Three years had passed since Sarah had defeated the Goblin King's labyrinth. The beautiful nineteen year old woman she had become watched herself pace in her floor-length mirror. She stopped and sighed. I really hope this works, she thought. A pair of topaz colored eyes stared at her through her reflection, it seemed to be telling her, Do it; you need him and what's to lose? She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. What she really needed was a sign that he really existed. For three years after she told her father what happened to her The Night of the Labyrinth three things had happened: one, he refused to leave her alone anymore; two, he sent her to a psychologist; and three, he had thrown away her copy of The Labyrinth. She jumped at a faint meow. Her blonde tabby cat, Archie, eyed her intently. She had had Archie since a week after she told her father the labyrinth story. He decided for himself that she needed someone to talk to…so he got her a psych and a cat.
The tabby's mismatched eyes stared at her, as if waiting for her to do something he had been waiting for. "Archie, I'll get you some chow, just give me a second." The cat mewed angrily and walked gracefully from her room. Sarah decided she'd give him some tuna for treating him so unfairly. She turned back to the mirror and closed her eyes. "This is it," she spoke to herself, grimly. "I wish…I wish…." "Yes, yes, do get on with it." She looked in the mirror at her bed, and there was a handsome, blonde, god-like man lounging across the edge of her bed. Sarah's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fainted.
When she awoke, she was laying across her bed with an ice-pack on her head. Her first thought was that Toby had done it, but he could have never lifted her onto the bed. Perhaps their father had done it. That was the only reasonable explanation. Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of fabric against carpet. She turned her glance to the far side of her room. "Ahh, Sarah, I was wondering when you might awaken." She gaped at the man gazing at her, with a hungry smirk on his perfect mouth. "You know if you could just say the damned words we could get out of this wretched hell-hole and spend eternity in the Castle at the Center of the Labyrinth." Sarah closed her eyes, wishing this dream would end so she wouldn't be as disappointed when she woke up. "Sarah, me dear, you're not dreaming. I am here, in the flesh, to take your hand in marriage so we may live out life together." Now she knew it was a dream. She pressed against her eyes with her hands and turned over.
"Now Sarah…." He strode to her side and slipped an arm around her waist as he lay beside her. "Please, let me speak." She nodded, still believing it was a dream. He began to speak: "I won't go into details, for now is not the time, but Sarah I do love you. I always have and I always will. You have my heart and when you left you took it right along with you. Will you please say the words so we can go home?" he laced his fingers with hers and hummed a tune into her ear. Her eyelids relaxed as she drifted into a doze. He whispered, "Sleep, my Sarah. I will be here when you awaken."
When Sarah woke up, the first thing she did was stretch and reach behind her. Her fingers brushed something warm and soft. Believing it to be Jareth's head she turned. Archie stared at her hand playfully as if to pounce. His ears lay flat on his head and he panted. Sarah laughed, and then broke down into stomach jerking sobs. It had been just a dream. A realistic, heart-warming dream. Archie stood up and came to lie down on her chest. Sarah hugged the cat tightly to her body, and he did not screech or claw, but he purred. Sarah stroked the cat's spine. "I wish the-the Goblin King would take me away RIGHT NOW!!" Sarah heard a 'whoosh' and her vision filled with glitter. Now, straddling her was Jareth. He smirked at the tiny 'O' of surprise her mouth had become. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. She squirmed. "You came back." She had barely heard herself whisper, but he seemed to understand. "My love, I never left you. I live here." Sarah raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm Archie. I wished you had come up with something better, but it made you happy." Sarah rose up and hugged him around the middle. "Jareth, I love you!" She felt him smile as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Then, her mood changed. She punched him in the chest, the stomach, the arm, and the head; even though she knew it couldn't hurt him, she still used all her strength. In between punches she screamed, "Why! Didn't! You! Ever! Tell! Me!" tears filled her eyes as she thought of the years she had to put up with Jareth being in her bed, but not the Jareth she wanted. "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah…." He lightly grasped her wrist and kissed a feathery trail from her forearm to the tip of her middle finger. "Sarah, I'm sorry, I ever showed myself to you because you would have told your parents and not only would they have gotten rid of me, but they would have committed you." She considered this, and knew he was right. She slumped back down into her pillows, and he lay beside her.
Sarah could feel him watching her, so in mock impatience she exclaimed, "So, are we getting out of this 'wretched hell-hole' or what?"