Title: 'Fluff Buddies'
Author: Semerket
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emily/JJ
Rating: M, for language and explicit sexual content. Smut alert.
Disclaimer: Do I own Criminal Minds? No? Then you're probably right. Femslash.
Summary: JJ goes to check on Emily after a rough case and their relationship changes into something else.
A/N: I self beta, so my apologies for any errors, grammatical or otherwise. If you wonder about the title... well I couldn't call it 'f*** buddies' :-P Reviews & comments are welcome; they also encourage me write faster. ;-)

Fluff Buddies

by Semerket

JJ looked ridiculous.

There she stood in the middle of the hallway right outside of Emily Prentiss's door, fist raised and stalled on its way to knock. Was she really doing this? Did she really just show up at the home of the woman of her dreams unannounced? What would Emily think? She felt as ridiculous as she looked. Biting her bottom lip, she mustered up the nerve to propel her hand forward.

JJ hesitantly knocked on Emily's door.

She hoped this wasn't a mistake, she had been making a lot of those lately. Emily Prentiss was never good at admitting when she needed help, but if she did, JJ wanted her to know that she would be there for her. But there were, of course, other reasons. She'd be kidding herself if this was just about a friend wanting to lend a hand.

She felt guilty about the last case. She'd made a bad call in the heat of the moment that ended with Emily getting pounded by an unsub. Of course, Emily would never admit that JJ had been at fault. As a matter of fact one of the first things that Emily had said to JJ at the hospital was that it wasn't her fault and she had done everything she could in that situation. She had used terms like 'right thing' and 'I'll always trust you'. What a bunch of bull. Why did Emily always have to be the knight in shining armor? Why couldn't she just blame JJ like a normal person and throw a tantrum every now and then, but then she wouldn't be Emily.

She had missed the brunette's presence at work and she was running out of excuses to call her without coming across as strange or needy. The last thing she wanted Emily to think was that the press liaison was turning into some kind of lesbo stalker. Maybe JJ shouldn't have brought flowers- she'd already given her some when she was in the hospital. Flowers would probably say one of two things: 'get well soon' or 'I want to fuck you'. Both interpretations were quite accurate.

She would have preferred to bring groceries, but she didn't know what kind of food the brunette would want to eat. The simple thing would have been to call and ask, but that would have given Emily the opportunity to reject her upfront, a possibility that JJ didn't want to consider. Emily was a well-bred woman and the last thing she wanted to do was offend her with an offering of something blue like... hot dogs. She could feel herself starting to sweat. Great.

That's when JJ realized it was taking a long time for her to come to the door. How long had she been standing there? Two minutes? Five minutes?

JJ knocked again.

Now she could hear someone walking to the door albeit more slowly than she would have expected. She heard a pause and she could tell that she was being watched through the peep hole. She sensed her hesitation, maybe Emily wouldn't open the door at all, maybe Emily was angry with her, maybe Emily knew about JJ's more-than-friendly feelings and was offended. She couldn't handle the suspense any longer!

"Emily?" JJ raised her voice so that she could be heard through the door.

Her heart flew into her throat when she heard the lock.

She was greeted by Emily's tired voice. "Jayj?" She sounded curious, but not displeased- maybe stopping by hadn't been a miscalculation. "What are you doing here?"

The brunette had only opened the door wide enough to poke her head out. The last thing she wanted was for JJ to see her condo in disarray. She'd been so tired that she hadn't felt like cleaning up her place. Hell, she couldn't even remember if she took her garbage out.

"I wanted to see how you were doing," the blonde said sincerely. Her heart ached at the way Emily looked. She seemed fragile and exhausted, although the latter was what she found most disturbing. If JJ recalled correctly, Emily didn't 'do' fragile.

"I'm doing fine." Emily said as convincingly as possible, slipping into her familiar facade. She gave no indication that she planned on inviting JJ inside.

"That's good to hear." JJ stared at Emily expectantly as an air awkwardness formed between them. "Can I come in?"

"Actually, now really isn't the best time." Emily answered cryptically. She moved as though she were about to shut the door in the blond's face. All this concern was making the brunette feel strangely vulnerable and she hated feeling weak. JJ always had that effect on her; she weakened her resolve. It was time for the press liaison to go.

JJ's hand shot up to to stop the door from closing. "Emily, please?" JJ's bright blue eyes pleaded with her longingly.

JJ was so beautiful in that moment. Emily felt herself taking in the rest of the woman's appearance. At this time of day JJ would normally be at work, they all would, but here she was at her door step in her casual clothes- a light blue baby doll t-shirt and blue jeans. Didn't she have a case to be working on?

"Shouldn't you be at work?" It was a fair question.

The blonde looked confused momentarily and then her eyes widened at the realization. "Emily," she said carefully, "Today is Sunday, remember?"

Emily stared at her blankly. God, she was an idiot. "Well that explains it." Great. Now JJ must really think she's a train wreck. She hadn't been away from work that long and she'd already lost track of the date.

"I just want to talk... just for a little bit." JJ slapped herself mentally, of course all she would do was talk, what else would they do? Profilers always noticed those kinds of nuances. Emily must think her crazy.

Emily felt her face flush when she realized she'd lingered on the blond's curves just a little too long. Then she noticed the flowers, she was flattered and annoyed by them. Dammit. Now she would look tacky if she didn't invite her inside. Emily sighed as she resigned to her fate. This was the last thing she needed. It was bad enough she had to deal with her long standing secret attraction to the press liaison every day at work, but now she'd have to deal with it in her apartment too.

"Alright." Emily mumbled. She backed away from the door and opened it so that the blond could come in. "I appreciate the flowers, they're beautiful." She said graciously as she accepted the bouquet.

JJ blushed and smiled at the compliment. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I go put these in some water." Emily motioned towards the living area.

So far JJ was impressed with Emily's condo. It was exactly as she had imagined: elegant and immaculate, like its owner. JJ wasn't a profiler, at least not officially, but it didn't take a genius to see that Emily hardly spent any time in her own living room. The couch looked like it had never been sat on and all the other carefully placed furnishings gave off the impression of opulent living, but it was obvious even to her that it was for show more than anything. It was so typical of Emily to be surrounded by all these nice things and never use them.

JJ turned in the direction of the kitchen area. Emily had already found a home for the flowers and JJ watched in amusement as the brunette hurried around the kitchen trying to hide any signs of imperfection, and there were plenty of signs. The counters were covered with a whole myriad of empty pizza boxes and take-out containers. JJ had a feeling that if she checked Emily's refrigerator it probably would be empty. Maybe those hot dogs wouldn't have been a bad idea.

The last thing she wanted to do was make Emily feel uncomfortable in her own home; that would negate the entire point of her visit. Funny, suddenly she couldn't remember what her point ever was. To see Emily, yes, that was it.

"Emily, you don't have to clean up on my account!" JJ blurted.

Emily flinched as JJ's voice startled her. Emily decided to ignore her suggestion. Yes, she did have to clean up. She was tired, not crippled.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked, remembering that she'd need to play hostess. She knew she was out of coffee and she never drank tea so the profiler opened her refrigerator and hoped to God that she had some kind of beverage other than water. Please say no. Wow, Powerade and apple juice. Please say no. There was always wine, assuming she had any left. Please say no.

"No thanks, I'm fine." JJ said down on the couch.

Emily released a breath she'd been holding, crisis averted. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" The brunette asked, wanting to get right to the point. The sooner they had this conversation that JJ wanted, the sooner if would be over. Emily walked into the living room and sat on the couch a few feet from the blond.

JJ noticed that Emily was wearing her red tank top and a pair of black track pants; it was JJ's favorite shirt on Emily- a lovely contrast to her pale skin. She had probably been sleeping before she answered the door, JJ realized. That might account for some of her brusqueness too. Overall the brunette looked much better than she had the last time she saw her- as far as she could tell the bruises were gone, but JJ knew as well as anyone that it was the wounds that didn't show that took the longest to heal.

"You have a really beautiful view here."

"Yea, but you should see it at night. Its really beautiful at night." Emily glanced towards her view of D.C.

"So how have you been?"

Emily watched her prudently, "I told you that I'm fine. I'll be back at work tomorrow."

"Are you really, Emily?"

Now she sounded defensive, "Really, what?"

"Really okay?"

Emily chuckled, "Agent Jareau, are you trying to profile a profiler?"

Jennifer smirked, "Is that what you think I'm doing?"

Emily shrugged, trying to hide as much of her emotional state as possible, "Isn't it?" This elicited a sigh from the press liaison. Why did Emily have to be this way with her?

"Emily, I'm just-"

"Trying to be supportive," The brunette snapped. On seeing the hurt expression on Jennifer's face, Emily softened her tone. "Jayj, it wasn't your fault. No one could have predicted the outcome." She thought she'd gone over this with her already.

"I'm not here to talk about the case."

Emily laughed sarcastically, "Really? Because thats exactly what you asked me about."

"No, I inquired about your health." JJ tried her best to squash her growing frustration.

"Which is directly related to the case."

"Why do you act like this?" JJ was genuinely bewildered. She definitely understood why Garcia dubbed her 'Emily the strange and great.' "I just want to help you, but you push me away every time."

"And most people have enough dignity to accept the rejection the first time." Emily said softly, taking some of the bite out of her comment.

Emily was probably right. Why was she wasting her time on someone that didn't want to be helped and sure as hell didn't want company? She was just about to leave, but then she thought about all the times that Emily had been there for her, all the times she'd consoled her without a second thought. How could that same supportive person that she'd grown to love and depend on be so adamantly opposed to receiving the same assistance in return. Maybe Emily was unaccustomed to having a support network and the idea of being emotionally dependent on another person terrified her. Emily had implied on occasion that being part of the Prentiss family was like having no family at all. That's when JJ made up her mind.

"Its okay to need someone, Emily." JJ said gently.

What was JJ talking about now? Emily furrowed her brow. "Look Jennifer, I'm sorry about the way I've treated you. I'm tired and grumpy and I appreciate you're offer of help, but I'm fine." She resisted the urge to add 'sexually frustrated' to the list. Emily hoped that would be sufficient to get JJ to leave so that she could get back to moping around in her track suit.

Jennifer scooted closer to Emily on the couch. She noticed as the other woman blushed and shifted uncomfortably. She could see the woman's apprehension- Emily looked like she was ready to bolt off the couch. JJ placed a hand on Emily's and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Emily sat there for a moment, dumbfounded. She replayed the events of their conversation leading up to JJ touching her hand. JJ watched her intently, she could tell Emily wasn't sure what to make of it. Then the brunette sighed as she felt her mask of defensiveness slip away. She wanted so badly to give into her weaknesses in front of JJ, but her pride fought and fought until Emily felt a flurry of emotions surging towards the surface, erupting in the form of tears.

JJ moved in to embrace her and Emily allowed it. A few seconds later Emily pulled JJ in even closer and rested her head on the blond's shoulder, her face slipping into the crook of the blond's neck. She could feel her anxieties slip away as JJ held her. She took a deep breath and inhaled JJ's sweet scent. She smelled like dessert. Then Emily wondered: did she taste like it too?

JJ shuddered as she felt Emily's hot breath tease her neck repeatedly. The press liaison's brain was officially on overload. Oh, how she wanted to take full advantage of the vulnerable agent that she held in her arms, but the logical part of her brain kept reminding her that Emily needed a friend not a groping session. A girl could always dream, though.

Emily could feel her the tip of her nose touching the press liaison's neck and she resisted the urge to kiss her. Emily couldn't think of a better way to ruin the moment more quickly than by getting slapped for licking the press liaison... but it was just one kiss. What could possibly go wrong? She could always pretend that her mouth accidentally bumped into JJ's neck, and if JJ asked she could tell her that her tongue just 'falls out' sometimes... like a toothless chihuahua. Emily steeled herself for rejection and throwing caution to the wind, she puckered her lips and gently kissed the blond's neck. Now to wait for that slap.

'What the fuck?' JJ thought as her eyes bulged. Did Emily Prentiss just kiss her on the neck? No, it must have been some kind of mistake, an accident, that was all. JJ berated herself for having such lascivious thoughts at time like this.

Surprised that the smack never came, Emily felt emboldened. She began kissing the blond's neck slowly. She wanted to give JJ time to pull back in case she thought the first kiss had been a misunderstanding. Confident that JJ was not opposed to the contact, she increased the speed of her ministrations and to her delight Jennifer let out a moan.

"Emily?" A breathless press liaison muttered in between breaths. Maybe they were moving a little too fast.

"Mhmm?" Was the only response from the brunette who was still making love to her neck and jawline.

"Emily wai-"

That was not what Emily wanted to hear. It had been so long since Emily had felt her body move against another person's. Rather than lose the momentum that was building between them, she captured JJ's lips with her own in a kiss that was both tender and commanding. Then she firmly pushed JJ onto the couch so that she was lying on her back and Emily was directly on top of her. She loved being in control.

JJ felt all protests die on her lips as she felt the brunette's hand sliding up her shirt. She arched into Emily's touch as she felt her hand knead her breasts. After a few minutes, Emily could tell by the cooing sounds coming from her companion that JJ was very wet now. The older woman relinquished her control over the blond's now swollen mouth and moved her hands down to JJ's jeans. She unzipped the blond's pants and gave them a firm yank. Fortunately, the jeans weren't too tight and they came down easily.

Emily said huskily, "I'm going to taste you." JJ gulped audibly at the determination in the brunette's voice.

True to her word, JJ felt Emily's hot mouth go to work on her; it was heavenly. As JJ neared the edge, Emily felt the blond's hand grab onto her head, pushing her further in.

"Em, Em... Emily!" Emily was pleased when she felt her hair rip as JJ came.

Emily moved back up to capture JJ's lips again. When JJ realized that she was tasting herself she felt herself become aroused all over again. Emily moved her hand to JJ's side and grabbed air, nearly toppling off the couch. They needed more space.

"Upstairs. Bed." Emily said in between kisses, "Now."

JJ acquiesced. "'Kay."

Emily sat up and helped JJ off the couch as she led her upstairs. Emily and JJ shed any remaining clothes on their way.


JJ followed Emily to the bed obediently. Emily sat down on the edge and allowed JJ to sit on her lap and straddle her.

"I want you to fuck me," Jennifer begged.

Without hesitation Emily plunged three fingers into JJ's wet center. JJ gasped at the sensation, after a few seconds she began to rock against the brunette's hand as Emily nipped at her breasts.


"Come for me, Jennifer." Emily whispered

JJ scrunched her face up as she rubbed needfully against the profilers hand. She could feel JJ tensing.

"Relax baby, and let it come."

"I can't."

"Relax, you're too tense."

JJ exhaled a frustrated sigh, "I... I... don't think I can." Her legs were going limp. Maybe three fingers was too much. She was surprised by how tight JJ was.

"Here, lay down on your stomach."


"I'm not asking."

"Okay, okay" Jennifer chuckled. She peeled herself off the profiler and laid down on her stomach.

"Spread your legs."

JJ sighed at the command. She was so aroused she could hardly think straight. She felt Emily lean on top of her and gently insert two fingers. She didn't want to accidentally hurt the younger woman if she wasn't ready for three. Jennifer arched her hips off of the bed to increase the contact.

"That better?"

"Ah... yes!" She hissed.

After a few minutes Jennifer let out a scream loud of enough to startle the neighbors. As JJ descended from cloud nine she felt Emily leaving wet trails of kisses down her back. JJ rolled over and gazed into Emily's eyes and she was pleased to see a hungry look there. JJ rolled Emily onto her back and smiled mischievously.

"Your turn."

Emily was more than content to except that.


Several hours later...

JJ woke up to an unfamiliar feeling of warmth draped over her. She opened her eyes and it took several seconds for her to remember where she was. Then it hit her. She had slept with Emily Prentiss! She was filled with excitement, but at the same time she was worried about how this would affect their friendship and their jobs. Her excitement devolved into panic. She had no idea what to say to Emily so she decided that fleeing the scene would be the safest course of action.

She turned her attention to the warm body that was tangled against her. The brunette was sleeping soundly. It was just a matter of untangling herself from Emily without waking her. It had been easier than she'd thought. Luckily for her, Emily slept like a log.

JJ hurried down the stairs pulling on her clothes as soon as she found them. She was finally dressed and her hair was significantly more composed when she heard a voice at the top of the stairs.

"Jennifer?" The brunette was wearing a robe as she made her way downstairs to confront the blond.

JJ froze, "Oh, hey Emily," She smiled, trying to project the aura that everything was fine and dandy, even though the repercussions of their relationship were still terrifying her.

"Everything okay?" Emily said, confusion evident in her voice.

"Oh, I just thought that maybe...um," JJ had no idea what to say. "I don't know."

"Are you mad at me?" Emily pouted, an expression that made JJ's heart melt. The blond instinctively wanted to take her into her arms, but then she remembered what happened the last time she did that. Oops.

"No! No, I'm not mad at you, Emily."

"Then what's wrong? Do you regret what happened between us?" Emily prayed this wasn't the case, she couldn't bare it if it was; to be so close to having everything she ever wanted only to have it ripped away would not only be tragic, but just plain cruel.

"Um no," JJ tried to find the right words, "I just...I just don't know what to say."

Emily closed the distance between them, "Then don't say anything." She moved in and kissed JJ tenderly. As they pulled back Emily continued to hold her, "Are you hungry? There's a cafe across the street that's still open."

JJ's blue eyes locked with brown orbs and what JJ saw there frightened her. Emily Prentiss was in love with her! It was flowing off of the profiler in waves. Its everything that JJ ever wanted and now that she had it she had no idea what to do about it. She'd given into her hormones without considering the consequences. How would this affect their jobs? For Christ's sake, what would her parents think of her?

Suddenly the press liaison was unable to meet the brunette's eyes. Emily noticed, "Jennifer?"

JJ pushed Emily back until she was no longer encircled in the profiler's arms. It was harder for JJ to think when the brunette was touching her.

"What's wrong?"

"Emily, I had a great time, but I didn't think about this at all and... " She knew that Emily wasn't going to like this. "We made a mistake. I want to go back to being friends."

JJ watched in agony as Emily's professional mask slammed into place, shutting the blond out.

"Then leave." Emily said with a coldness that told JJ they'd never be the same.

JJ started to cry, "I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry-"

"I said get out!" Emily turned on her heel and went back up stairs. She wouldn't let JJ see her cry, not this time.