Yes, I know I didn't update on Halloween—I hated myself for it. But I had a somewhat crappy Halloween plus the day before and I was annoyed for the most part so please don't say anything about it. And I'm quite grateful no reviewer like bugged me to update today—it really means a lot.

*Shakes annoyed mood up to sunshine one*

Review contest winner for the last two chapters (relatively)

mindless scribbles
Kylie Robbins
best with breadsticks

Shoutouts to Jonas x Knight and AnalystProductions who left either a few or one review(s)—but it was quite long though. Unfortunately, not long enough to 'enter the review race'.

Thanks to all the reviewers!! I greatly appreciate every single one of your hard work to take the time to read my horrifically long chapters:

daseyrocks, mindless scribbles, MusicFreak-Sonny, lifeisveryshortandsoami, Kylie Robbins, sonnycentral, best with breadsticks, xxsonnywithachance37xx, hannahpie45, ariana, NightxInxSterlingxArmor, Jonas x Knight, Eilidh-xx, Dancing on Rainbows., monkey87, HorriblyAddicted, pinkconcshell, gAnGsTa GaBbY lOvEs JoKeR, Literati Lover, Zoezora, percabethforever369, silver~roses, Harryfan94, xHeSaidSheSaidx, Dancing-StarryEyedDemigod, Change4Good, JateLexzieLit, Bhavana331, Spunkalovely, TheEntertainer26, EllietheDisneyfreak, AnalystProductions, Kspazzed, Fluffness, ConfusifyingCristy, Always Juliet, klcthenerd, xxHeadInTheStarsxx, xoredsoxnation21xo, percabethforever369, mahjong90mulan, DMLVT6963, ilovenat1995, channylover808, channylover101, Tambug18, addicted2SWAC, All-Stars, lp2014, PixyStix800, XxElementalFirexX, yetti, inkheart4evr, Kate-Emma, obsessedwithbooks, CHANNYLICIOUS, kerropiyvonne, Machlo101, DreamTidus, Sunnyvalley, FunkeyMonkeyLOL, conversee, Dominique, demilovatofan0602, Julia Sonshine, cware, hakmatmanaa, Brandi A.K.A. Ilovemydad

Favoriters (who didn't review): FriendOfTheFallen-x, 24QueenMo, Captainimpalerrox, channy4eva, JediLiz, MaxRideRox, Sarah wucz Emmett cullen, sonny with a zebra shirt, Squirrelflightlover

Subscribers (without reviewing): 1xAquax1, Ashalynz, Chanii3220, foreverchanny, lalawriter2000, kataang0, lv2readmanga, MyUniqueWeirdLifeCouldbeABook, naomikathryn, Squirrelflightlover, sweet blossom89, x-Lozzeh-x,

And quick note to AnalystProductions: I miss you =(

You guys, this is AMAZING—usually my like 6-chapters stories only have about 100-140 reviews—and even then, I'm so grateful for all of that! But nearly 200 for this story—amazing! And for my detective reviewers who tried solving the mystery as they read—well done for you guys!

Random thought—a fanfic that would talk about a SWAC convention would be really cool—like, writing about meeting everyone and that Sonny and Chad—not Sterling and Demi—would like host SWAC stuff. I know I would never have time to work on that story until like 2 years from now, so if anyone's looking for a fanfic project—here's a freebie.

Please listen to http :// www . youtube . com / watch?v=4V_bE9PLewQ as you read this. The song I performed on the piano is a medley between "Dastaan-e-Om Shanti Om (Dark Mix)" from the Bollywood movie "Om Shanti Om", "River Flows in You" by Yiruma, and finally "Say" by John Mayer. Also, the majority of this story wouldn't have been made if the movie "Om Shanti Om" hadn't been made. I copied many of the similar effects like the fire, the 50 year old mystery, those such. Of course, I entwined everything such a way so it's originally my own mystery, but just to be safe. So for anyone who'd like to try watching foreign film, definitely watch that movie.

Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC, Om Shanti Om, nor the green reptile from "Rugrats", or Scooby Doo quotes, or a WoWP quote, power rangers, or Sponge-bob.

PLEASE LISTEN TO http :// www . youtube . com / watch? v=4V_bE9PLewQ AS YOU READ THIS STORY! I just had to repeat myself for the people who don't read my rambles. =D

With ragged breath accompanied by silence, clutching her side as she made her way through the dimly lit hallway, Sonny looked up. She looked back in fear—to what had happened to her friend, to if anyone was on her tail. Despite many decorative windows were cracked to serve as a medium between the outside and inside, the outside was not at all windy. Curiously enough though, the 1950's intricate crystal chandelier swung a little, as if a ghost child was sitting on its side, slowly going back and forth. Each of the chandelier's little glass pieces dangled around, making little chime sounds as they threw off dazzling prisms about the room—sending hushed spirits to circle the near-empty dark room.

"Wha, hey!" Sonny heard Chad's struggles against the masked person from the other end of the room; it seems as if he had narrowly missed the attack by ducking down. "You're pretty strong for an old ladyOW!"

"Chad!" she screamed, hearing another whack!, in fear that Chad could had majorly gotten hurt this time. Of course—she had disobeyed Chad's distinct orders of to immediately escape, not to be seen nor heard—to avoid getting caught. Soft masculine mutters made her way through her ear.
"She's over there!"

Sonny's eyes widened in comic fear. "Mis-take!" she panicked, realizing she let slip her position.

"You keep a'hold of him, I'll go get the girl," Chad heard one of the males beside him plan in a rough patchy voice, leaving the bigger of the males to hold Chad steady as they securely grabbed his hands and hair.

Trying to fight them off, jerking back and forth to get away but to no avail, Chad seethed, with his head being strained up high as the masked man knew how to get Chad by his hair.
"Hey, this guy has a name, and it's a pretty darn great one—!"

Again, the intruder shoved Chad's head, nearly ripping off some of Chad's beloved golden mane. "Quiet, kid."

"Ow...shutting up," Chad feebly groaned.

Sonny on the other hand, was trying to outrun the man behind her. Squatting down next to a burnt Greek-designed pillar moment, with her hand clamped tight to her mouth to prevent irregular sound of her heavy breath or any squeal, Sonny's eyes frantically searched to find a way to Chad, and then directly a way out; the man's soft footsteps made it clear to Sonny that she would have to get around him without getting caught. A small grin formed on her lips.

"Uh, I am Reptor. Hear me roar!" she hastily roared in deep voice, hoping to scare off the one man.
"Hey, there you are!" he gruffly said, leaving for Sonny to squeal high-pitch and then scamper away towards safety.

Standing awkwardly in the silence with one massive arm trying to hold him still as the other gripped his hair, Chad meekly asked in the dark, "Um, excuse me, Mr. masked guy? Could you not hold my hair please?" He sheepishly grinned at himself in arrogance. "It's kinda what makes me a heartthrob….ow!" he conceitedly shrugged when he cried in disdain awe after the masked man had yanked on his hair once again.

If his day could had gotten any worse, it did—Sonny screamed. Not the kind of comic one but the truly terrifying kind, knowing she was physically being harmed. Chad gasped in fear.
"Oh no," his breathing became a shudder. "Sonny, no...Sonny, RUN!!" he yelled towards the direction of her mangling shriek. Irritated by his lack of movement long enough, he struggled with the large man on top of him. "Would you get off of me!?" Suddenly, he stamped on the man's foot, having in squelch in pain, hopping on his stub toe, letting Chad free to turn and face him.

Chad gasped when he saw little strands of gold beauty in the man's clumsy hands.
"You did not," he scowled in annoyance, pointing to his perpetrator in anger, "just rip out some of Chad Dylan Cooper's hair!"

The man in shock looked down at his hands—obviously he wasn't very smart if the first thing he didn't do was try to either get Chad back or run for his life.
"That there in your hand probably is worth more than your life!" Chad cried before becoming angered. "Oh, you're definitely gonna pay! Hua-yaow-ya!" he cried, flipping his awesome ninja-karate moves inches before the stunned attacker's face.

Seconds later, both stood still, blankly staring at one another.

Seeing his opportunity, Chad scrammed outta there. "Peace out, sucka, wha-ha!"

Meanwhile, Sonny had just escaped the other man by attacking him with the large Esser belongings in Sonny's bag: dense golden awards, heavyweight frames, and loads of film casings. Just having managed shaking the man off her tail, she let out a screaming gasp when she bumped into her friend.


"Chad! Oh thank goodness! How'd you get away?" she whispered in the dark, approaching him with a fast hug.

Even through the faint glow of the light, Sonny's smile was wiped off as she sensed a smirk grow on Chad's lips. "Turns out he was a big fan of mine. 'Bribed him with tickets to a MacKenzie Falls taping and he let me go—just like that," he smugged, snapping for dramatic purposes.

Sonny grinned also, mockingly. "Ohhh, so someone else was screaming like a girl."

"No," Chad mocked her, wrinkling his nose, "they were blubbering like one," he retorted, connecting their fight to what Sonny had joked about when they had watched the horror movie together.

Hearing heavy footsteps towards their way, their moods suddenly changed. "Chad, we have to get out of here and get the police," Sonny breathlessly addressed. "Right now."

Chad's grin formed a little too tight when he saw something behind Sonny. "Sonny," he smiled awkwardly, "dear," he hesitantly beamed. "Whatever do you mean?" his head violently jerked towards beside them. In confusion, Sonny narrowed her eyes, turning around to find Ms. Marley Jean Rodnoc, clapping her way as she dangerously walked towards them.

"Brava," she sang out sweetly. "How extraordinary. You've solved everything except…how to escape," she malevolently chuckled.

Chad and Sonny stood hand-in-hand, glaring at her in hatred.

The fashionable-elderly lady's expression was just tickled by the fear in the stars' eyes. "This room will burn again," she calmly stated soothingly, "and Condor's most precious stars will go with it."

"You wouldn't do that," Chad muttered as if only to persuade the woman out of it, reassure himself and Sonny, only to have Sonny laugh besides him mockingly.
"Chad, she killed her supposed 'lover'," Sonny used air quotes, making the situation at hand a whole lot scarier because of her insane laughter. "What're two kids to her then? Nothing!" her laugh was beginning to turn into a sobbing plea.

"If you see before you," Rodnoc ushered the two to look around. "You are in the middle of a bonfire—ready to burn as soon as I light this," she smirked, holding out a pocket lighter as Sonny and Chad saw the floor shimmer—oil trails circled around and around them; there'd be no way to escape if a fire of any size did occur.

"Great," Sonny sarcastically toothily grinned. "I'll go grab the hot dogs!"

Her sarcastic retorts worried Chad into thinking if she kept this up, they would die even faster.

"Sonny, don't," he whispered in fear. But Sonny avoided him, her focus just on the soulless murderer.

"Don't tell me, it was for the money," she spat.

But if anything made the event insane and demonic, it was how the murderer could mercilessly laugh at a time like this. "Of course it was, child. I only went to the helpless man for his worth. And when he didn't take the studio—I…got 'rid' of him." Her smile twitched out of the memory replaying in her mind...of Esser's death.
"Boys," she plainly stated, addressing her two henchmen, otherwise known as two stars from her studio. "Tie 'em up." Quickly, Chad pulled the scared Sonny into him, hugging her tightly. The two cowered, turning away from the men when smash! thedoor in front swung open—the lights turned on.

Letting go, Chad and Sonny straightened up to see who there heroes were—none other than Nico and Grady, standing along side near Condor, Marshall, Murphy, Josh—responsible adults of Condor Studio, all looking angrily at Ms. Rodnoc.

"Don't worry, ya guys!" Nico called out, holding some kind of contraption as he wore the front part of a horse costume. "Dis here Candy Multiplier Machine will save you!"

Before long, Grady placed in a single candy into the machine, then cowered back with his hands in his ears. "And fire!" Nico shouted out. Everyone stood in suspense, waiting for what happened when the Candy Multiplier Machine sputtered and coughed—nothing happened.

Nico looked at his blond friend in fear. "What we gonna do now?!" he whined.

"Don't worry! Costco to the rescue!" Grady yelled warrior-like, before all the Condor Studio workers heaved the massive amount of candy bags from Costco towards the two men, having them topple down by the intrusive weight.

But Sonny's eyes flashed over towards Rodnoc, spying her violently snarling at them as she lit the lighter, holding it near the oil trail.

"NO!" she shrieked, gaining everyone's attention. It was too late.

Just then, the glass chandelier swung harshly, enough to break from the wiring and fall....fall right over Marly Jean Rodnoc. The people there could had sworn though that seconds before hand, they had spotted a transparent man sitting on top of the chandelier framing. Though it trapped her, barricading her to the floor, she was uninjured, unable to harm anyone else from now on as her lighter slid away from her hands as she fell. Thousands of little crystal shards sprawled from the epicenter of the fall like little sparkling snow jewels.

Immediately, Condor rushed over to Rodnoc, lifting the bulk of the metallic chandelier frame off of her. "My dad told me horrible stories about Esser's lover. I just would had never assumed it was my own sweet little rival," he stated as he grabbed her hands behind her back hand-cuff style, leading her past the kids.
"Eugh," Marley Jean growled. "And I would had gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your stupid log of clues!" she haughtily went out the door pridefully as she threw daggers of coldness to everyone.

"Scooby-Dooby-Doooo," Nico howled playfully towards the woman, aggravating her.

"C'mon, kids," Murphy nasally motioned, almost like he cared for the kids. "Let's go."

"But shouldn't we—?" Nico hitched his thumb behind them in confession when Condor roared.
"Make it happen!"

Nico and Grady shrugged. "Sweet, we caught the ghost!" Grady grinned in idiocy as the two fist-bumped each other in excitement. "Yeah, man!"

Nico turned over to find Sonny in the middle of the, what was now easily seen as a ballroom instead of just a stage...the ballroom for a Halloween party and Esser's premiere all those years ago...

"Yo Sonny, let's get our trick-or-treatin' on, eh?" he danced a little as he spoke.

"Yeah," Sonny beamed, truly happy now. "Let me just get the bag of all the artifacts from the other room. I'll catch up with you guys later, alright?"

Grady nodded. "Sure."

As did Nico. "Cool wid us," he grinned.

The adults had left, Nico and Grady like-wise and Sonny narrowed her eyes seeing Chad gone as well. She would had hoped to at least thank him for his bravery and protection and help. Oh well, there was always tomorrow. But what bugged Sonny more was how the chandelier had fallen at the time most needed—there was no wind, it did not look rickety, so why, after more than half a century did it randomly snap?

With one problem left unanswered and knowing she'd perhaps never be able to answer it, Sonny quietly made her way to the heavy bag in the middle of the room. Trying to forget it, she looked at what a mess she was in the cracked mirror—overall though, she looked good. Her silk purple spaghetti-strapped shirt (part of her purple Sonnyflower outfit) was still whole, and her black and orange stripped ruffled short skirt looked fine—her leggings had no tear. With Esser's belongings back in her hand, Sonny made her way back into the ghastly ballroom.

That's when haunting violins started play.

Immediately, she cowered, jumping. "Where's that creepy music coming from?" she comically hissed to herself.

The lights flickered, zapping off as if somehow the moon had decided to go around the world to make everything pitch dark; Sonny's scream was caught in her breath when slowly, the walls began to light candlelight. Sonny couldn't believe it, but there it was—hundreds of candelabras and candles now flickered romantically in the dark. Shifty, the girl spied a figure in the dark nearing towards her, walking ever so slowly—Chad Dylan Cooper.

The haunting ghoulish music continued to play.

"Chad—" she began to say when Chad smirked, hands in pirate-trouser pockets, interrupting.

"This song was Esser's favorite when he went to India," Chad noted as if it were the most common information in the world. "Except supposedly he left his love in such state here that she hooked up with another guy," his two fingers side by side ran through the air like a runner as he tried sarcastically emphasizing. "Did you know?"

With arms crossed around her chest, Sonny tried playing cool, though she was really intrigued that Chad had miraculously learned some history. "Really," she stated, a smile twitching across her lips.

Chad nodded, now a foot away from Sonny, offering his hand for her to grab onto as the music now began to sooth down in eerie-ness.

"He was heart-broken," he shrugged before he sucked in his lip, taking his arm out from behind him. That's when Sonny found him holding a gorgeous purple passion flower (A/N: See "Esser's trademark flower in my profile) cupped in his hand as he shyly tucked in the stray chestnut strands of Sonny's hair behind her ear, then adding the prized beloved flower in her soft hair. Momentarily, he placed his other arm around Sonny's waist, as she did so to his shoulder. "But very few people have heard his song of lost love."

Sonny looked down, biting her lip as she felt warm and cozy being right against Chad's he was half a foot taller than her, his see-through pirate shirt was just asking to be stared upon. The two continued swinging side by side, just basking in the time they had with each other, letting their moment carrying on for eternity.

"Dip," Chad muttered, which Sonny thought she misheard. But before long, Chad dipped her low, gazing at her warm brown eyes, slowly bringing her back up when he sincerely smiled. "We wouldn't want history to repeat itself now, do we?"

He then gently pushed off Sonny from him, having their hands entwined as they stretched horizontally from one another.

"Repeat from what?" Sonny softly said confused before she pulled back in, lightly spinning herself back into Chad's lenient arms.

The two froze, waiting for the next pulse of music when Chad brought his face closer to Sonny's, modestly smiling at her.
"Losing love."

By now, Sonny was stunned as Chad then carefully heaved her high into the air with both her hands on his neck than his shoulders as the two spun, then bringing her back down.
"Love?" Sonny whispered, goosebumps now crawling on her skin.

As soon as Sonny tried bringing one hand into Chad's and the other on his shoulder, gently, his hands guided both of Sonny's for them to go back around his neck as he pulled in Sonny closer, his arms snugged tightly around her waist.

Chad shrugged, giving her a playful smile, returning back to normal. "I love family, friends." He then winked at the confused Sonny. "And my rival". That's when he caught himself. "Uh—I-I meant...psh," he hesitantly stuttered, "y-you know!" he panicked high-pitched. "L-love t-to...hate! Love to hate my rival, duh!" Mentally slapping himself, Chad tried avoiding Sonny's giggling gaze on him when she forced him to look at her.
"Hey," she gently grinned. "I love hating you too."

The two continued beaming at one another, both slightly blushing as the hundreds of candles continued to flicker about.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Chad chuckled. "I gotta admit, that purple flower makes you one very cute Sonnyflower."

Sonny laughed along. "Why thank you, Chad." It then occurred to her. "Wait, is this what you kept trying to ask me during the Halloween party, Chad? For a dance?" she marveled at slowly.

Chad meekly nodded, smiling as if his secrets were out. "You are a smart detective."

Just then the heavy framed doors leading to the outside opened—Tawni, in her Tinkerbell costume, met the two glances. Apparently Mr. Condor had found all his missing stars.

"Sonny, we're going Trick-or-Treating now! C'mon!" she said bubbly with urgency.

Sonny gasped in excitement. "Yeah! Trick-or-Treating!" she squealed to Chad, immediately dropping her hands from his neck, grabbing his hands instead to pull him. "Let's go!"

Shaking his head chuckling, Chad knew there was no point in arguing. Grabbing his pirate hat, velvet pirate jacket and eye patch, he sarcastically went in a rough voice, "Argh, m'lady."

With one last giggle, Sonny lead Chad out of the building with all their belongs, with almost all answers found. But if you watched really closely, there was someone else waltzing away in the antique ballroom, waltzing away the whole time Chad and Sonny had their dance. This person was happy though—his memory frozen in time before his death occurred, dancing to the traditional Indian music as he glided around the ballroom floor, his arms waiting for him lost love. Glittering sharp green eyes twinkled when he wore his fashion-designer tuxedo. Yet he was smiling about as the young famous actor twirled, dancing with an invisible figure. His features were extremely handsome—broad shoulders, lenient shoulders, dark brown hair that was nicely combed to one side.

James Esser continued dancing. Even though he danced a waltz with an invisible partner, with his lost love tragically gone, his arms still waiting for her last dance, he danced away for eternity...

*commercial break*

Sensing more trick-or-treaters by their heavy steps towards her lit creepy decorated house, home to any ghouls, ghosts, witches, vampires, or superheroes on this Halloween night. The door opened and there stood a horse costume—with the two Random boys—Nico in the back and Grady upfront. Except somehow the horse's rear was attached to its face—an awkward sight for the old lady who already hates these kids...a different old lady, mind you.

"Trick or Treat!" Nico and Grady childishly grinned, trying to use their cutest voice ever.

"Oh," the lady scrunched up her nose, poking her large eyeglasses up. "It's," she spat.

Seeing his pal frown at her retort, Grady decided to propose their proposition to the senior citizen. "Ah, but madam, we have created a Candy Multiplier Machine. This allows you to give use only one candy—"
"Only one!" Nico repeated enthusiastically for persuasive effect.

"—even half a piece of candy for that matter! And after we insert it here, it'll turn that one in to hundreds!" the boys jumped excitedly.

"Yeah?" the woman readjusted her large framed-glasses in curiousity. "Well I got a Candy Divider Machine!"

The boys jaw-dropped. "You do?! Cool!"

"Yeah, can we see?"

The old woman sarcastically nodded. "Yes you can, Sonnies. Hiya!" she screamed then, repeatedly whacking the boys and breaking their machine. Screams of pain cried out from her house as Nico and Grady ran away from her house, screaming as little red dragons, Power rangers and Sponge-bobs laughed at them.


If you happen tonight to walk down the dark streets

Hoping you'll gain something pleasant to eat

Look hard, you may find the ghost of Esser to fleet

His icy voice whispering "Trick-or-Treat"

You look down at your feet

to find Esser's purple passion flower out on a lean

Then look up to find the ghost, stare back, holding a blade ever so keen

You give a bloody scream

So stay safe

carry a flashlight

Watch for creepy guys in green

And to everyone in the mood

~*~ Happy Halloween...~*~