I don't own Naruto

Yo guys I'm so back! Sorry for all the delays and stuff! :D

Hell yeah! Here chapter 7!

Chapter 7: Randomness


"So anyways were your brother Sasuke?" The red haired hot teen named Sasori asked Itachi he was also wearing same thing as Itachi 3 shirt button undone and lastly his messy hot red hair that made him looked irresistible.

"He's upstairs maybe taking care of stuff" Itachi smirked and imagine Sasuke's torture.

"Well He's not coming?" Sasori asked boredly.

"I don't know, Why don't we check up on him" Itachi said his voice full of meaning and went upstairs.

"Hn" Sasori said lazily and lifted himself up and followed Itachi upstairs.




"Yeah so what's up with Sasuke he's early alwa—,," Sasori didn't get to finished after Itachi open the door to find out…




Itachi open the door and Sasori's eyes widen a little as he saw a girl not just any girl lying down with her thighs spread apart between it is Sasuke the girl has long glossy pink hair slender body and to top it all she has wings in Sasori's head girls don't have wings.

"What the fu-" Sasori didn't get to finish he was to in trance with the display.

Sasuke heard a voice and looked up and glared at Itachi and cover Sakura immediately.

"What the fuck! Itachi I told you to keep it a secret! You baka!" Sasuke shouted at Itachi.

Sakura was a little scared at Sasuke's outburst and covered her ears.

Itachi just smirked and leaned against the frame door.

"Tsk Tsk lil bro I told you to take care of her not rape or take advantage of her and besides you said keep it a secret only to our parents" Itachi said as he walk to the bed and pat Sakura's head and pulled her close to his chest and pet her head.

"BAKA! and I thought you were smart" Sasuke said and slapped his forehead.

"Tachi" Sakura moaned cutely as he pet her head.

"Yeah I am she has a cut on her thigh you baka" Sasuke said pointing the obvious to Sakura legs that is bandage and glared at Itachi for holding Sakura and Sakura liking it.

"You scare-" Itachi said and was cut off.

"Will you 2 tell me what's going on here?" Sasori said.

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot you" Itachi said scratching his head.

And so Sasuke and Itachi explain everything to him and he just nodded in understand.




After 2 hours




"So you mean this girl is not from here?" Sasori said.

"Aa" Both Uchiha said in unison.

"What are you gonna d-Sasori was cut off as Sakura tapped Sasori's shoulder and he turned to face her and Sakura cupped his cheek and smiled sat on his lap and hug him.

"Friend!" Sakura said as she hugged him like a teddy and Sasori smiled and alas the jealousy aura starts to spread in the room.

The two Uchiha glared noticing Sasori's not like this with any girls and became jealous.

Sakura looked up to Sasori and licked his cheek and Sasori shivered at the contact and he suddenly feel hot and bothered.

"Name?" Sakura asked.

"Huh? My names Sasori" Sasori said as he kissed Sakura forehead at her cuteness.

"Sa-sori?" Sakura said.

"Hai" Sasori said




In Sasuke's mind





~I know!~


~Kill Him, no That will be a crime, how about-~






In Reality




"Ehem" Sasuke coughed the trio look at Sasuke.

"Aren't you 2 late for school" Sasuke said with a smirked.

AHA! NOW we Got Her! Alone!

"Aren't you too Sasuke late for school" Itachi said with a cocky smirked.

~Great going you dumbass!~ Sasuke thought

"I can't go because I have to take care of Sakura" Sasuke said as he pulled Sakura away from Sasori's grip.

~Ha who's the genius now!~ Sasuke thought with a big evil grin

"Don't worry Little as big brother me and Sasori will take care of her while you go to school" Itachi said as he grabbed Sakura from Sasuke and wrapped his arms around her.

"Why did you put me onto this" Sasori said.

"You'l love it" Itachi said and wink at Sasori.

Sasori just rolled his eyes.

"What about your duties as a student body president and as vice president Itachi Sasori" Sasuke said

~HA now I got you!~ Sasuke thought laughing inside evilly

"It's already been taking care off" Itachi said with a smirked as he rest his chin Sakura's shoulder.

"Well what about you perfect attendance award" Sasuke said.

~Ha now you'l go to school for sure~ Sasuke thought doing the victory dance mentally.

"Also been taking care off" Itachi said with a cocky smirked.

Sasori just sighed at Itachi and Sasuke's rivalry.

Sasuke glared at Itachi not winning at this situation.

"Fine" Sasuke said with defeat and his inner moaning at the loss.

"Just take take of her and don't rape her" Sasuke said.

"Ouch lil bro rape is a big and crime word you have there why not trying the sex word right Sasori?" Itachi said as he nipped at Sakura's ear.

"Huh, whatever" Sasori said as he laid on Sasuke bed.

"Fine just take care of her ok?!" Sasuke said as he kissed Sakura forehead and hugged her tight.

"Sasuke? Nya/" Sakura asked noticing Sasuke is leaving.

"Don't worry I'll be back ok?" Sasuke said as he hugged her tight.

"Cut it of ok Sasuke it's like your not gonna see her forever" Itachi said smirking.

"Whatever" Sasuke said and glared at Itachi and kissed Sakura forehead again and bid goodbye to Sasori.

"Bye chu!" Sakura whispered cutely at Sasuke as he left the house.

"Sakura" Itachi whisper in her ear and nipped it and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"We are going to have so much fun when Sasuke's not here" Itachi said and smiled at her.

"Tachi? Kyu?" Sakura said and smiled back.




I know lame right well tell me there's nothing bad gonna happen ok Itachi's not raping Sakura ok!

Well review!

Always remember please review every review counts!








