Okay so today marks the one year anniversary of this fic. I can't believe it's been this long and it really excites me to know it's come this far. 19 chapters, 91 reviews, and over 4000 hits later I'm still working on this. Thanks for all your guy's support it really means a lot to me. This is my first time ever writing a piece this long and it's inspired me to write more novel length fanfiction and original work. Anyways thanks so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter it has a lot of drama.

Vice and Virtue

Andromeda's Point of View

I awake to the smell of flowers. I open my eyes and see beautiful roses near the bottom of my bed. I grab the small bouquet and read the card attached.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love, Ted

I can't believe how sweet he is. I smell the roses and take in their sweet scent. Ted never ceases to amaze me, I have no idea how he got these flowers in here.

"Who are they from?" Katie, one of my roommates, asks.

"A friend" I say and all of the girls giggle.

"Is he a close friend?" Katie asks.

"Yes", before they can continue their interrogation Bella steps into the room.

"Andromeda come look at this." I quickly get out of bed and follow her down the hall to her room. I walk in and Narcissa's bed is covered in red roses. I don't eve realize it, but she's still lying underneath her covers. Lucius is standing nearby and as she begins to stir I see him pull a box out of his pocket. I suck in a breath as I realize what is about to happen. Narcissa blinks a little and then turns to us.

"What is the meaning of this?" Rodolphus laughs along with Bella and I, then Lucius makes his way to her bed. He gets on one knee and looks her straight in the eye.

"Narcissa I love you and I don't know what I would do without you." He takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Will you marry me?" He pops open the ring box and Cissy starts to cry. At first I think it's because she's upset, but then she laughs.

"Yes" she hugs Lucius and he takes her hand. Her ring is much like mine only with more stones. Lucius has money and he's not afraid to use it.

"Congratulations" I say and leave to get dressed. Valentine's Day has been great so far and I want to see Ted once today. We head down to breakfast and as we enter the Great Hall I manage to get Ted's attention. Bella, Cissy, Lucius, and Rodolphus head forward while I hang back and wait for Ted. I sneak out of the Great Hall and Ted follows.

"Close your eyes" he says as we reach an empty corridor. I do and I feel him place something around my neck. "Now open" he says and I look down to see a beautiful necklace. It is a simple pendent, but it has an antique elegance that is hard to find.

"Ted its beautiful where on Earth did you get it from?" He just laughs.

"My grandmother who passed away last year gave it to me and said when I found a girl who makes me feel magic inside well she said to give it to her." I can't help but aww that is so sweet. I lean into him and kiss him passionately. We pull away, but somehow we still seem together, and this is how I know we are meant to be. We walk to the Great Hall and I know that even though we'll be apart we'll be together and this will be the best Valentine's Day ever.

Narcissa's Point of View

Lucius and I sit together at breakfast; I don't even touch any food I'm to busy admiring my ring. A couple of my friends come over and start talking to me and I show them the ring, they squeal in delight. I'm probably the only fourteen year old in the history of the world to be engaged. They talk about Valentine's Day gifts they've received and how I'm lucky to have a man like Lucius. I really am, I mean Bella has abuse in her relationship and Andy has a mudblood. Either I'm lucky or most men are pigs or filth.

"Thank God they're gone" Bella exclaims throwing another piece of toast in her mouth.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask. She just shakes her head and I back off. I've learned with Bella just to leave her alone rather than fight with her. I turn to Lucius who is eating some eggs. "What do you have today?" He swallows his food, and wipes off his face.

"Transfiguration, a couple free periods, lunch, and then double potions." I nod.

"Maybe we'll see each other during one of your free periods. I'm glad you don't have divination today, if you did you would never see me." He laughs and kisses me on the forehead. Students start to leave the Great Hall and we stand. Bella and Rodolphus are out of the Great Hall before Lucius and I even start to walk. I'm going to be slow today, the baby is moving a lot and I'm still not completely used to the odd feeling.

"Are you ok honey?" Lucius asks stopping me.

"Yes" I say back, he doesn't seem convinced and decides to walk me to charms. We are outside the classroom, and the corridors are deserted. I hear professor on the other side of the door droning on about something. Lucius kisses me goodbye and walks away. I push open the door wanting so much to turn the other way.

"Miss. Black nice of you to join us." I feel eyes follow me as I walk to my normal seat. Professor continues and I zone out. I can only thing about Lucius and how the only place I want to be is in his arms.

Bellatrix's Point of View

The day flies by after Lucius proposes to Narcissa. I sit in my classes bored out of my mind. Everyone seems to be happy with Valentine's Day and all, but5 I'm miserable. Rodolphus can't eve say Happy Valentine's Day, let alone actually show affections toward me. I walk into the Great Hall for lunch and sit next to Rodolphus. I gently kiss him on the cheek trying to get some response out of him.

"What Bella?" he asks in an annoyed tone.

"Now I can't kiss you Rodolphus, any other time you would be thrilled. What is wrong honey?" Now I'm being nice for once, I don't want to set him off.

"I'm just tired Bella." He eats some potatoes and I can see something's wrong by the way he stabs his fork onto the plate. He was like this last Valentine's Day, and I don't need a replay of that. Last Valentine's Day was a disaster, something that never should have happened. It was the first day he hit me. I don't want to remember it but the memory will always stay with me. Rodolphus and I had decided to skip classes that day to have some alone time. After hours of making love we took a break and I grey bored. Ready to get back at it I decided to tease him. I put my plan into action as I grabbed his wand off his dresser and ran actors the room wearing only a sheet.

"Bella give it back" he said forcefully. I remember only prancing around the room flaunting that I had power over him. Gradually he got more and more angry his face turning into something I had never seen before.

"Bellatrix" he said through his teeth. I just laughed some more and ran away. That was when he caught up to me and knocked me to the ground.

"Rodolphus" I said laughing still thinking it was all a joke. He walked in front of me and snatched his wand out of my hand. That's when the hit came; hot fire across my face. This burned the most; this was the first fire that burned the flesh down. Now my burns are so deep I no longer feel them. I remember being afraid, very afraid. He was so angry, he continued to beat on me, and I screamed for him to stop, but it was like a drug for him and he was addicted he couldn't stop. By the time he was finished I had lost my voice, and I hurt bad.

"Bella I'm sorry" he said trying to touch me, but I wouldn't let him.

"Just go" I mouthed unable to even say a word. It was the worst Valentine's Day ever. I break out of my daydream as I see Rodolphus walking away from the table.

"Rodolphus wait!" I shout; he holds up his hand signaling me to shut up and he continues to walk furiously out of the Great Hall. Angry tears stream down my face and I turn to my plate.

"Bella" Andy says "he's just in one of his moods."

"I know" I snap back "why is it every Valentine's Day he seems to be in a bad mood?" Andy just shrugs and continues to eat. She doesn't seem to want to instigate my ramblings any longer. Lunch goes by slowly, after I'm finished eating I find myself staring at the ceiling or sky I should say. It's always so pretty and stable; I wish my life could be like that.

"Bella" Lucius says shaking me "come on we have Transfiguration." I moan I don't want to go see old hag McGonagall I just want to sleep. I wish I could sleep away my problems. We make our way out of the Great Hall and head towards McGonagall's room on the second floor. It isn't a long walk, but Lucius and I are still the last ones to class. I look to my seat and see Rodolphus isn't sharing the desk with me.

"Lucius sit down with me please?" He sighs and sits next to me. McGonagall begins the lesson ignoring the fact Rodolphus isn't here. I don't know where he could be, perhaps in the common room, but if he was normally I'd be there. I try to take my mind off Rodolphus by focusing on McGonagall, but I end up staring out the window. Suddenly, I feel something funny in my stomach. It's like nothing I've ever felt before and I realize it's the babies. Lucius is staring at me and I realize I'm clutching my stomach. I smile, I need to tell Rodolphus, maybe this will cheer him up. I raise my hand and McGonagall motions for me to speak.

"Professor I forgot something in the common room can I go and retrieve it?" She nods and I jump out of my seat. This makes the babies move more and I nearly squeal in delight. I hurry through the corridors until I reach the dungeons. I enter the common room and see Rabastan on the couch near the fire.

"Rabastan have you seen Rodolphus."

"No Bella is something wrong?" He looks really concerned, but I just smile.

"No I'm going to check our dormitory." I head down the hall; when I reach our dormitory the door is oddly closed. Even weirder I find that the door is locked. I take out my wand, use a quick spell to unlock the door and shove it open. The first thing I see is the white pale ass of Rodolphus who is on top of Lucy, William's supposed girlfriend.

"What the fuck!" I shout and Rodolphus turns.

"Oh shit" Lucy exclaims and I run over to them. Rodolphus pulls out and I grab Lucy by the hair and shove her to the floor.

"You filthy bitch fucking my boyfriend get the fuck out." She struggles to get up and I draw my wand.

"Crucio" I mutter and she falls back down again full of pain. I let out all the angry I have and Rodolphus speaks.

"Stop Bella." I turn to him even angrier than before.

"Ok now I'll give you some too." I send the curse flying and it hits him square in the chest. He falls back on the bed in pain and he begs for me to stop.

"Why Rodolphus?" I scream in fury, "why are you fucking her?" He stares back not knowing what to say.

"That's what I thought." The tears stream down my face and my anger is turning into sadness. Normally I don't cry, but lately it's all I do. I run out of the room dry heaving I'm so upset. I reach the common room and run to Rabastan. I sit and cuddle near him.

"Bella what is it, what's wrong?" Rodolphus comes down the hallway with only pants on.

"Bella I'm sorry" he says and walks towards me.

"Go!" I shout. He touches my hand and I slap him. He tries to hold me and Rabastan gets up and pushes him away.

"Leave her alone" he says forcefully.

"You stay out of this!" Rodolphus shouts back.

"No I won't" Rabastan shouts throwing Rodolphus back against the wall. Rodolphus is quick on his feet and punches Rabastan in the chest. Rabastan falters and moves to the side. Rodolphus walks toward me and I sink back into the couch.

"Bella I'm sorry" he pleads again.

"Don't" I shout in his face "how could you cheat on me while I'm pregnant; you sicken me." He recoils with pain in his eyes, but it quickly turns to rage.

"Don't criticize me Bellatrix if it weren't for you're sleeping around you wouldn't be in your situation." With that I draw my wand and I draw his.

"Crucio!" I shout, but the curse fails because I lose my concentration when Rodolphus throws a curse at me.

"Stop" Rabastan says trying to get between us. Rodolphus sends him flying into a wall and he drops unconscious. I want to run to him, but I don't now is my chance to get Rodolphus.

"Incendio" I shout and a ball of fire spews out of my wand. Rodolphus doesn't move quickly enough and the fire catches his leg and burns it.

"Damn it" he shouts and I run to him and put him up against the wall.

"Now you know how I feel." He struggles against me and then raises his fist and places it against my stomach.

"No" I say and he smiles; he isn't joking. The babies are moving against me and I want to let him go, but at the same time I don't.

"Rodolphus please don't." He pulls his fist back and brings it forward with enough force to knock me to the ground. At first there is immense pain then it fades slightly. I moan a little and then Rodolphus gets on top of me and burns my leg with the fire still on his.

"I love you honey" he says and kisses me forcing his tongue down my throat. I try to push him off, but I'm in too much pain. I look and see Rabastan coming over. Rodolphus is getting too involved with me to notice Rabastan behind him. He's carrying a wooden torch that normally is on the wall for decoration. He brings it over his head and rams it into Rodolphus' skull. I push Rodolphus off of me and Rabastan beats on him more then necessary.

"Rabastan stop!" He stops and just as he drops the torch he runs to me.

"I'm sorry Bella" he says as he hugs me. Just as he let's go I see Slughorn in front of us with Lucy.

"Explain" he says in shock. Dumbledore enters the room and surveys the damage. He looks directly at me for an answer, but I can't say anything because I pass out onto the floor.

Thanks so much for reading. I love reviews and I appreciate you all so much. If you head over to Tea Parties I am going to introduce the children's names soon so watch out for that. Anyways please review and I hope you read the next chapter.