Allen walker smiled as he looked out of his window to enjoy the warm luminescent glow of the sunrise. For once his left eye hadn't activated in the middle of the night and he was able to have a good night's rest, although one question hung in his head

'Why have I've been dreaming of Mana now a days?'

A soft smile slowly wiped its way across Allen's face as he remembered his stepfather. He slightly stroked the left side of his face then jumped out of his bed to get ready for the day.

Why was it that after just coming back from a painfully, hard not to mention risky mission Leverierr wanted to have an 'important' discussion with him and a few other exorcists? As soon as Allen remembered Leverierr he felt anger and annoyance wash over him.

The man always made him sick and pissed off. He always demeaned him as a failed experiment of something and h should no regard to other exorcists as if the y were nothing but mere tools on a chessboard. He hated.

He paused trying and thinking about why he couldn't wash the dark feeling that now washed over him just from thinking about the man. If he stayed this way the whole day would be ruined. A deep sigh was released as well as his clenched fists then he jumped up to grab one of his shirts. Before he put it on he stared at the long Scar streaming along his chest. It was another scar, he kept telling himself despite feeling dread drown him at the thought of it being caused by his innocence. It was scary to think of why he was hurt.

Allen continued to stare at the scar nervously before he finally ripped his gaze away buttoning his shirt and ran straight out the door into the dark orders corridors. He noticed a familiar face closed to him with a shocked expression just like him but before He could stop himself there was a slam course collision. He ended up head butting straight into Kanda .

'Of all people why Kanda.'

"Moyashi" Kanda hissed in his dark and annoyed voice. Allen couldn't help but retaliate like he normally did almost everyday. To him it was beginning to become like a reflex.

"My name is Allen, BaKanda".

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want Moyashi"

"Are you to retarded to understand a simple language, or are you programmed to only understand your Stupidity"

"You guys stop fighting!" Both teens scowled when Lenalee appeared jumped in from her giggling to prevent the boys from starting a fight

"Allen-kun, next time you walk out a door make sure you don't head butt someone". Kanda continued to mumble something at Allen when Lenalee immediately cut him off again.

"Let's get going before we get late for the meeting".

Allen shot up. He completely forgot about that.

"Oh yeah. Let's get going then" He regarded completely ignoring the pissed teen who was still on the floor. As he gave his warm signature smile to the group he started walking in the direction of the cafeteria.

Lavi stretched his hand out mockingly to Kanda but he was ignored as Kanda pulled himself off the marble floor. Lenalee just smiled as she and the others began to follow after Allen. Before they knew it Lavi started babbling about what he thought the meeting would be about but only Lenalee really listened as Kanda continued to ignore, Allen on the other hand was only involving himself into the conversation when his name was called, he was in his own little world just remembering some memories of his childhood with his stepfather.


Allen snapped out his daydreaming and turned his head to Lenalee who he noticed was looking with what seemed like fear and panic across her normally warm and comforting features. He then noticed the shocked expressions on Lavi's and Kanda's faces staring at his direction. Allen then turned his head all the way around in hope to see what they were staring at but there was nobody and nothing was in front of him. He then looked back at his friends with a confused expression written across his face.

"What, you see a ghost?" Allen asked curiously yet unsure. Everyone paused with an uncomfortable silence for Allen till Lavi burst out laughing. Kanda forced a smirk as he growled and muttered more curses under his breath while Lenalee smiled nervously.

"We were testing if you could hear us because you got so silent" Lenalee reported while still smiling. Allen face straight away changed into a embarrassed smile.

"S-Sorry" he whispered whilst he hung his head in shame and pure embarrassment. Lavi was still laughing his head off till he began to choke.

"Don't worry about it Allen, you go ahead and we'll catch up with you at the meeting."

Allen stared at Lavi who began to look suspicious that he couldn't help but feel curious about why they wanted to stay behind.

"Why should I go ahead? What are you planning?" Lenalee jumped with her nervous smile while she tried her best to hide her constant shivering and stuttering. Kanda stared at Lavi and Lenalee before taking in a deep annoyed sigh.

"The idiots want to plan a present for you and they don't want you know what the present is, cause they want it to be a surprise". Allen gave Lavi and Lenalee a taken back look as Lenalee stared at Kanda in confusion and an expression that looked like a relieved look.

"Our Secret is out. Thanks a lot Kanda. "Allen gave one more curious glance before he turned around and began to walk down the corridors in the direction the meeting was being held, he turned his head one last time to smile at the small continuing sheepishly smiled and began to walk down the hallway quickly yet calm.

"It's your fault if you late .You don't to have trouble in the morning." When he reached the end of the corridor he stopped before smiling again childishly. "And you don't have to get me a present. I don't even know why I ever deserve one". After saying that he made a right turn and began to run down the corridor a lot faster with a warm smile on his face

'Maybe this day could just be another relaxing day'

He came to a sudden halt as he took to steps back to look at one of the windows on the ceiling. He observed the reflection uncertain of what he was there until he realized what he was seeing. An audible gasp was heard as panic struck him as he saw his own


Lenalee waited for Allen to be out of sight before she finally let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding. Her fingers clenched into her palm with sheer force that she could feel her nails stab into her smooth skin. After she took another deep breath in she slowly spun around hesitantly to face Kanda and Lavi. Lavi's smug, chipper expression that he had been showing Allen was replaced with a serious and uncomfortable face as Kanda's face just looked too shocked and confused for words.

"You all saw that correct" Lenalee opened her mouth with fear in her voice as she tried to find words to say. She finally managed to summon her voice but as she did she trembled with anxiety.

Was that really…Allen-kun?"

Allen froze as he stared at his Dark counterpart in the mirror.

His eyes started to water as his vision began to turn red.

"Is That Me?"

My first Chapter

Plz Review or comment

Critism is welcome thanks for reading

Also What would Happen if Ichigo Kurosaki and Allen Walker were to meet in school and Allen thought he was an Akuma?

I asked my mate and she answered that the school would be destroyed while all the students and other exorcists would think that the two people were mad and insanely powerful to destroy the school.

?Lol? Plz tel me what you think

Next Chapter Falling to darkness


Allen Continued to stare at his reflection calmly as confusion ran through him. He felt tears fall down his cheek as well but as he wiped the tears away he knew straight away that they werent just tears. His voice was firm with hints of sorrow latched through that he felt like he was going to choke from the feeling.

"It's to soon"

Chapter 2: Confronting the darkness