Author note: Thank you to all who are continuing to read my Trek Drabbles. They have grown and are no longer drabbles as much as little ficlets. This newest set was inspired by a manga romance challenge which I discovered while trolling for themes. These are the first five of a list of twenty-five. I will be doing them sequentially, but not all twenty-five consecutively. I've been offered a rather fat list of new themes from a friend and reader mira-jade. Those will be shuffled in as I proceed. Thanks again for reading and I hope you'll leave a review to let me know I'm doing something right. Enjoy!

#1 star gazing

When Jim didn't find Christine in her quarters, he knew there was only two other places she might be; sickbay or the recreation center. He checked sickbay first just to be sure she was working overtime as she did from time to time. When he was not able to find her there, Bones shaking his head without looking up from his PAAD, he dashed down the corridor toward the rec center.

When the doors swished open, he scanned the room quickly left to right. He saw her standing at the viewport, hugging herself against a non existent cold. As he approached, he noticed a peaceful countenance. He relaxed that much further and placed a warm hand on her shoulder.

"What you looking at?" he said softly, smiling.

"I'm just taking in the view," she replied. "And waiting for you."

Her fingers intertwined with his giving him a light squeeze.

"It's been quite an adventure finding you," he said. "I've been all over the ship. I was this close to taking a shuttle outside."

"Why didn't you ask the computer? It…she knows."

"But it wouldn't have been as much fun."

"You're lucky you arrived in time, Jim. Stargazing only captured an idle mind for so long."

She smiled enticingly and snaked and arm around his waist, snuggling more closely to him.

"But there's so much to see," he said, raising a hand to indicate the vastness of space.

"Indeed there is…" she breathed letting her hand slide to the top of his rear end.

"Well that's about all the stars I need to see," he said quickly, letting out a startled breath. "Shall we head back to my quarters?"

"But I haven't had dinner yet," she pouted. "And I was hoping for a movie afterward."

Jim's enthusiasm lessened visibly as he saw her lower lip protrude that much further. "A movie?"

"And drinks before dinner," she said nodding her head voraciously.

Kirk furrowed his brow and regarded her suspiciously. "Wait a minute. Something's fishy here."

Christine's laugh was musical. "There sure is. But you should have seen your face, Jim."

"Ha. Ha," he replied. "So we're off to your quarters then?"

"After dinner," she deadpanned.

#2 love letters

"Why the long face," Chekov whispered from his navigation station. "Another transmission from Cindy?"

Sulu nodded wordlessly trying not to create unwanted attention.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy to get communications from your girlfriend?" Chekov pressed.

Sulu slightly inclined his head and slid his eyes in Chekov's direction. "Not here, Pavel. This isn't bridge talk."

"I cannot think of a better time to talk about your love life than now," Chekov replied. "It is a boring shift. Not much else to do."

"The captain has a knack for commenting on all relationships he's aware of; shipboard or not. I'd rather keep Cindy off his scanners."

Sulu felt a hand clap him on the back. He looked up to see Captain Kirk's blue eyes alive with the energy of potential gossip.

"Cindy?" Kirk said, grinning. "Is this the senior cadet at the Academy I've heard about? Tell me everything, Hirkaru."

Sulu shot Chekov a glare and turned a smile to the captain. "Yes, Sir. That's her."

#3 moonlight walks

Captain's log: Stardate whatever. Computer, fill it in.

I have just returned from an awesome date with Christine. After returning to Earth and being debriefed by Starfleet Command, Christine and I were able to have a quiet dinner at an on campus restaurant for command officers. After dinner, we took a walk...I can't believe I'm saying this…in the moonlight. It was nice. We talked about the recent Romulan encounter and how serving on the same ship and being in a relationship can be stressful. Christine said she didn't like that I went on so many away missions. I can see what she means. Most captains delegate when it comes to away missions. It's just not me. I think she gets that. But she worries none the less.

We talked about Spock and Uhura; me about how weird it was and she, about how cute it was. Christine knows well about the thing I had for Uhura, even after it was revealed she was with Spock. I…we have gotten past that, though she has to punch me or slap me now again. Most women wouldn't stand for that, but Chris knows my heart is with her. My heart. I don't think it will ever be normal to talk about my feelings. It's ok with Christine, but hard with anyone else. I can talk to Bones sometimes, when he's not wearing his judgment cap.

We talked about Chris' ex, Roget Korby. What an idiot! I listened patiently all the while wanting to find this guy and simultaneously kick his ass and thank him for breaking her heart. The ass kicking speaks for itself and maybe the thanking does as well. But hey, if the guy hadn't broken her heart, she wouldn't be with me.

We talked about Bones; a topic that was bound to come up given he is my best friend and her boss. They are friends too. We discussed his generally cranky demeanor, the reason for it, and how we might be able to soften it. Ultimately we found that it would probably take an act of God to change Leonard McCoy.

We finally stopped walking…and talking. You do the math. I'm a happy man.

#4 secret admirer

When Spock entered Nyota's quarters, he noticed the red rose sitting on the side table just inside the door. It was not his rose. In fact it was the third rose left outside Nyota's quarters in as many days. It was not in his nature to be jealous, especially given that his love had brought it to his attention when the first gift arrived. The gifts speak for themselves. The red rose is a symbol of passion and desire, something Spock, with admirable restraint, showed Nyota regularly. He raised an eyebrow once again retreating to the place in his mind where he stored the list of potential stalkers. His lips quirked at the word. It was an indulgence. There was no real evidence of malicious intent. No sinister purpose. It was simply a statement; a statement which, logically, begged a response.

#5 private picnics

"Where are you taking me, Spock," Nyota asked curious as to the location of their lunchtime picnic.

"I would rather it be a surprise," he replied. "I prefer to witness your expression when we arrive?"

Looking over his shoulder at the ticking number on the turbo lift readout, Nyota grinned. "Engineering?"

"No cheating," he intoned, stepping in front of the readout.

She screwed her face at his action and leaned against the wall feigning a pout.

A moment later, the turbo lift door swished open to reveal the heavy pipes and walkways which connected the different areas of main engineering.

"AHA!" Nyota exclaimed as they exited. "Now that we're here, where are you taking me?"

She eyed him closely as she waited for his answer. For all the controlled Vulcan façade, Nyota could tell that he was up to something. When they arrived at the spot, a ten meter stretch of walkway with stairs leading up at either end, she asked:

"How did you choose this spot?"

He sat in what was like the exact center of the walkway and began to unpack their lunch. "It only seems fitting that we give some small homage to the anniversary of the captain's promotion."

She affected narrowed eyes at the reference to Kirk encroaching on their private time. "This is the very spot where the captain was detained after returning from Delta Vega."

Nyota took in the surrounding area. "There isn't very much light here."

Spock allowed a small, rare smile. "I'm afraid that is purely coincidental."