Baby Part 2

First off sorry it took me so long to post this... I was moving and lost it. So I figured I better post it now before I move again

Mark put Meredith in the back seat of his car and drove to the hospital. And about 5 minutes later he ran into the hospital carrying his 7 months pregnant wife. Who is unconcious and losing a lot of blood.

"Some one frigging Help! My wife needs help NOW"

"Sloan what the hell." Bailey started but stopped when she saw Meredith. Mark rushed her to a bed, Where bailey examined her then they paged ob and when OB didnt answer they paged Arizona robbins.

"why was I paged?" The blonde surgeon asked Mark.

"I know you are peds but... Addison is in the hospital and the fucking ob wont answer and I know you have some Neo natal training. If there was any doctor I trust to do this right now its you. i NEED you to save my wife."

and 10 minutes later Arizona had Meredith in surgery. Mark was pacing back and forth in front of the doors with Derek by his side.

"Mark. She is going to be ok. " Derek said trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince Mark.

Flash back

" I kissed Meredith... " Mark came in the room and announced to Derek.

"What? you did what??? " Derek responded

"we were standing under the mistletoe. Nancy and the girls made us but it wasnt just a peck."

"Mark. Calm down... I thought you hated Merddith.?"

"No. I have Never hated Merdith Grey. "

"you guys fight all the time!"

"Yes but not because we hate each other... we dont... maybe... I do hate her! She's stupid and pretty and challenges me all the time. She's smart and sweet. She's Perfect and she knows it. She bugs me so much!"

"Sounds to me like you have a thing for her"

"No! I dont.. I cant... forget I said anything. I cant have a thing for Meredith Grey"

- End flash back.-

Addie was in her room not being able to sleep, thinking about her best friend.

"Oh Meredith. You have to live... you have to be ok. I cant live with out you. "

Addies flash back

"Mark Kissed me."

"What? he kissed you?"

" we were under the mistletoe and Nancy made us except It wasnt just a peck... I was just exspecting a peck but he full on pationatly kissed me"


"then he walked away"

"Wow. Maybe he likes you"

"there is no way Mark sloan likes me"

"I think he might Mere."

"No, he doesnt... he hates me."

"If he hated you then he wouldnt hang out with us all the time"

" he's just hanging out with Derek."

"No... He only ever comes when you are with us"

"Addie... he doesnt like me"

"He does"

"Just because I am stupid enough to be in love with Mark Sloan doesnt mean he likes me too!"

And at that she ran out of the room bumping straight into ba very shocked Mark. and then running past him.

Mark looks at Addie... "She loves me?"

"DUH! frig your dense Mark. "

- End flash back

"Derek, I cant lose her. She's my everything. " Mark said with tears in his eyes. "She's been my everything since I was 16. I cant lose live with out her. I just cant.

"Mark... stop. Stop talking like that. Meredith is going to live ... she has to live."

-Flash back_

"Mark finds Meredith sitting by a window by herself in the den.

"Hey" Mark said softly before taking a seat beside her


"um.. so.."

"Spit it out sloan."

"You love me?"

"NOOOO ... I dont!"

"I love you too."

"You do? since when?"

"I dont know .... since the first time you called me an Ass whole"

"that was the first day I met you."

"Yeah, I didnt know it back then but I do now. I love you Meredith Grey"

"I love you too Mark Sloan"

Mark moved closer to Meredith and leaned in and kissed he. She was a bit shocked but she quickly came around when Mark's tongue was demanding entrance to her mouth which she allowed. Mark pulled away with a grin on his face."

"see I told you I was attractive"

"you're so full of yourself"

"Whatever. "

"He stood up and put his hand out for Meredith to take. She took his hand and stood up

"So what exacly does this mean?" she asks

"Whatever you want it to mean baby"

"I'm serious" she says laughing

"It means I love you. You freaking made made me love you. It means I'm yours whether you like it or not. It means your mother was right."

"how did you know about that?"

"Addison told Derek and Derek told me."

"Oh...Stupid Addie"

Mark laughed "Come on , lets go play under the mistletoe "

"No. Grow up"

"Aww but I dont want to"

"Ok peter pan"

"Ok tinker bell"


- End flash back -

Izzie stevens came out holding a little baby.

"Heres you're daddy, baby sloan"

"She looks healthy but still you should go get a few test done." She said handing MArks daughter to him

Mark looked at her and fell in love with her. "I... Will you page me if there is any changes with Mere"

"oh course Mark.

Mark walked off holding his daughter. He did all the nessecary tests and then stopped into Addisons room. Where she had her baby boy in her arms. Her eyes lit up when she saw the baby.

"no change with Mere, but would you like to hold you're neice"

2 hours later Arizona comes out of surgery

"She is ok. She's gonna be fine. She almost dies but she survived. Go get your daughter and go see your wife" then she turned to derek. "and you go tell your wife that her best friend is ok"

Mark pulled Arizona into a hug. "Thank you Ari .. thank you " And for the first time in a very long time Mark sloan cried. full on cried

He then wiped his eyes and went to get his daughter. He walked into his wifes room. She was still unconcious.


Meredith woke up to the MArk holding their little girl. "Hey"

"Hi" He got up and kissed her then handed baby sloan to Meredith. "Baby sloan meet your mommy"

"Does my neice have a name yet...? cause seriously you cant call her baby sloan forever" she went over and hugged Meredith "You scared me!"

"I want to know if the baby has a name yet to! " said Arizona

"Everyone meet Adrienne Sloan"

"Adrienne Arizona Sloan" Mark Chipped in

"AWW" everyone said at the same time. "Adrienne meet your Aunti Addison and Aunti Arizona and Uncle Derek"

"I get to be an aunt? "Arizona said excitedly

"Of course you do Ari. you're family"

"Welcome to the work Adrienne Sloan" Meredith said before kissing her little girl on the head.