, willing their hearts to go back to normal. When Roy finally regained his breath he got up and went into the bathroom, when he came back he had a washcloth in his hand and began washing his and Ed's bodies. Thankfully this time his sheets had been spared. "Are you ok?" Roy asked when he laid back down next to him. "I'm ok, just kinda sore." He answered with a yawn and pulled Roy closer to him. "Love you." Ed said, fatigue tingeing his voice as he let out another yawn. Roy smiled then yawned as well, wrapping his arms around his fiancee'. "Love you too." He replied and they drifted off to sleep, smiles etched into their faces.

A/N: Oh my gosh!! It's finally done and I must say I'm very proud of myself, it looks pretty good for my first yaoi ^_^ anyways please review and let me know what you think bye! ::waves::