Timeless Sonata

I'm still sorry the time between the first and second chapters was so long! I now have 3 active stories, this one, Adventures in Living (FF7) and The Storm War (FF13). I know I have other's that aren't completed, and I hope to finish those as some point too, but these three are what I'm working on right now.

Anyway, this chapter will have some lemony stuff in it… so watch out. I know I was debating, but for the next part, it really needs to happen. I own nothing, and enjoy! Song is It is you by Dana Glover.

Warning: There is a sex scene between Vincent and Yuffie.

Chapter 3: It is You

There is something that I see
In the way you look at me
There's a smile, there's a truth in your eyes

But an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

Vincent sat, his head bowed, his eyes intent on the mako pool. The last few hours, everything had seemed to calm down at bit, the churning had decreased and he just had to wait. What were Cloud and the others going to do once they got there? Sadness was choking the tiny voice that kept telling him that Yuffie was alive somewhere. His phone was going to die soon, he could hear the beeping becoming more frequent, so he pulled it out and checked his messages.

Still nothing, and he sighed, pushing his now dry hair out of his face, his skin felt raw from the mako exposure, but he simply ignored it. He used his GPS device in his phone to get his coordinates and texted them to Cloud, before he turned his phone off. He needed to save what little juice he still had, in case something did happen.

He closed his eyes and sighed softly, bowing his head fully now. "I failed you Yuffie…" he muttered, his heart constricting in his chest. He was weary, tired of women around him disappearing. "Please come back," he whispered, so low it was lost in the cacophony of the mako pools.


Yuffie ended up staying with Vincent for a whole month, she still had no idea how she'd get home, and she was starting to wonder if she even was supposed to go back. Maybe this was what Aerith had meant when she said to save him… to save them all. If she stayed at his side, then maybe the events around Sephiroth's birth would never happen. She knew it was a long shot, but the more time she spent with Vincent the Turk, the more she wanted to be with him. She still missed the long hair, and the pregnant silences, but this was how he was supposed to be, if all that hadn't happened. Thinking about the Vincent she met in that crypt below Shinra Manor made her sad, and sometimes Vince would catch her, and try to get it out of her. She hated lying to him, but she didn't want him to think she was crazy.

Sometimes she'd just say she missed her mother, or her homeland, and he took that at face value. Even though, she knew that he'd figured out, probably the first day that they'd been together, her real name wasn't Yuki, but he never said a thing. There were some things that he kept from her too. She'd ask how work went, and he'd say fine, but that shadow would pass over his eyes, and she would wonder who Shinra had forced him to kill that day.

Yuffie was sitting on the couch; Vincent's blankets were lying at the end of it, and despite their budding relationship, the Turk still slept there. He had a scar from that night, running down his back, and she'd gotten used to him walking around without a shirt on, she didn't even blush anymore. Everything was comfortable, except when he came back troubled, and he reminded her so much of her friend at home, the one that was probably agonizing over her disappearance. He'd get that same face, the one he got when he thought of Lucrecia… he'd look right through her.

She was waiting for him to get out of the shower, dinner was on the table, but she wasn't going to eat without him. This night was one of the worst, she didn't know what he'd done, but that haunted look stayed even when she hugged him. They hadn't gotten physical, other then hugging, but tonight, she thought that he might need something more.

The ninja heard the shower turn off and she peaked over her shoulder, seeing the gunslinger exit the bathroom with a towel around his waist. She took a breath and got up, walking silently up behind him. That didn't work, because he was just as much a ninja as she could hope to be, and he spun around looking down at her, wet tendrils of hair hanging in his face.

"Yes Yuki?" He asked, and she marveled at his deep voice, and the fact he wasn't even faze by a girl close to him in a towel. The other Vincent would be mortified.

"Your scar still looks bad, I made some herbal cream that my mother taught me, from Wutai, it's supposed to help with scars. You know, Wutain women have to be perfect all the time, scars aren't becoming."

"I don't mind it." She bit the inside of her mouth and pouted a bit, and he continued, "but if you are bothered by it, then please, let's try the cream."

She grinned, "stay right there!" She figured he'd go into the room, but the door wasn't closed, and by the time she got back he was in red boxers, using the towel to dry his hair.

When she stepped in, he sat on the bed and presented his back to her. He looked over his shoulder and smirked a bit. "I can't see it, or reach it…"

She smiled a bit more and nodded, crawling on the bed behind him and kneeling. "You don't mind me, rubbing it in?" She swallowed a bit and tried to smile, obviously a bit nervous.

"No, I don't mind."

Yuffie rubbed the cream over her hands then moved them over the scar. It was red against his white skin; going clear across his well muscled back. She moved her hands down, her eyes moving to the back of his head as he relaxed, his shoulders hunching over. She never saw him like this, he seemed so torn, and she felt anger rising up in her chest… Vincent wasn't supposed to be like this. He was cold and aloof, but this man before her…

The ninja move to press herself against his back, her arms going around his shoulders. She pulled him close and closed her eyes, the smell of herbs and cherry blossom was mixing with his spicy scent, completely captivating her. She bowed her head, amazed that he hadn't tightened up; he hadn't tried to pull away. "Vince," she whispered, closing her eyes, "it's okay, to be sad, it's okay to be angry. Bottling it up, it's only going to hurt you in the end. I care… no… I love you Vincent. I've loved you since the first time I saw you, please, talk to me."

The gunman turned in her arms, looking into her eyes, his hand moving to caress her cheek. "You can't love me Yuki, I'm a monster in a man's body."

"No!" She moved both her hands to his face and she forced him to keep looking at her. "Never, you are not a monster, I've never believed that! You are a good man, stuck in a place that you can't control. If you were a monster, you wouldn't come home looking like this! I see the pain, every day, and I've been scared to say anything. I want to help you deal with it. Please Vince…"

"You wouldn't love me if you knew what I had to do everyday." His voice was soft, his eyes going to the side, even though she wouldn't let him turn his head. "You wouldn't even be able to look at me."

"You're wrong," she said plainly, his gaze moving back to hers. "You don't think I know, that I haven't heard the whispers? Look, I have done things that I'm not proud of; some things that would make even you cringe. I know what's it's like to carry a burden, and have no one to share it with. I know who you are Vincent, and you are a good man. You're sad and angry and try to spare other's feelings, but you are a good man."

The Turk looked into her silver eyes and she smiled softly, her hands slipping down to rest on his shoulders. Vince leaned forward, his lips brushing against hers, "you'll probably regret loving me Yuki."

The ninja took a shuddering breath, shaking her head a bit. "Never, that's something I'll never regret."

He pressed forward, their lips touching in a torrent of heat and passion, her hands slipping to his chest, resting there as he pulled her close, his hands moving around her waist. She'd never imagined Vincent's kisses would be so intense, she felt like the feelings he had were drowning him, and he was taking her down too. That was something that seemed to always be the same, whether in the past, or present, he felt things very deeply, and acted on those feelings, even if they were against his common sense.

Yuffie's hands slipped up, into his hair, pulling herself onto his lap, his hands moving to pull her small tank top over her head. There was no hesitation in his movements; he broke the kiss to rid her of the garment, his lips moving to the valley between her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra; her boobs were so tiny, half the time she didn't bother with the restrictive garment. Right now, she was thankful she hadn't put one on, that meant there were fewer layers between her and Vincent. He was teasing her skin now, his hand moving to cup her, his lips running over the pink flesh.

The ninja tugged him up, kissing him urgently, moving to lie down on the bed, coaxing him to follow. He did, his eyes darkened with desire, and he moved to her side, pulling her cotton shorts and underwear in one deft motion, before settling between her legs. "Are you sure Yuki?" He whispered, kissing her neck gently.

"Say it Vincent." She looked up into his eyes, and the lust moved away, a small smile coming to his lips. She almost wanted to cry at the look on his face. She may have gotten used to a lot of things, but his smile… that she would never stop treasuring.

"I love you too," he said softly, and she moved her hands down to push his boxers off his hips.

"Vince, please…" she begged, not wanting to wait. To him, he'd known her a month, but to her, she'd been waiting for years, until she was old enough, pretty enough… desirable enough. And even if this wasn't Mister Vampire Vinny, she did love him. In Wutai, the act of lovemaking was believed to bind a man and woman on a spiritual level. She just wished she could hear her real name come from his lips.

"Patience princess," he whispered and she tensed a bit, causing a rough chuckle to come out of him. "You've never been with a man, have you?"

"No," she whispered, and he moved his hand down, between her legs, and he slipped his long fingers into her warm folds. She gasped, her eyes slipping closed. "Oh my gawd Vince," she managed to plead; his quick and nimble digits were making her hot very quickly.

"Such a perfect Wutain flower," he whispered to her, kissing her neck as he slipped his middle finger into her, her pleasured mewling turning to a pained groan. "Relax," he whispered, kissing her lips, before moving his mouth to engulf her nipple.

"How…" she tried to form a sentence, but it was proving difficult in her pain and pleasure addled mind.

"How did I know? I am a Turk… you ran away from a marriage, royals are the only ones left in Wutai that arrange marriages. I know your name isn't Yuki… what's your real name?"

"I… can't tell you, I'm sorry." He pushed another finger inside her, causing her to gasp again, this time more in pleasure then pain.

"Then I shall make one up for you, Saiai." He moved to kiss her, removing his hand and placing himself at her entrance. Yuffie felt like she was going to faint, he'd called her his beloved, and she couldn't process that this was really happening. He pressed in, causing her to tense, and he stopped, kissing her again. She took a shaky breath and relaxed as he pushed into her resistance. "This is going to be the worst," he said softly, looking into her eyes, "after that, it will turn to pleasure."

Vincent moved his hips forward, breaking her barrier and settling himself fully inside her. Tiny tears pricked her eyes, and he leaned down, kissing them away. "I'm sorry," he said to her, obviously grieved that he had to hurt her, but she just shook her head.

"No, I want this Vincent, more then you could possibly know. No regrets, promise me, no regrets. I love you, this is always what I wanted."

"To make love the first time with the man you love?" He said softly, kissing along her jaw line to distract her from the pain.

"Yeah," she said softly, though in her head she knew it wasn't just the man she loved… it was Vincent. She'd loved him all along, and she couldn't help herself. He started moving, slowly so she could get used to it, and after a few minutes, she was moving with him, the tension was gone from her face, and she was watching him, her cheeks stained pink, her lips open as she panted. She wanted to remember every moment of this, her first time. Anything could happen after this, and she could die happy.

Vincent was getting close, so he rocked her hips forward, causing her passage to constrict. She cried out, the new sensation was too much and she clamped down around him, leaving half moon nail marks in the flesh of his back. He kept pumping into her, making her orgasm last as long as he could, but the sensations and the gorgeous look on her face proved to much for even his iron will, and he tried to pull out. She wouldn't let him though, her legs tight around his. He couldn't stop himself and he let go, pumping her full of his essence. He tried not to collapse on top of her, his lips moving to place small, affectionate kisses on her shoulder where his head lay.

"I sorry," she whispered, her hands going to stroke his hair, and he shook his head.

"We're bonded now, right?"

"You know about that?"

"Of course I do," he whispered, slipping out of her once he returned to his normal size, and he moved off the bed, going to the hamper to get a towel. He wiped the blood off himself, the moved to her, removing the watery blood from her milky skin. She was looking at him like she was about to cry, and he moved, kissing her lips. "Stay with me, saiai."

"But, I didn't let you-"

He put a finger over her lips, a smirk forming on his lips. "No regrets, remember. No matter what happens, I'll be here for you."

She smiled a bit, realizing that he'd kept that promise, even if he didn't know it. "I'll stay, as long as I can. There are some things we just never have control over… you know?"

He nodded, gathering her up against him, his fingers moving to play with her damp hair. "That's all I could ask of you."

Yuffie nodded, kissing his chest where her head lay, and then looked up at him. "Dinner's on the table, are you hungry?"

Vincent nodded, moving to put some clothes on, and helping Yuki up. She was moving slowly, no doubt she was sore, so he helped her retrieve her things and dress. It was his fault she was sore, he certainly wasn't a small guy, despite his lean stature. He'd only made love to a virgin one other time, when he'd been one as well, and that hadn't been pleasant for the girl either.

She smiled as he started to help her, and when the ninja was dressed, she moved her arms around his shoulders. "Lets go out on a date."

"I have three days off in two weeks, I can take you to Costa del Sol, if you'd like."

Her face lit up like it was Christmas and she nodded, kissing him lovingly. "I'd love that, but you have to let me keep treating that scar if you're going to run around in a bathing suit."

"Well, if that leads to more sessions like that last one, you can count me in."

"Hey!" She slapped him lightly on the chest, content that he was wearing his red tee shirt; it always made her feel at home. "It helps you know!"

"Oh I'm sure it does. What would I do without you."

"Lock yourself in a coffin for thirty years and lament it, I'm sure." She pulled on his hand and tugged him out the door. "Come on, lover boy, I'm sure dinner is cold…" Yuffie giggled a bit, "wait, it's sushi, so that's a good thing!"

Vincent let her lead him out, pondering her last comment, a coffin for thirty years? Where did some come up with these things?