AN:So here is MY first published Mer/Add fic of many! I hope you like it :)
Disclaimer: Grey's Antomy and Meredith and Addison so not mine (though if i owned Addison well... JOKING)
Dedication:For Elle (xoxEllexox) Who is so the coolest person for dedicating her GREAT new fic to me and two other (obviously) awesome people :) :)

Summary: Addison and Meredith knew each other for a long time before they met at Seattle Grace Hospital.

They shared something. A lifetiem ago they shared something. Freindship, love, dreams... pain.

It's all in the past, but what happens when their secret catches up with them?

When I Fall

Chapter One - Things Are Gonna Be Different Baby

Addison walked towards the familiar building; she wasn't quite sure where she'd find him but the lobby seemed a good place to start.

Checking she looked presentable, she walked into Seattle Grace Hospital looking for her husband.

She barely heard the conversation her husband was having as she walked in looking high class in her black coat, compared to the scrubs of the doctors and nurses scattered through out the sweeping lobby.

"I think I like this rules thing."

"Me too." That was his voice.

She stopped walking and saw her husband helping a woman fix her coat. That must be the intern he'd been sleeping with.

Her husband bent down and picked up a bag, and as he turned around about to leave, his eyes found hers. He stared at her a second and she looked back before taking a breath and walking forward in confidence.

As she walked he turned to the woman next to him, "Meredith, I am so sorry."

The woman, Meredith, looked at him slightly confused, but then followed his gaze to Addison.

Addison looked at her and stoped walking.



"Oh my God. Sweetheart, it's you!" Smiled Addison taking Meredith into a hug,

Meredith hugged back, a grin on her face, "I can't believe this," She pressed her lips to Addison's cheek, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Seattle?"

"I didn't know you were here." Laughed Addie, squeezing Meredith before pulling back, their arms still around each other, "You're wearing scrubs of your own now!" She grinned,

Meredith laughed, "No, these are your old scrubs, the one's you gave me when we moved."

"God, you still wear them?"

Meredith just nodded, grinning stupidly with Addison when she noticed Derek staring at them with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh right," She said, letting go of Addison and taking her hand, walking them closer to Derek. "Derek, this is-"

"Addison." Derek finished, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, you'd know if you'd bothered to return any one of my phone calls." Addison replied coolly. She turned to Meredith, "So not only are you an intern, you're the intern my husband's been sleeping with."

"Husband?" Meredith said weakly, looking from Addison to Derek.

She took two steps back and turned back to Addison, "Oh God, Addie… H-husband?"

Addison led Meredith to a chair, "Shshhhshhh." She soothed, "It's okay, you didn't know, you haven't got anything to worry about, okay?"

"Meredith…" said Derek, walking forward.

"Derek back off." Murmured Addison, "Mere? Sweetie, do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

Meredith shook her head, "No, I got… Roommates and-"

"Okay, how about you stay at my hotel then? Come on." She helped Meredith up and started to lead her out of the building.

"Wait, Meredith."

Meredith turned and slapped Derek across the face. He recoiled back holding a hand to the bright red print on his cheek.

"Ok, I deserved that."

Meredith then punched him in the face and yelled, "When the hell were you going to tell me you have a wife?!" And she stormed out of the hospital, Addison closely behind her.

"I'll drive." Addison said taking the keys from Meredith's hand.

Once in the car Addison turned to Meredith, "Mere? Look at me."

Meredith looked up, tears in her eyes.

"Oh Baby," Murmured Addie, wiping the tears away and brushing Meredith hair back, "Don't cry. Shh, don't cry baby."

Caressing her cheek, Addison lent forward and brushed her lips softly over Meredith's. Meredith clung to Addison and kissed her deeply.

"Addison," moaned Meredith, "I've missed you, Addie."

Addison pulled back but lent her forehead against Meredith's, looking deeply into the other woman's eyes.

"I've missed you too, Baby."


Well? What do you think? Love it? Hate it? Think I Should continue? I have a great plan for Addie and Mere's past...

BTW can people please tell me when i write OOC (though this fic will have quite a different behaviour for Mer/Add when they're around each other :P)