Snow Struck Chapter 1: Separation

By SparkyStarZ-13 (SsZ-13)

We find our heroes on their way to Snowpoint City for Ash's next gym battle. Although the adventure awaiting seems hard to miss, the adventure getting there is another story…

The cold, frosty, white wind surrounded Ash, Dawn and Brock. Although their new cloths helped the cold that brewed around them was unbeatable. They lunged their icy bodies up Mt. Coronet, waiting, pleading that they would see a Pokemon Center soon, or any shelter for that matter. But they had been walking for hours now, and there basically wasn't any sign of civilization; besides that of a Pokemon. But they kept their opinions to themselves, for they knew they were all thinking and feeling the same thing. Besides, complaining wouldn't do any good to the situation at hand.

Ash looked to his left and his heart sank when he saw, an almost frozen, Dawn tightly wrapping her arms around herself with clenched teeth. He moved closer to her hoping the body heat would do them some good. Dawn opened her hers and looked to her right as she felt something touch her side; it was Ash. Although she was thankful for what he was trying to do, she couldn't really find the bother to give him her attention. Ash didn't take it offensively; he was basically doing the same thing. Can you blame them? The cold is exhausting, and the only thing on your mind is the cold, and the tingling sensation when your toes go numb. Even if your crush was nuzzle next to you.

Ash looked at her again, unnoticeably, thoughts racing through his mind. Everything seemed to disappear when her caught her attentive eyes. The numbness, pain, cold, exhaustion all seemed to go away for the both of them when they caught sight of each other. They both turned away, focusing on getting out of this death trap. They surprised themselves when they felt a faint blush cover their faces; they had no idea they still had heat in them. The flames in their cheeks gave a warm, tingling sensation.

"Wea- Weavile!" The trio looked up at the echoing noise, seeing a purple glow in that direction. Brock knew exactly what was going on… Shadow Ball.

"Look out!" He roared leaping out of the aiming range.

Ash and Dawn stood and watched the purple light, fear pulsating through their hearts. The white wind soon cleared for a small amount of time, giving them a perfect view of the situation. But it was a little too late; Weavile had fired.

Dawn stood there shaking in fear, but had not the reflex to move out of the way. Ash was the first to react. He lunged into her pushing her to the ground… but he wasn't in the same position.

Dawn looked up in a gaze and saw Ash off from the ground with, what looked like, purple volts flashing around him, before he fell to the floor.


Grunting in pain he made an attempt to get up. But he had no strength after such a blast. Dawn raced to his side as she saw Weavile brewing another ball of dark poison.

"Ash, C'mon! Get up!" She watched helplessly as the Weavile took aim.

"Rumble!" She heard a loud roar coming from the mountains, and felt movement under her. Like she was on a mat that was being pulled out from under her feet.

"Wea-" Said the Weavile confused at the sudden movement.

"Crash!" Roared the mountain as the ice that covered it split two ways. Weavile lost balance and jumped out to safety.

"Crash!" again. The ground under both Ash and Dawn bolted on and angel and started to wave over sending them rolling down the mountain in a sea of snow, separating them from Brock.

Dawn tried to cling on to Ash, but the snow was strong and only made the gap between them bigger.

"Ash!" She cried as the unconscious boy was pushed out of her sight.

"Ash!" she tried, hoping he would wake up and realise the danger he was in. "Ash!" she screamed finally grazing to a halt, and watching Ash fall deeper and deeper out of reach. Tears trickling down her cheeks as she started to feel faint. "Ash…"