Well, this is Guardian Angel, just under a new title. There will be a few changes here and there but nothing too big. Disclaimer: I do not own DP. Anyways, enjoy!

I always knew there was something different about me. There were many times when I could have died but hadn't. People either thought I was jinxed or lucky to escape with my life. My parents however, had believed I was jinxed ever since the day my cousin died in a car accident soon after having met me for the first time. Wanting nothing to do with me but yet they couldn't abandon me unless they wanted to be shunned by the family and community. They send me to a place far away to study, a town called Amity Park. My grandmother lived there and so, they had an excuse. I suppose my parents thought my grandmother was the only one safe from my so-called 'curse'. And so here I am, standing before my grandmother's mansion. To be honest, I was glad that I had been sent to live with her instead of my numerous aunts or uncles. My grandmother was the only one who didn't shun me. She was always by my side and she always believed in me. Even at my cousin's funeral where everyone blamed me for her death, she was the only one who stood up for me saying that since I wasn't the one driving the car, how could it have been my fault? I had been touched by how she had stood up for me. Rising my hand, I pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door.

'Click' the door opened and a maid glanced out. Her look changed to one of surprise when she saw me.

"Miss Manson! I didn't know you were coming today! I'm so sorry!" I merely nodded and waited for her to let me in. After apologizing for 5 minutes, I finally coughed to remind her I was still standing outside the mansion with my luggage. Realizing her mistake, she immediately let me in.

"Thanks" I said as she grabbed my luggage and began heading up the stairs. I headed to the kitchen where I was sure my grandmother was waiting for me.

"I'm here, grandmother" I said as I stepped into the kitchen to be greeted by a cheery 'About time, bubeleh' and a warm smile. Smiling back in return, I walked into her embrace, hugging her tightly.

"I really missed you while I was in England" I said when we finally let go of each other and sat down. My grandmother was the only one I would hug. I had never hugged my parents and I doubted that they wanted me to hug them, not that I wanted to.

"I missed you too bubeleh. I can't believe the nerve of your parents! Sending their one and only daughter to such a faraway place without a care! Why, wait till I get my hands on them! I don't remember ever raising your father up to be such a heartless person!" said my grandmother, enraged at the fact that my parents could send me to Amity so easily. I simply smiled. I had gotten used to this kind of treatment. As we ate and talked about the various things happening in our lives, I found my eyes once again marveling at how granny could make such a huge mansion seem so homely and inviting. It was unlike my own mansion back in England. It looked professional and the word 'home' just didn't fit it. There was no homely feel to it and even though it looked inviting, it just lacked that home feeling. But it was to be expected. My parents were rarely ever 'home', being kept busy with their work which took them all over the world.

"I expect you're tired, dear. Why don't you take a nice long rest and I'll take you to your school tomorrow? The principal said she arranged for someone to take you on a tour of the school so you wouldn't get lost" I nodded, thankful for my granny. As if on cue, I yawned, signaling how tired I was. My granny smiled and ushered me to my room. Opening the door, I turned to give her a grateful smile when I saw it painted in my favourite colours, black and purple.

"I knew you'd like it" said my grandmother as she gave me a smile and a hug. I thanked her for the room and walked in, pleasantly surprised at how my grandmother had even managed to get everything in room in black and purple or at most, not pink. Sighing with content, I decided to shower first, not wanting to dirty my new bed. Once I was done, I walked out onto the balcony to look at the night sky. I was once again pleasantly surprised to find many stars in the sky where back home; I most probably would not have been able to see any. While looking at the night sky, I heard some disturbance coming from the somewhere. Looking ahead in the darkness, I could make out flashes of green and pink. After a while however, the flashes disappeared, leaving me to wonder what the heck had just happened. Deciding it was none of my business, I headed off to sleep.

"Bubeleh, time to wake up" I heard my grandmother calling to me.

"Just five more minutes please" I muttered as I turned to bury my head in the pillow.

"Elisa, if you please" I heard my grandmother say before I felt the covers dragged off me, exposing me to the cold.

"It's cold!" I shot up immediately, making a grab for the blanket and successfully grabbing it back. Wrapping it around myself, I shivered, teeth clattering due to the cold.

"Sorry, bubeleh but you were going to be late for your first day of school if you didn't get up" said my granny as she looked at me apologetically.

"I understand" I tried to say but what came out was instead gibberish. My grandmother just smiled and left, leaving me to get ready. Even though I hadn't planned on taking a shower early in the morning, it seemed that I had no choice but to take one if I ever wanted to stop shivering. Soon I was done and dressed up, ready for school.

"You look wonderful, dear!" exclaimed my granny when I stepped into the kitchen for breakfast.

"I wore this everyday when you came to visit, granny" I said with a smile.

"You'd still look wonderful no matter what you wear since you're my precious granddaughter" I smiled and didn't say anything. I wasn't one for mushy words and my grandmother knew it. That was why she wasn't offended when I said nothing in reply.

"Well then, let's go! I bet you can't wait to see your new school" said my grandmother as she ushered me out the door and into the car. Well, she was right and wrong about school. True, I couldn't wait to see what the school was like but I certainly didn't want to see how the students were like when they saw me. If people knew I was staying in a mansion, I would be seen as a rich kid and be made instantly popular regardless of my taste in clothes. That had been the system in my old school. It had taken a lot of time and effort just to leave the popular group and I certainly didn't want it happening again. So, I asked my grandmother to park her car round the back of the school, all the while keeping my head low in case someone should recognize me later in class. Looking around warily to make sure no one was there; I stepped out of the car and hurried up the steps behind my grandmother. It was a good thing that my grandmother, despite how rich she was, never liked wearing branded clothes and preferred plain old clothes.

"We're here, dear. Why don't you wait outside while I have a talk with the principal?" asked my grandmother. I nodded and sat down on one of the chairs. Grabbing a magazine on animals from the rack, I began to read. Not long after, I felt someone's gaze on me and looking up, I noticed the receptionist looking at me and ignored her. When I heard the door being opened, I didn't bother looking up once again until someone sat beside me and said,

"Hi, who're you?" Turning to look to the person who had taken a seat besides me I replied saying,

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

"Sorry, I forgot. I'm Danny. Danny Fenton" said Danny as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sam, as in Samantha Manson but if you call me Samantha and you're dead" I said.

"I'll take note of that" he said with a laugh. I raised an eyebrow at his response. Normally, people would have been scared and left me alone but I had never anticipated his kind of response.

"You better" I replied though stunned.

"Bubeleh, I'm done talking to the principal" said my grandmother as she walked out of the office and to me.

"What were you talking about?" I asked as I looked at my grandmother. She simply smiled and shook her head at me before turning to Danny.

"Are you the student who was selected to guide my granddaughter around the school?" asked granny as she smiled at Danny.

"Well, I was asked to show the new student around. Is she the new student?" asked Danny as he turned towards me. I rolled my eyes and replied,

"Does it seem like I'm going to be a teacher here instead? You should've realized it from the start, oh clueless one"

"What is up with people calling me clueless?" asked Danny as a frustrated expression appeared on his face. I simply laughed at his response.

"Well, even though you're clueless, I guess you're funny" I said, still laughing.

"Geez, glad that at least one of us is happy" said Danny, pretending to sound upset even though he was smiling.

"I have a feeling you two kids are going to along great" said my granny as she smiled at the two of us.

"I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, granny" I said as I turned to look at her. She simply gave me a mischievous smile and replied,

"I should be going now. Have fun, dearie!" and with that she walked out of the office laughing about something with the maid Elisa who had came along. I sighed and turned to Danny who was looking towards the door with a quizzical expression on his face. Sighing I muttered a 'clueless' before saying,

"I guess we should get this tour of the school over with soon so you can get back to your lessons" I supposed he had forgotten by now that he was supposed to guide me around the school.

"Oh, right! I forgot! Sorry, Sam" said Danny as he rubbed his neck again sheepishly. I simply sighed and walked out the door, Danny following behind me. That was when I heard it. 'Do not go north Sam'. It was that voice again. I had heard it before and I could recognize it anywhere. It always warned me of danger. When I was younger, I had paid no heed to the voice and went directly towards the direction it had told me not to go and had been nearly killed only to be saved by an invisible being. I couldn't see it but I could feel it. I remember one time when I was walking onto the road when there had been a tug on my hand holding me back just as a car whizzed past. If that hand had not held me back, I could have been killed by the car. Turning around to see if I could spot it, I saw Danny who was shivering.

"Danny, are you alright?" I asked as I stood before him.

"I'm fine. I just need the bathroom I guess" and with that he took off north. Well, tried to. I stopped him immediately by grabbing his arm. As he turned to look at me with a questioning look on his face, I tried to think of an excuse for stopping him form going to the bathroom, no less.

"I have a bad feeling about there. Maybe you should find a bathroom from this side" I said.

"I'll be fine, don't worry" and with that, he took off. Looking down at my hand which I was sure had been holding on to his arm just now, I was astonished to find nothing but air. 'How had he been able to break free?' was the only question running through my mind as I looked at his sprinting back. Worried, I began to run after him until there was a tug on my hand. A really strong tug that made me stopped and threw me back a few steps. I regained my balance before I could fell and looked back, to see no one.

"Do not go north" said the voice firmly.

"But that guy's in trouble" I said feeling weird that I was talking to thin air though I knew that was not the case.

"The boy is fine. He'll pull through. You, however would only distract him" and with that I knew it had vanished. I stared at where I thought I had been before grumbling a 'Fine, you didn't have to put it that way' and leaning against the wall waiting for Danny to come back. However that was changed when I felt the ground shaking. 'Go south. As far from north as possible' said the voice. I whipped around, hoping to catch a glimpse of it but I knew it was futile. Deciding to heed its advice, I started running south. I finally stopped running when I thought I was at a safe distance from whatever was taking place. Looking around to check out my surroundings, I realized that I had run outside. As I looked up at the sky, in the north I could see once again, the flashes of green and pink.

"What is happening over there? This is the second time I've seen it" I said as I continued to look on. As I looked on, I saw figures or at least that was what I though I saw since they were moving so fast I could barely catch up with their speed much less see if they were figures or not. Suddenly, I heard the voice again. This time it was telling me to run east. Without looking around to find it since I had already known it was futile, I began to run towards the direction it told me.

"You aren't going anywhere" said a voice behind me suddenly. Turning around, I thought at first it was a vampire. Until I saw it was floating and was wearing a cape and also was out in broad daylight and not burning.

"What do you want?" I asked, standing my ground firmly. True, I was a bit intimidated but I didn't let it show. At least, I hope not. The ghost didn't reply but simply charged up something in his hand and aimed it at me.

Next chapter will be up by next Tues or Wed. Thanks for reading and please review!