
Dared to Soar



Naruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto

A/N: This chapter contains graphical descriptions of sexual scenes, so those of you who are not eager to read this sort of things feel free to skip this chapter, otherwise read on your own responsibility XD Enjoy your reading! Awww and a big Thanks to all of the reviewers, I love you guys 3

Warning: LEMON!

The house was smaller: the ceiling was nearer. Heaven and earth, even to the remotest star, were closing in to crush it. Outside, the wind shrieked around it, the rain pelted the windows and the water dripped across the windowpanes and drifted down across trees whose leaves looked suspiciously rouged. The autumn rain caste its own eerie spell, the house creaking and rattling from the force of the wind and crimson leaves dancing around the veil of the morning mist that had engulfed the whole valley.

Madara pulled a small teapot out of a cupboard and scooped some jasmine tea leaves from a bamboo box into a metal tea ball. Sakura watched his slow, deliberate movements as she stood still and quiet in the doorway, wanting a moment before she had to talk to him. He seemed so calm and reserved, as befitted someone of his family's stature "Feeling better?" he asked. He glanced over at her as he poured boiling water into the pot.

She couldn't stop a little squeak of surprise from escaping her throat. "Uh, yeah,"

All of the sudden, she had received an unexpected push "Thanks for setting me up on your sofa!" She grunted.

He was quick. He was graceful. Madara grinned. "I'm not someone who's easy to sneak up on," he told her. "Besides, it always fills me with awe to think that no sign or premonition gave me warning of what I saw next." He smiled softly at her.

She took a seat at the table, trying to look casual, nervously taking in the rest of the room as she waited for him to join her. The place was quite nice, it represented a big room with a fireplace, two leather chairs around it, a sofa and a table closer to the door and several big furs settled for bed at the right corner of the room. Some reproductions of hanging scrolls from the Hashirama's period were carefully placed on every of the four walls. Madara put teacups and the teapot on the table and sat down across from her.

"It occurred to me that you'd be chilling. Is plain tea okay?" He asked while she took a sip of her porcelain glass.

The taste of fresh and sweet rich fragrance of the jasmine poured into her mouth.

"Mmmm hmmm." Sakura let the pleasant feeling of the warm beverage tickle her senses.

"So," she started setting out to find answers "Itachi wants me dead".

Madara smirked "Itachi would do everything to see every single person in Konoha dead, Sakura. So don't feel so special."

"Why do you think so? You have something to base your statement on or that are only wild guesses" She had the strange feeling that he had the tendency to twist the facts in a manner which to effectively support his version of truth.

"In the night of the Uchiha's massacre, I was there. But,"

"Really? Why am I not surprised?" Sakura had left her glass back on the table, her arms folded on her chest and an I-know-you're-lying smile had crossed her face "A fact you've deliberately omitted last time we talk about Sasuke" She noticed casually.

"It was too late; Itachi had killed almost the entire clan and prepared himself to strike on the other parts of Konoha. I just stopped him taking more lives than it had to."

"Had to?" She choked, spilling a small amount of tea over him. "What did you mean, Madara? You were planning on taking actively participation in this barbarian act. Is that what you tried to hide? You're as much responsible for the deaths of thousands as Itachi is."

"This, as a matter of fact, I never did. I already told you Sakura, I loved my clan despite their betrayal; I didn't hold any grudge against it. That's pathetic. You become angry because of the thoughts you are having, not because of anything I done." He teased.

She wasn't impressed, she has been expected him to turn from defensive to attacking position. Such an attitude was quite typical for people caught in lie. "Ha, explain this to someone else, Uchiha. The way you presented the facts is similar to the way a broken mirror looks like; there are too many cracks in your stories even for your own taste." Sakura scolded at him.

"My, my, my Sakura. When do you have any intention to stop classifying people into varying

shades of good and bad, right and wrong? If you leave even for a second your prejudices and distorted view aside, and start to listen, you'll find out what exactly you have to do."

She fell silent...

The only thing she wanted was everything to end up as soon as possible. She didn't think about Sasuke and his eyes and her mind barely touched the question about why Itachi tried to kill her. Was he thinking she was too weak to deal with Madara's mental trickery and manipulations? Perhaps. But what mattered now was the translation of the stupid scrolls Madara gave her. As she rejected the idea to help him with the transplantation of the eyes, he had told her he needed only a well- articulated translation of the scrolls and nothing more from her. Ok she could do that. She was sitting next to the fireplace, holding one of the scrolls at hand and a piece of enrolled parchment, which she was using to take some notes on. She twirled the pencil around her fingers idly, wondering what she was waiting for. And she was waiting for something. Or more to the point, someone. It had been two days since her last conversation with Madara in this damn cottage she was stuck in. And her curiosity was beginning to take the best of her. Where in heck this ancient evil in the body of a man had disappeared? Had she offended him again? Did she care at all? She tapped the end of the pencil against the parchment thoughtfully. From the pressure she put on, it broke. Why should she care? He was her living nightmare. Nevertheless, a beautiful nightmare, she thought. After all, she couldn't be expected to ignore such a handsome quirk. Her lips curled into a devilish smirk.

She lifted her eyes from her work and caught her breath. As if he had materialized from her very thoughts and she saw That Evil for which, haply, she has been sent to this fantastic borderland of things. He was bending over the couch, lifted a coverlet, he carefully sat down and patted the floor in front of him.

"Don't you ever knock?" She said, pretending to be mightily interested in her read.

"Do I look like someone who needs permission to enter?" He acted as if he was master of all he surveyed.

May be, there was truth in that. However, she didn't have any intention to give ground to him so just tried to ignore his question as well as to resist his magnetism. But the harder she tried the worse it got. He had only to smile at her or to fix her with those wicked eyes of him for butterflies to dance in her stomach and her knees to start melting. A private little smile crossed her lips. He had provoked her on multiple occasions. Hadn't he. It was payback time now and she was willing to play dirty when the circumstances call for it.

Sakura stood up and walked toward him. Gracefully swaying her hips like a cat she stopped just short of him and spoke to him in a low voice. "You're not the only one here who is allowed to do as he pleased, Madara"

From beneath her lashes, she sent him a considerating glance. Her pulse pounding when she realized he was behind her. He wanted her so much he couldn't keep his hands off her.

"No tricks, my sweet," She was in the presence of evil and clung to his muscular tights remembering the feeling of this powerful body crushed against hers, the taste of him on her tongue. When he touched her as he had then, she rather thought she went a little mad the urge to offer herself to allow him to do with her as he willed almost overpowering.

"I just want to declare my intention." Briskly, she said

"Oh, what intention is that, girl?" His glittering eyes slit as he considered the girl before him.

"To claim you mine." An unusual, untypical, unexpected decision of hers. It startled him with its full force.

Madara was staying dumbstruck in the middle of the room. He was supposed to be the tease not the teased one. What had happened to the unconfident, weak girl who surrendered to his touches so eagerly? Apparently, she was trying to put the things under her control. Wrong guess. He steeled his will, reprimanding himself silently as his gaze hardened. He took a deep calming breath, but instead he was bombarded with her enticing scent. He sneered, wanting her gone immediately. Madara turned her so she was facing him and stepped back a little to create some distance between them. Their eyes met and she smiled and shook her head.

He crossed his arms and his muscles bunched across his chest as his biceps bulged. "Be careful Sakura, my hold on honor is thin at best." He threatened. "Don't pull the devil out of me." Madara warned, something in the depths of those onyx eyes sending a shiver of half excitement, half fright down her spine.

She had declared her intent, and she would not be blood began to heat, her eyes narrowed and she took a step further him, enough to cancel the distance between them. "So you're making your honor my responsibility." She whispered as she arched closer to him, her fingers skimming under the thin fabric of his mesh shirt and sliding into the waistband of his black pants. He shuddered at her soft touch, his eyes rolling back and closed down before he could gaine any control of himself. The tips of her fingers glowed in dim green light. And as they traveled along his upper body, the thin layer of light formed into chakra scalpel slicing all his clothes on its way, so they gave away stripping down the floor and leaving a deliciously naked male bare to her greedy gaze. Without looking at her, he wrenched away from her, unable to grasp the fact she had actually done something so bold, so unpredictable.

Finally his eyes glowing red found her jade ones. She fought to keep her face impassive, but inside she was crowing with victory. He watched as her tongue moistened her already dewy lips. Madara smirked as her eyes widened when their view changed from his chest to his thick smooth erection. He had been trying to hide his growing lust for her, but now it was impossible. Her cheeks reddened, and her gaze flew up to his face, catching sight of his sinful grin.

"Now you're in for it little girl." His voice was more than promiscuous. She felt the icy fingers of fear to embrace her tiny being. She backed up, but he stalked towards her, matching her step for step. She was brought up abruptly when she met the solid wooden wall behind her. She gulped when he hemmed her in, placing both hands on either side of her.

"Madara I" He silenced her words with a brutal kiss.

"What? Isn't this what you want?" His tone was menacing with its primal intensity.

Without thought, her hand lashed out to slap him forcibly across the cheek, and his head whipped to the side, his long, black hair partially obscuring his face. They sat like that for untold minutes, both barely daring to breathe.

He expected her to jerk away from his rough treatment, but instead she reached out a shaking hand, lightly placing her palm over his heart. The heat of his flesh nearly scorched her, and she didn't miss the shudder that ran through his body when she touched him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her against him. His strong hands slid over her skin and she sunk back against him. She'd forgotten how strong he was, how needy she felt when he touched her. As if by magic, her body slowly began to relax underneath his touch. He kneaded her skin with the palms of his hands; the intoxicated sensation of his hands on her. "Got you" he said into her ear in a deep baritone voice as she felt him his hands slide up her back, peeling her top from her heated skin. In response she carefully removed her black shorts along with her weapon kit and then she guided his hands, his lips, to where she wanted to, pulling his head to her breast, drawing his fingers between her thighs. She could feel his muscular body tensed with pleasure. Her hands stroked his solid back, his neck, nails scratching lightly across his shoulder blades, her eyes watching closely in the light of the fire, as if learning how his body reacted and taking apparent delight in mastering it. Reaching down, she grasped the base of his length and slowly drew her fingers towards the tip. He smiled inscrutably, grabbing her hand, he brought it away from his straining manhood back to his neck. "No. I can't wait anymore, Sakura." Madara whispered. He had to have her now. He wanted to thrust into her wildly bringing her out of her shell, in a sweet delirium, which would lead her into the realm of the ecstasy.

She felt his erection pressing into her. Gently she swayed against him, rubbing her body harder against his arousal and started kissing and nipping his neck. Then, lowering him on the floor and placing her feet on either side of his hips, she squatted. She was drenched with desire, and he was more than guided him past her wet folds and she didn't stop until she'd taken him in all the way. With a sigh, she tightened her muscles around him and then began to move. She rose until he almost popped out, but then she slid back down fast and hard, eliciting a gasp from him. Sakura continued, varying the speed and angle at which she moved until Madara was moaning and writhing beneath her.

Thanks God, she wasn't virgin because, he reached so deep inside her that she couldn't stop the shudder, or prevent the tingling sensation as it spread through her body like wildfire. As she picked up the tempo, he thrust his hips meeting her as she rode him fast and hard. It was too intense, too sound of their flesh slapping against each other echoed in the air, and she tightened around him as he grew even harder inside her.

She wanted to dominate him? She wasn't satisfied being submissive? Madara didn't like this idea. Refusing to allow her the upper hand, with a groan from the back of his throat, he abruptly pushed her off his body. She looked puzzled at him before Madara stood up taking Sakura forcefully in his hands. He grabbed her small waist and turned her facing away from him. Ignoring her protest, he pinned her arms, pressing her hands firmly to the wall. He leaned her forward with his chest so she faced the wall.

She tried to move but his strong hands refuse to give her any room for escape. "What are you planning to do with me now that you have me completely at your mercy?" She hissed at him as an infiruated snake dripping the last drop of venom on her fangs.

"I have you at my mercy, and that is where you are gonna stay." He rolled between her legs, felt her wet heat and pressed into her, gasping for air, blood roaring in his ears. With one thrust he pushed inside of her. He began a fast and hard pace that jerked her body in tune with his own. They moved in a rhythm as old as time itself. Holding her hips, he continued the relentless pace as she trembled around him. She cried out in pleasure as he fit the right spot inside her warm body. That spot that begs to be touched by him. Madara panted loudly as his hard, deep thrust made her almost delirious with lust. She could feel his every movement inside her as his length twitched and she tightened her muscles.

She was close to climax and from the wild thrusting from Madara, she knew he was too. As her crescendo passed, he continued moving and moaned her name as he tightened his hold on her ample breasts and spurted inside of her. Then he shattered into a million pieces before collapsing on her, pleasantly exhausted.

They laid there a moment, allowing themselves to reclaim their breath. Madara's eyebrow began to twitch as Sakura's tinkling laughter echoed through the cottage.

"What's so funny?" he growled.

Quick as a minx, he trapped her beneath him. Sakura smiled and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him jade eyes sparkled down at him, her face was lit with a happy smile.

"You're mine now," she proclaimed victoriously.

"No you are in my possession now." Her eyes flashed with humor at his wholly male reply, and he growled as his lips descended on hers, claiming her as his.