Lies and Lovers

(A very Modern/AU "North and South")

Chapter 1: Lies

Disclaimer: I do not own "North and South"

I let out a sigh as I stared out the window of the plane. Below me I could see the lights of Los Angeles spread out for miles around. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed this place.

"Happy to be home?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah," I said, smiling faintly at John Thornton before I continued to scribble on a piece of paper that I had abandoned when I saw the lights of LA.

Reasons Why This Won't Work

1. He's your friend and not your lover.

2. HE will notice that he's my friend and not my lover.

3. Everyone will notice that he's my friend and not my lover.

4. I'm a bad liar.

5. Friends shouldn't date.

I crossed out the last line. We weren't really dating. It was all-pretend.

Just as long as no one demanded that we kiss in front of them, everything would be fine.

Not that I didn't want to kiss him, he was a good-looking guy, John was.

But we didn't like each other that way.

The plane soon landed, and together we made our way to baggage claim.

"I think I should go find where I can pick up the rental car, eh?" John shrugged as we wheeled our luggage around.

"Yeah, good idea," I said, before slipping back into my thoughts.

Now that the plane had landed I didn't know how I could have possibly thought this would be a good idea.


"Can you believe that I'm actually getting married?"

I smiled as I balanced my phone between my shoulder and my ear as I grabbed a few garments out of the washing machine.

"Like I said Edi, I can quite believe it. Maybe it's you who can't believe it," I said as I moved my clothes into the dryer.

"I'm so happy!" I moved the phone away from my ear as soon as I had my hands free. My cousin had the tendency of screaming into the phone when she was happy or excited.

"I'm sure you are," I said, getting bored of the conversation. Edith had called me at least everyday for the past month to remind me about the wedding now that the save-the-date's had been mailed.

"I can't wait until you get here! One more month! But you have to get here three days before, being a bridesmaid and all. I wish you could have been maid of honor though, but Ryan wanted his sister to be it, and you know I can't refuse him anything."

"Of course you can't, and you have only told me all of this at least a hundred times," I said. I was more than happy to cede the maid-of-honor position to Ryan and Henry's younger sister, Julia. But somehow Edith had still managed to make me a bridesmaid.

"Oh, and Margaret, you know Henry is going to be there."

"That's completely fine by me," I said, forcing my voice to sound indifferent. How could I not know? Henry was Ryan's brother after all, not to mention that he was going to be best man.

"Right, but just in case, can you guys try not to get into an argument? I mean, it's my wedding and I want it to be special."

"Edi, you know I wouldn't do that to you. Besides, I'm over Henry, completely and utterly," I said, but inside I wasn't so sure. I mean we had dated for so long, and as much as I hated to admit it to myself, I loved him. Still.

"Whatever you say Margaret, just make sure that if you decide to bitch-slap his fiancée do it after the wedding."

"Fiancée?" I gasped incredulously, almost losing my grip on my phone. I stood there, mouth open, frozen by my cousin's words.

"Oh Margaret, I thought you knew!" And just like that I felt the world come crashing down around me.

"Hey can I call you later Edi? I have to go," I needed time to think.

Henry's fiancée?

Since when?

"Sure, will you be okay?"

"Yes. Oh and can I bring someone? He's kind of special to me, and I wanted him to meet my parents," I said impulsively, the words slipping out of my mouth before I realized what I had said.

"Margaret! Of course you can! I can't wait to meet him! Bye sweetie!" and with that Edith hung up. I wished I could take it back, but it was too late, the damage was done.

I flipped my phone closed and slid down the wall I had been leaning against, leaning my forehead on my knees while I hugged them close. I could almost cry.

Henry, my Henry—well not really, we had been apart for three years and hadn't spoken to each other since—was engaged.

How was it possible that he managed to move on so quickly, and yet here I still was, moping over something that obviously no longer was.

Or maybe it had never existed?

And why did I have to lie to Edith?

As it was, I didn't have anyone to meet that description. In fact, I hadn't had anyone since I broke up with Henry almost three years ago. Sure there were flings, but no connection.

Now I only had one month to find someone to bring along to the wedding and pretend to be in love with said person. And make them pretend to love me back.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Did I seriously think that Henry was going to break his engagement off when he saw me again?




I was hopeless.

This wasn't some sort of fairytale where lovers reunited would drop everything and get back together.

Henry had dumped me.

Plain and simple.

He had taken my heart and shattered it like glass.

So why was it that I still held onto him?

"Are you okay? Mags, hello?"

My head shot up, and I found myself staring into the greenest eyes.

"What do you want John?" I narrowed my eyes at my roommate's older brother and one of my best friends. I think we were closer than even him and his own sister, he was always there to lend an ear when I needed him.

But I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

Besides, I hadn't ever really told anyone about the whole Henry issue.

When I had moved away for college I had thought of leaving it all behind.

I had ignored it and now it was biting me in the ass.

"I want to know what's bothering you,' he said seriously.

"I'd rather not talk about it at the moment if you don't mind," I said, bringing my forehead back to my knees.

"That bad huh?"

"You have no idea," I mumbled.

I'm in love with a bastard who could care less about me.

"Well you know where to find me," he said as he got up and patted my head before he picked up his laundry that had paid to be washed and walked out the door.

"Wait!" I clambered up from my spot and ran after John, who was loading his car with his laundry.

"What's up?" he smiled at me, leaning against his car, putting his sunglasses on and crossing his arms.

If he hadn't been like an older brother to me, I would have surely been all over him long ago.

Plenty of other girls were, even if he hardly paid attention to them. Which always amazed me. Any other guy would have laid all of them in a second.

I mean he was tall, well built but not over the top, a nice smile, and he had the greenest eyes.

Not to mention his great sense of humor.

Yes, he would do just fine.

"I need a favor."


"Remind me why I'm doing this?"

"I'm washing your laundry for a year. Now just try to remember everything I told you," I said, tying his tie for him (men are hopeless) before smoothing my dress out once more.

Relax, Margaret, you can do this girl.

I tried to cheer myself on.

Frankly, it wasn't quite working.

"Right. We've been dating for seven months now and we met…" John said, trying to loosen his tie a bit.

"In the library. You were helping me reach a book on the top shelf. Now leave your tie alone, you look fine," I glared at him as we made our way across the parking lot to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet Edith, Edith's fiancée, and the rest of the family.

"Why can't we just use the way we really met? Personally I think that meeting at a frat party seems much more interesting than a library," he smiled.

"Oh yeah, because my parents really want to hear that I beat you at beer pong," I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless.

I had to admit, it had been a fun night.

Three years ago and I still liked to get John with it.

"Hey, I let you win that one. I was being a gentleman, you know," his grin widened.

"Uh-huh, sure, believe whatever you want."

"I did let you win, besides, that was my fifth game of the night, and I had won all the other ones."

"That's why Francine and I had to let you stay at our place that night."

"I just wanted to watch out for my little sister and her friend, you know, make sure no drunk person came to the door and tried to—"

"You were so drunk you didn't even remember where you lived! You couldn't even walk!" I cut him off. His ego was too big already.

"Alright, alright, maybe I was a little tipsy," he joked, and I smacked him on his arm playfully.

Understatement of the year!

"See, how are we supposed to use that story when you can't even keep your facts straight," I said, as we finally reached the restaurant where everyone awaited us.

I felt like turning back, there was a knot in my stomach and I was sure I would do something really stupid.

Or throw up.

It wasn't a good feeling.

But I couldn't back down now.

"I was just messing with you. Don't even worry about this, we got it," he smiled and held his arm out for me like a true gentleman.

I let out a deep breath, and took his arm.

This was it, either now or never.

A/N: So tell me what you think. Should I continue this? Constructive criticism is appreciated!