Summary: Rons going out with Lavender, Harry's going out with Ginny secretly. Hermione knows about Harry and Ginny. Ron doesn't. When Harry asks for some 'boy advice' from Ron, things get a little akward…Will Ron find out about his sister dating his best friend? Will Hermione ever tell Ron how she feels? Please read!! It's a lot better than it sounds, I promise!

Authors note- Due to the fact I am British not American, I just thought I would explain that 'getting off' is basically British for 'making out'. If there are any other things your not sure about, then tell me in a review! Thank you!

Disclaimer: All characters belong to the amazing JK Rowling. All I own is the plot!!

Diamond in my eye-Chapter One

"Ron….." Harry looked Ron pleadingly.

They were in the Gryffindor common room, it was late at night and the rest our their house were in their dorms. The fire was crackling away. Ron was lead out across the sofa, drinking fire whisky, and Harry was in the arm chair, leaning forward to Ron.

"No! Harry…I really don't want to go into this with you…waaay to embarrassing!" Ron said, the tips of his ears turning a vibrant crimson.

"Please, Ron. You don't have to go in to detail…Just tell me how to…initiate it!" Harry said, lifting his hands and clasping them together in a begging pose.

"Oh bloody hell Harry. Fine. Fine….and anyway, how are you so sure that I have done…IT? I could be a virgin to for all you know…." Ron said. Harry put his hands back behind him, and looked down at the floor.

"I promised her I wouldn't tell you…" Harry said, glancing up at Ron's confused glare.

"Who? What you on about mate?"

Harry took a deep breath before continuing.

"Lavender was talking to Padma and Parvati in the dorms about a week ago. It was really late at night, and they obviously thought Hermione was asleep. They were having a typical girly chat…you know. And Hermione was awake and heard everything. Then she told me, but she didn't want me to say anything in case it got back to Lavender." Harry looked at Ron, trying to guess his reaction. Was he upset that Hermione knows he's slept with Lavender?

"Oh. Oh….was Mione upset?" He asked Harry.

"…Um….I don't really know.." Harry said, although he knew perfectly well Hermione was extremely upset and could barely get the words out when had she told Harry about it.

"Oh right. Ok. So, about this advice…You still want it?"

"Yes please!!" Harry said, glad the topic was off Hermione.

"Ok, so what do you wanna know about it then?" Ron asked

"Well, How do you…start the actual sex off. If you get what I mean…" Harry asked him. He leant back in his arm chair and turned to the little table next to him and opened a fire whiskey.

"Well…Your getting off with her right?"

"Uhuh" said Harry, listening intently.
"You kinda… move your hands down lower, to her waistband. Once you've done that you'll let her know what your after. At this point, she'll either back away and say 'I'm not ready' And in that case, you head off to the bathroom to have a wank!" Ron said, smirking slightly, in a way that Harry sensed this had happened to him before.

"Ok, but what if she doesn't stop me!"

"Well..I thought that was pretty obvious to be honest, mate. You……oh god this is so embarrassing. Can I PLEASE go now?!" Ron asked Harry, this time his whole face was bright red, to match his hair.
"Ok. Ok. Just one more question….." Ron nodded, and Harry shifted slightly in his chair.

"What's sex like?"

"AMAZING!" Ron started to laugh "And with Lavender, it's…just WOW! In fact, why the bloody hell am I sitting here with you… No offence….when I could be getting laid?!" And with that Ron stood up and quietly plodded up stairs to the girls dorm. Harry could hear him casting a spell to get past the protective bounds that stopped boys getting into the girls dorm (Obviously not very good bounds!), then all he could hear was whispering and Rons big feet shuffling across the floor boards.

Thank you! I know it was quite short, but I promise the next chapter will be longer!

Heres a little clip of chapter two…

Hermione's POV

I cried myself to sleep every night since I found out. I haven't been able to get the picture of Ron on top of Lavender, kissing the hollow of neck, nibbling on her ear as he made love to her.

She had loved Ron since the first day they had met on the train to Hogwarts, although back then she wasn't sure what the feelings she felt actually were. She had always thought, for some reason, that they would end up together, like in the old muggle films she used to watch.

She was so lost in thought that the quiet whispering which now filled the silent dorm was a shock to her. She recognised the deep voice instantly. And she also recognised the silky, feminine voice who spoke loudest.

"There you are babe! You've been driving me crazy..Oh, god I've been waiting for you" Lavenders voice whispered. There was some ruffling of sheets, and kicking off of shoes and clothes. She thought, ok…it's ok..there just hugging…naked…in bed…there not going to act out the horrible picture that lingered in her head…where they?

Then she heard it. A distinctive male moan.

Oh god! This can't be happening! Hermione thought, and put her cushion as an attempt to block out her best friends moans.

Dun dun dun…….

Anyway, thank you for reading Please make me happy and REVVIIEEEWW!! I would like constructive criticism and things that I can improve!

Thank you very much dearest people And remember, reviews make me happy!!