A/N: This is an outtake I wrote for someone forever and a day ago. It is the night that Alice kissed Jasper and Rosalie at a party when they were 16. Enjoy!

Twilight and all associated elements are property of Stephenie Meyer. This story is mine. No copyright infringement is intended.

All my stories are now posted on my new personal archive found at http:// sweetdulci(dot)blogspot(dot)com . Please stop by & check it out =)


I was drunk as shit, and what's-his-face had me smooshed against the wall, breathing down my neck with his tequila breath. Josh? Alec? Felix? Greg? Fuck if I could remember. After playing quarters for three hours straight, I was a wreck. I needed to find Jasper and get the hell home already.

"Rose! There you are!" a familiar voice chimed from down the hall. I turned my head to see Alice Brandon smiling at me. She then proceeded to scowl at Mr. Stinky Breath before grabbing my hand. "I've been looking all over for you."

"Uh, see you later," I slurred to Dude.

Alice looked up at me and winked, the short little thing. "I figured you wanted to retain your virginity tonight. I hope I wasn't cockblocking."

"Yeah, no," I said flatly. "Thanks. Have you seen Jasper?"

The look she gave me was unreadable. Sort of as if she knew something she wasn't sharing, with maybe a hint of, I don't know, embarrassment? I knew I was too drunk to decipher her expression.

"Yeah, earlier..." she hedged.

"God, who is he hooking up with now?" I moaned, pushing my long hair out of my face.

"No one that I know of. I think he actually got a ride home from Maria. I heard she got knocked up, and that's why she wasn't drinking tonight."

I snorted. That girl was a bitch and a regular whore. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

Before I realized where Alice was leading us, she had opened the door to an empty bedroom and was pushing me inside. "Come on, let's crash here. I think you'll be safe from the horny masses since we don't have a sober ride home."

Agreeing was no problem, and I quickly ditched my shoes and flopped onto the bed. We lay side by side, facing one another. A dim light filled the room from a lamp in the corner, but I knew I could have slept in a well lit hospital room at this point. A desk lamp wasn't going to bother me.

We chatted for a while about...something. Those details probably weren't important enough to remember anyway. I had known Alice forever, and we were good friends. Our social circles weren't exactly the same in high school as they had been growing up, but they crossed, so we had remained close. While I didn't ever know Alice to date or talk about anyone romantically, it didn't really surprise me when she dropped her bit of news for the night.

"So...I kissed your brother," she said simply.

"Oh yeah?" I asked suggestively, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

She laughed me off and shrugged against the mattress. "It was...anticlimactic...but useful."

"Useful? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's like, he's the only guy I've ever been attracted to, you know?"

I didn't know, so I waited for her to explain. How could anyone only be attracted to one person when they were sixteen years old?

"It was sort of a test," she continued. "I'm pretty certain now that I'm a lesbian."

I couldn't help it - I laughed. It wasn't until I noticed that she wasn't laughing with me that I realized the seriousness of her statement.

"Oh. Sorry, sweetie."

"Sorry that I'm a lesbian?"

"No, just sorry I laughed. I didn't think you were serious."

"Why not?"

"Well, you know, look at you. You're all little and feisty and hot."

"So I can't be attractive if I like girls?" she giggled.

I laughed at my own explanation, realizing what I had inferred. "Okay, I'm drunk."

Closing my eyes for a few minutes, I took a deep breath to will away some of the effects of the alcohol. I was a little surprised when I felt Alice playing with my hair, but it felt good. I hummed in appreciation, so she continued.

After a few minutes, she broke the silence. "You know, you're pretty feisty and hot yourself," she said quietly.

"Thanks," I said, laughing lightly. I knew I was beautiful. It had been instilled in me since I was very young, and it was no secret that I was coveted amongst our classmates. Still, it was always nice to hear.

"Must be a Hale thing," she teased.

"Must be."

Then I felt her body shift closer, and suddenly, Alice's lips were pressed against mine. At first, I was surprised, but what surprised me more than anything was that I didn't stop her.

"Is this okay?" she asked after a moment.

When I opened my eyes and nodded, our mouths met again. This time, she began to move slightly, and I found myself meeting those movements. First, smackering, small kisses, then a lip tug here, and a nibble there. I gasped when her tongue extended out to mine, but I still didn't stop.

In my mind, a thousand thoughts raced in different directions, fighting the inebriation that clouded my sensibilities. On the one hand, I had never been attracted to girls, but on the other, I was trashed. Making out is fun. Making out when you're drunk is even better, so why not? That was why I allowed things to continue, and eventually, Alice was lying closer to me, her hand still in my hair.

I was relatively still, keeping my top hand on her hip, but her hands traveled. She touched my side, sliding up and down my torso and grazing the sliver of skin at my hip where my shirt had pulled up. That touch eventually rounded over my ass, making my insides flutter a bit. I had always been a sucker for an ass grab. As her fingertips grazed over the back of my thighs on the downward journey, I shuddered. The skin there was so sensitive, and with the short skirt I was wearing, it was soon skin-on-skin contact once again.

Everything was lost to me. All I could do was feel and respond to what we were doing. Who we were and our sexual orientations didn't seem to matter. She was my friend, who I trusted, and as I said before, I was really drunk. The pleasure and fun were the only thing I could focus on.

Soon, or not soon enough, her hand was between my thighs, lightly stroking the bare, sensitive skin. Up. Down. Up. Down. Deep breath. Shudder. Deep breath. Shudder.

She kept creeping closer, and with each pass my body throbbed with need. I wanted that touch. I wanted her.

"Oh god..." I moaned as she traced a single fingertip along the crest of my inner thigh.

"Are you all right?" she asked quickly, pausing from our feverish kissing.


"Can I?"

"Uh huh," I stuttered, nodding my head fervently. I needed something to release the insane pressure she was building inside me. "Go ahead."

Alice didn't hesitate to rub the length of her fingers over my satin panties. Another cry of approval fell from my lips, so she applied more pressure.

"I've never done this before," she whispered, and I noticed that her hand was shaking slightly.

To ease some of her nervousness, I moved my mouth across her cheek, licking and sucking until I was on her neck. She sounded off her own appreciative noises, and I found myself smiling against her skin. I liked that I was doing that to her, and I needed her to keep going.

After a few moments, she did. Her small hand slipped into the top of my tiny bikinis and touched me tentatively. That was the first time I realized just how wet and ready I was from what she had been doing to me. As her fingers slowly moved up and down, teasing me from the base of my sex to the little bundle of nerves at the top, she spread that wetness and drove me even crazier. I was moaning like a fool, twitching and pressing closer to her hand, needing more.

She got the message and finally, finally slid one careful finger into me. I stilled my movements and rolled onto my back. When she first began to move, I instinctively bucked up into her hand. That encouragement led to increased movement, and it just felt...So. Fucking. Good.

Even though Alice was inexperienced with these things, I wasn't. I may have been a virgin, but I wasn't innocent. She tried different methods and movements, and I ended up coaching her a little bit, instructing her on what felt good, what was uncomfortable, and what-to-keep-on-fucking-doing-because-I'm-gonna-come. About halfway through, my clothes were in the way far too much for my taste, so I ended up pushing her away for a moment while I scrambled to rip off everything that covered my lower half.

While she continued to play me like she had far more experience than she actually did, our free hands worked together to unbutton my shirt and unsnap my front-clasp bra. I was surprised when it was her mouth that latched onto my nipple instead of her other hand, but I wasn't complaining. She used her natural kissing skills just as well on my chest, circling my nipples teasingly before tonguing and sucking them with alternating pressure, including a few hard, erotic bites. No one had ever really bitten me before, and it was hot as fuck.

I was a panting, groaning mess by the time we found the best pattern together. My hips lifted off the bed when I came, and I heard the sweetest little giggle from her when it happened.

"What?" I asked.

"I did that!" she said proudly.

Her fingers lingered inside me a few moments longer before she pulled them out and examined her glistening skin. With a mischievous smirk, she brought that hand to my chest, rubbing my arousal over my nipples and then sucking it off. It was the sexiest thing anyone had ever done to me, hands down.

We rolled back onto our sides, resuming kissing. Our bodies were flush together, legs tangled this time as we rubbed and groped. It was as if her hands were now glued to my tits, but it felt so good that I didn't care in the least. In fact, I wanted to find out what the big deal was. Pulling back, I gripped the bottom of her tank top and yanked it over her head. She leaned up to accommodate my actions, and once she was topless, I rolled her onto her back. Straddling Alice's waist, I palmed both her small breasts. Being so petite and young, she didn't have much there, but they still felt nice to hold. I squeezed carefully, trying to massage them the way I knew I liked. I ran my fingertips over the edges of her lace bra, then followed the same path with my mouth. She was crying out just as loudly as I had been earlier, so I tugged back the fabric on one side and quickly swiped her teeny pebble nipple with my wet tongue. It felt good, and I could tell that she agreed.

I did the same to the other side, and I found myself really enjoying the way she felt in my hands and how her skin tasted. That was when inspiration struck me.

"Hey, Alice?" I asked, looking down at her. She breathed heavily as she peeked up at me.


"Can I...can I try something?"

"Umm, okay?" she said hesitantly. I was just as nervous as she seemed, but I wanted to repay the fuckhot favor she had done me.

Slowly, I dragged kisses over her ribs, down her stomach, and to the edge of her jeans. Once there, I flicked open the button and unzipped them, wrapping both hands over the waistband to pull them down, along with her thong. When they were off, she scooted backward on the bed, propping her head up on an extra pillow to watch me. Her eyes were wide and excited, and I felt that same energy. I had no clue what I was doing, but I wanted to try. It was my wild streak coming out thanks to the mass quantities of beer, horniness, and sense of adventure.

"Spread your legs apart and put your feet flat on the mattress," I instructed her, and she did as I said.

"Are you sure?" she asked, even though I could tell she didn't want me to stop. "You don't have to. I mean, I know you like guys, and..."

"Alice, stop, or I will lose the nerve. Just let me try this, okay?"

When she finally agreed, I pulled my hair back into a sloppy ponytail and bent down between her legs. I looked at her for a minute, thinking about what I liked the few times this had been done to me. Steeling myself with a deep breath, I closed the space between us and laid my mouth against her moist, tender flesh. My tongue came out, and I ran it from her opening, up between her lips, and finally to her responsive nerves at the top. She tasted...different from a guy, but not entirely unpleasant. I smiled to myself when her hands thumped against the mattress, gripping the comforter tightly.

"Oh fuck, more," she begged, and I was actually quite excited to oblige.

I repeated that action several times, circling my tongue on her clit a little more before I moved back down. I imagined that I was kissing her, so I mimicked making out, just not with her mouth. It seemed to make her very happy, so I plunged into her finally. My tongue drove in deep, lapping up the liquid heat she produced, and kissing the velvety flesh. I hummed in response to her grasping my hair, and that elicited an almost painful but completely pleasurable feeling, so I did it again....and again. I even added a little tongue roll, and that went over very well. When I could tell she was wound tight enough to burst, I moved back up to her clit and began to suck and flick it with my tongue. At the same time, I slipped my middle finger inside her and twirled it in little circles.

"Faster...oh god, do that faster!"

I did as she requested, and it wasn't very long before her entire body tightened and collapsed against the bed. I removed my mouth from her first, then slid my finger out carefully.

"That was..."

"I know," I answered for her, grinning and feeling quite proud of myself. I imagined that it was similar to how she felt earlier.


"Let's go to bed."

"Sounds good to me," she giggled. Girlfriend was a serious giggler.

We fixed our bras and put our shirts and panties back on before crawling under the covers together. We didn't snuggle or any of that foo-foo shit, but we did laugh about how drunk we both were and how that was a completely unexpected way to end the evening. It only took minutes before I passed out.

When I awoke in the morning, my head was pounding. Fucking cheap-ass beer. I looked over to see Alice rubbing her eyes and smearing mascara all over her face.

"You look like a raccoon," I teased, securing my skirt over my hips.

"You should see your hair," she countered. I felt my ponytail and sure enough, it was a lumpy bird's nest.

"Need a ride home?" I asked. "I got a text from Jasper that said he left the car here."


We rode back to our neighborhood in relative silence, and when I pulled into her driveway, she looked over at me, biting her lips all scared-like.

"What's the problem, Little Brandon?"

"I, ah...I hope I didn't make things...weird," she muttered, looking down at the center console.

"Am I acting like things are weird?" I asked in return. She agreed that I wasn't, and I quickly brushed off her anxiety with the assurance that it was a drunken venture, and that I didn't really mind trying it once. Honestly, it was no big deal to me. It was fun, but I wasn't going to give up the peen for boobs anytime soon. We could continue our friendship the same way it had been before, as long as she was comfortable with that.

With that, the conversation was over, and life went on as usual.

I never hooked up with Alice again, nor any other girl for that matter. I also never regretted what we did because we were just living in the moment. If it also happened to help my friend figure some of her own shit out, then good for her.

Personally, I found it humorous that I went farther with her than my brother had. He would never admit it, but I knew he had a little crush on her when we were kids.