Disclaimer: as much as I'd like to, I don't own Ed, or Roy, or anyone else in this awesome series

A/N: This is my first yaoi so I'm kinda out of my element, so please be gentle!b

'Ahh, it's finally here.' Ed thought to him self as he grabbed his books and headed out the door. As he walked to the library, he recalled the events of that morning. "Happy birthday Ed!!" Al greeted cheerfully as he set down breakfast for himself and Ed. "Thanks Al, but you really didn't need to make all this just for me." He replied as he eyed the large spread that Ed guessed would probably last them another few days. When he didn't get a reply back Ed looked up to see him eating as enthusiastically as the day he was returned to his body.

Ed couldn't help but smile at the sight, he could remember all the talks they had about what they would do when they were finally normal again. Ed was 16 at the time when they had finally achieved their goal. The very minute Al had opened his eyes, Ed had all but thrown himself at his brother and they just held on to one another, crying tears of joy. Sometimes Ed was afraid that he would wake up to find things the same way they were when they had been searching for the philosophers' stone. But it was real, no dream he ever had was ever this blissful.

About two weeks after that, he had decided that he would tell Roy that he was in love with him. In all honesty, Ed didn't know exactly when he had fallen for the colonel. At first it was mere admiration, which had slowly turned into a crush, and then one day he found that he had fallen for him. He was so nervous that day; he kept fidgeting on the black leather couch in Roy's office while he looked over Ed's report. After he had put the papers down, he looked over at the teen. "What's wrong with you Full metal?" Roy asked, locking his eyes with Ed's. "Well uh, I j-just wanted to um tell you that I-I…" He started but then he clammed up when Roy had gotten closer to hear him. "Well what?" Roy asked, his voice tinged with curiosity. "MustangI'minlovewithyouandIwanttobewithyou!" Ed blurted out and Roy's eyes widened with shock as he looked down at the 16 year old.

There was silence and Ed's face was as red as his coat. He just wanted to get out of there; he didn't know why he ever thought that Roy would ever feel the same way. "I'm sorry, forget I said anything." He said as he turned towards the door when he felt his arm being grabbed and then yanked into Roy's arms. "I love you too Edward." Roy said as he buried his face into Ed's hair. It took him a moment to register the words, but once he realized he wasn't imagining things, Ed wrapped his arms around Roy and smiled into his chest, inhaling his unique scent of cologne and firewood. Then he felt the soft pressure of Roy's fingers under his chin lifting his head up to touch his lips with to the flame alchemists'. It was soft and lingering and it left his legs feeling like jelly. When they separated, Roy planted a soft kiss on his forehead and then tucked Ed's head under his chin.

"We'll have to be careful you know. No one can know until you're of age." He said and Ed pulled away slightly. "Well I could've told you that Mustang; I'm not an idiot you know." He replied, causing Roy to chuckle. Since that day, they had been seeing each other and it felt like pure bliss to Ed. The only person that knew about their relationship was Al, who thankfully had no objections to it; it almost seemed as if he was expecting it. But then again, his younger brother had always been very insightful when it came to Ed's feelings.

"Brother, aren't you going to eat?" Al said and Ed snapped back into reality. "Yeah sorry Al, I was just thinking." He replied and dug into his food.

He had finally made it to the library, only to discover that it was closed. "Oh yeah I forgot, it's Sunday." He said with a sigh, his mood turning down a bit. "Oh well, I guess I'll just go visit Roy." He mused with a grin and made his way down the next few blocks, intent on seeing his lovers face.

Well, let me know what you think I'll get another chapter up as soon as I can ^_^ please review!!