"Hi Mom!" called Rose as she entered the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie," said Hermione, "How was your date?"

"It was great!" she said, and Hermione could tell that Scorpius was the right guy for her, she was positively glowing.

"Oh, and Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy said that the eighteenth would be fine," said Rose, referring to the day that the Malfoy's would have dinner with them. "They said that if they come over the eighteenth then you need to come over to their house sometime in August."

"Oh, that's very generous of them; tell them it will be great."

"Okay," she went upstairs, to owl Scorpius.

Dear Scorpius,

My parents are really looking forward to seeing yours on the eighteenth…well no, that's a lie, my mom is, but my dad just keeps trying to ignore it, like if nobody talks about it we won't really be dating. I'm sure he'll come around. He doesn't even mind you; it's just that he doesn't want to see your dad. Mom was over at your house while we were out the other day, did you know? Apparently her and your mom are becoming best friends. My parents are willing to take your parents' offer up on meeting in August, until then I'll see you tomorrow night for the big dinner. Does your dad still hate me, or is he resigned that he's coming to dinner tomorrow?

Love, Rose

Rose sent the letter off with her owl, Rowan, and waited eagerly for a reply. After about twenty minutes Rowan came back with a letter from Scorpius.

Hey Rose,

My mom did tell me that she likes your mom a lot, and I think that they have a lot in common. I'll bring up diner in August after we see how this one goes. I'm glad your dad doesn't hate me, and I hope he won't hate mine after tomorrow night. My dad doesn't really hate you, he just doesn't get why I like you. I'm positive he'll figure it out once he meets you, though. He doesn't much like the thought of meeting your dad either, and I think that hate is a strong, but slightly accurate, term in this circumstance. I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, despite how hectic it is likely to be. Don't worry, I'll make sure my dad is on his best behavior.

Love, Scorpius

Rose got out a quill and parchment to reply.

I'm not worried, you'll be there. See you tomorrow night. Love you. Goodnight.

Rowan left and returned in a matter of minutes with Scorpius' letter.

Love you.

Even though it hadn't been a full sentence those two words made Rose happier then any other. Feeling optimistic she got ready for bed.

The next evening everyone was getting ready for dinner. Hugo had been sent off to the Potters at Rose's insistence. She didn't want him around to screw everything up; things would be awkward enough as it was.

At eight o'clock the doorbell rang. Rose got up to get it, butterflies whizzing around in her stomach, while Hermione set out the home-made spaghetti.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy," said Rose, but she was beaming at Scorpius, who was beaming right back.

"Hello Rose," said Astoria warmly, "it's lovely to see you again."

"Come on in," said Rose, letting Astoria and Draco pass. Astoria looked quite at home, while Draco was, not really glaring, but looking extremely stiff. Once his parents had passed safely into the dining room Scorpius gave Rose a quick kiss before taking her hand and leading the way into the dining room as well.

"Hello Astoria," said Hermione warmly, and to the shock of Ron and Draco the two women hugged, with no awkwardness to speak up.

"Draco, Astoria," said Ron stiffly, giving a nod to each, though not making eye contact. He had promised to make an effort for Rose, and he was going to try, the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he actually liked Scorpius, whatever his last name was, and Harry approved, which meant that the kid couldn't be that bad. However, nothing could erase the extreme dislike that he felt for Draco Malfoy.

Draco nodded stiffly at him.

They sat down to eat, and Astoria was quick to complement on Hermione's spaghetti, which was excellent. While the women, Rose, and Scorpius talked freely Ron and Draco sat staring determinedly at anyone but each other. When it was time for dessert a marvelous chocolate cake appeared. Scorpius was the first to say what everyone was thinking, it was delicious, beyond delicious.

"Oh, thank you, but I didn't make it," said Hermione, "Ron did."

At this Draco burst into an uncontrollable fit of hysteria.

"The weasel bakes!" he cried through peals of laughter. Ron began to turn red.

"Oh you're just jealous, because you know as well as I do that your cake doesn't taste nearly as good as this," said Astoria. It was Ron's turn to laugh and Draco's to look embarrassed. "Draco often enjoys baking, though he has no taste for cooking, I do that," said Astoria to Ron and Hermione.

"The ferret bakes!" said Ron, laughing, "and not even as well as I do."

"Ron," whispered Hermione angrily.

"Well, weasel," said Draco, looking livid.

"Come on," whispered Rose, "you want to go for a walk? Leave them to fight this out?"

"Sure," said Scorpius, and they left. None of the adults noticed, as Draco and Ron were still exchanging insults.

"Just when I thought it was going so well," said Rose, sighing as they walked hand-in-hand through the garden.

"Whatever, our moms will sort it out," said Scorpius, lifting their raised hands and gently kissing hers.

"I'm so glad that they're friends," said Rose.

They stopped to sit down on the edge of the small, tasteful fountain that was the center of Rose's garden. They looked out in silence over the garden, which was lit with fireflies, and had rose bushes everywhere. It was a magical moment, and not the type of magic they learned at school. This was a different, stronger magic.

"I love you," said Scorpius. It wasn't the first time that he'd said it, but it was still as full of meaning, sincerity, and love as it had been the first time.

"I love you too," said Rose with an equal amount of affection in her voice. They leaned in and kissed. It started slow and sweet, but soon turned more passionate, and there was no telling where it would have gone if Hermione and Astoria hadn't come out at that moment.

"You know," said Astoria as they broke apart looking embarrassed, "you're lucky we weren't your fathers." She and Hermione chuckled.

"Speaking of our fathers," said Scorpius, "Where are they?"

"Well," said Astoria looking at Scorpius, "your father just apparated home, and…" she trailed off looking at Hermione.

"And," continued Hermione, looking at Rose, "your father is in the library with The Prophet and a large glass of scotch."

Everyone laughed.

"We'd better get home," said Astoria getting up and leaving with Hermione.

Once they were gone Scorpius said, "You want to go out tomorrow?"

"Sure," said Rose brightly, "Lets go into Diagon Ally, we can get ice cream or something, stop at Flourish and Blotts."

"Sounds fun. Do you want to meet there at eleven?"


They leaned in to kiss goodbye, but after a moment Astoria's voice floated out from the house, "Scorpius! I know what you are doing, and I know that you will be seeing Rose soon, so get going!"

They walked back into the house holding hands and trying to look innocent.

"We were just making plans for tomorrow," said Rose sweetly.

"Uh huh…" said Hermione in a disbelieving tone.

"We weren't born yesterday," said Astoria, "Come one Scorpius. Lovely to see you both," she said to Hermione and Rose.

"So, coffee, next Friday?" confirmed Hermione.

"Definitely," said Astoria.

"Love you, bye!" called Scorpius as he and Astoria walked out into the hall.

"Love you!" called Rose just loud enough for him to hear.