A/N: So I know that it has been like months since I updated this, but I have had this idea since the last chapter. I just never wrote it, and since I am procrastinating and not studying I figured now is a good of time as any.

[Sees that her Raechull (aka moonfairie326) is walking towards her so she quickly hides then jumps out and yells.] SURPRISE!

Yeah this is for her :D

The team had caught a case on Monday involving the murder of Lance Corporal Warren Bates. The crime scene was horrible to process due to the fact that it was a notorious weekend get away by a lake. Trash and used condoms were what mainly covered it and the team spent about three hours bagging and tagging everything. The crime scene wasn't the only problem though. The Lance corporal had a lot of enemies, well ex girlfriends, who all said they would happily kill him. And then there was the extremely upset current girlfriend, who swore she didn't know where he had disappeared to that Saturday on their weekend adventure, but also said she thought he was cheating on her. Gibbs was in full fury and no one had gone home all week. Which also meant Tony and Ziva hadn't had sex all week. It was now Thursday night and Gibbs noticed that his agents were running purely on caffeine and adrenaline, so he sent them home.

Tony pushed Ziva into the door as he turned the knob to force it open. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands squeezed the back of her thighs. She moaned when the door hit the wall behind it, effectively pushing Tony's groin into hers which made the inseam of her jeans push against her clit. His tongue thrust against hers as he caught his breath. A moment later he was hoisting her up once again, kicking the door shut and stumbling toward their bedroom.

Tony dropped the key on the floor as he tripped over the end table. Three months ago when she had moved in, Ziva had put that table there so that they could place their keys on it. More specifically for Tony, who always seemed to not know where his keys were. He cursed it every time he tripped over it, never getting used to it's placement in his, now their, apartment.

He quickly caught himself and slammed Ziva against the wall right next to the door of their bedroom. She moaned even louder this time, wanting, no craving, for him to be inside of her.

Ziva's hands entwined themselves in Tony's hair as he began to trail kisses down her neck. When he reached her collarbone, she arched her back, pleading for him move lower. Tony met her shirt and let out a frustrated growled, almost ripping the four buttons that revealed down to her taut stomach. Continuing his descent, he brushed kisses along each cup of her bra, eventually meeting the center of her chest. Ziva had continued to grind her groin into his, urging him to bring her to her release.

When he licked inside her bra, barely missing her hardened nipple, she couldn't take it any more. Ziva brought his lips back to hers, ramming her tongue into his. She pulled away slightly to catch her breath, before issuing her demand.

"No more foreplay, Tony. I need you inside of me. Now." She panted out, attempting to get her shallow breathing under control.

"Ugh thank God!" He responded while forcing her shirt over her head.

Ziva somehow managed to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his jeans, and send them along with his boxers to the floor, even though their groins were clad together. She took him in her hand and began stoking him, feeling him to continue to grow. Tony was having trouble unbuttoning her pants due to the warmth and pleasure she was giving him.

Just when he had popped the button and brought her zipper down, her butt started to vibrate and so did his jeans at his feet.

They both groaned in frustration knowing who it was and what they would want. Tony unwillingly put Ziva down and took a few steps back before rummaging through his pockets. Ziva grabbed her phone from her back pocket before leaning against the wall and answering it.

"David." She huffed out, wanting to deck the person on the other line.

Finally finding his phone in his from right pocket, Tony answered it with baited breath, knowing he would have to control his anger with the caller.


When Tony answered his phone, Ziva went into the bedroom, both needing for McGee not to hear Tony in the background, and to take her eyes off of Tony's twitching member, which was currently tempting her to throw him to the ground and impale herself on him.

"Yes McGee I understand. Can you text me the address and I will meet Tony there?"

"No Gibbs wants you with him at the other ex girlfriend's house."

Ziva bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming as she kicked the wall. "Okay."

Tony had wandered to the kitchen sometime during his phone call.

"Boss, I know, but I'm exhausted."

"Just hope she did kill him DiNozzo so we can wrap this case up and take some time off."

Tony let out an exasperated sigh.

"Okay. What's the address so I can meet Ziva there?"

"You're not going with Ziva. You're going with McGee."

'WHAT?!' Tony screamed in his head.

"And you better leave now because McGee is almost there." Gibbs hung up after his last statement.

Tony inwardly kicked himself. He was so aroused that just the thought of Ziva would send him over the edge. He would need a cold shower before leaving to go with McGee.

Ziva walked into the kitchen at that moment, still in just her bra and open jeans. Tony could just see a triangle of black lace, and in less than a second he had her pinned to the counter. She had to push him back a little before her body gave into the need he was desperately trying to fulfill for her.

"Gibbs wants me to meet him at Sarah Danes' house." Ziva breathed out. Tony's hands were still tangled in her hair and his lips were only a centimeter away.

"I know." Tony was taking deep breaths, trying to control his lust. He let Ziva go and backed away slowly.

"I have to change." She said reluctantly.

"I need a cold shower." Tony countered.

Ziva nodded disappointedly and slowly started walking to the bedroom. Tony stared at her as she walked away, admiring her every curve. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He turned the cold water on in the sink before splashing his face, and then his shaft. His erection swiftly went down, and Tony let out the breath he was holding. He knew zipping up his jeans wouldn't have been easy if he had left himself that way.

Ziva stared at her side of the closet trying to figure out which shirt to wear with her skirt. They were going to do laundry on Sunday night, but instead ended up having sex on their clothes when Ziva suggested they added the clothes they were wearing to the pile. She was now regretting it because all she had to wear were skirts.

Tony walked into the bedroom, stripping of his shirt in the process. When he saw Ziva in her black heels, black skirt that hit about mid thigh, and her black lace bra, his erection came back instantly. In two steps he was kissing her and pulling her skirt over her hips and pushing her into the bed. He ground his shaft against her lace covered center as he sucked on her nipple through her bra.

Ziva let out a breathy "Oh!" before moving to rid herself of her panties. Just as her hands reached the hem, her phone on the nightstand began to buzz for the second time.

Again they both voiced their frustration. Ziva pushed Tony off of her and got up to answer the phone.

"Yes Gibbs I am-"

"Where are you?!" Gibbs yelled.

"I am leaving now."

"Just barely?"

"Yes McGee just called me ten min-"

"Get here. NOW!"

Ziva heard him hung up and closed her phone. Tony was standing on the other side of the bed, staring at her, waiting for her to make a move. She glared at him.

"Great now Gibbs is even angrier and I have to change my underwear again!" She yelled while grabbing a shirt from the closet and leaving the room. She hadn't pulled her skirt back down, so Tony got a great view of her strutting away.

"Now I really need a cold shower!" He yelled to the empty space around him when he heard the front door slam closed.

A/N: Worth the wait? I hope so :). I was laughing the whole time while writing this. Anyways, let me know what you think! I have two more chapters planned for this :)