Hello people! I'm back!

Sorta. I can not promise I'll be updating this a lot but I'll try, okay? In the meantime, please enjoy this new chappie.

Hope it'll make up for the long wait!

HP and all its characters belong to JKRowling.


He had waited for a reasonable time, but it was clear that Sirius wasn't coming back. Fearing the worst Remus John Lupin stood up and headed towards the house's entrance. Someone was standing at the threshold, but it wasn't his friend. As the matter of fact, the person standing there just proved that his worst suspicions were right.

"No" he whispered, automatically going into denial. After all, denial is a usual mind's resource to protect oneself from the pain "No. It can't be"

Severus closed his eyes, unable to answer. He couldn't offer him any solace, because there weren't enough words to express what he felt. Both knew perfectly well what was going on and there was nothing they could do to prevent it from happening.

The brunette collapsed on the floor, fighting back tears. Severus kneeled next to him and hugged him lightly; comforting him as best as he could.

Although he was beyond consolation too.

The news of Lord Voldemort's fall revolted the wizarding world. It was very surprising that such a small baby had achieved what so many grown-up and powerful wizards hadn't. Undoubtedly, a celebration was in order.

Or at least, that was the case of the former members of the Order of the Phoenix, who, despite having lost two of their companions, felt relieved. Finally, the war had ended.

But there were still pieces to pick up.

He had almost completely forgotten how was it like to wake up in his lover's arms. His first instinct when he woke up was to smile, feeling happier than he had been in the last 3 years. Soon after, however, memories rushed back and reality settled in.

"Morning" said the dark haired man, noticing he was awake.


"I'm gonna prepare some tee"

And he stood up. The werewolf watched him in silence, thinking of the ironies of life. The night before he had lost his best friend, had ended up sleeping with his ex-boyfriend in the bed of the man who he had always thought he could trust and who was in fact a traitor. Oh, and said man had also been his crush for a little while when he had been in school but that didn't mean anything now, right? It seemed that the Prince Charming had turned into the villain of the story and the villain had seen the error of his ways.

Such a tangled and unusual fairy tale.

But he was Remus John Lupin and nothing in his life was very usual.

He went downstairs several minutes later, feeling worse than in his entire life. Any minute now, Albus would contact him to let him know what had happened the night before. Oh, poor Harry! Condemned to die at such a young age because of a prophecy that...

"Severus? Severus, is something wrong?" well, many things were wrong but the question had left his lips without him really thinking it. After all, the eldest was in front of the fireplace, holding a cup in his hand which shook visibly. Slowly, almost unwillingly, the boy turned to face his (ex) lover.

"Albus has just informed me. The child lives"

More than unexpected news. But so very welcome.

He sat opposite to the window and watched the hours slowly passing away. Although he hadn't eaten breakfast, he didn't feel hunger. He didn't feel anything, in fact. Hunger, cold, sadness or happiness. No anger, no pain. Just emptiness.

Severus had left shortly after Albus had given him the news about Harry. He had gone to search the Headmaster to speak to him personally and afterwards he would be heading towards the Malfoy's Manor. He had to make sure they didn't do anything stupid, now that Voldemort had fallen. Remus had heard all his explanation, not paying attention and only nodding at certain points. After the surprise of Harry's fate, he hadn't been able to think of anything, really.

He sighed. Eventually, he guessed, a member of the Order would come and find him. Perhaps. But perhaps not. Perhaps everyone would be too busy, celebrating. But he had nothing to celebrate. Lily was dead. James was dead. Sirius had betrayed them. And Peter...

Good point; where the heck was Peter? Had he already heard of what had happened to the Potter? Most likely. Did he feel as empty and lost as Remus? Maybe. Should he go looking for him?

Yes. However, it would have to wait. He couldn't muster enough strength to stand up or to even blink. In many ways, a part of him had died along with Lily and James.

Luckily Severus had been there for him.


Narcissa kept on crying and Severus had run out of ideas of what to do to comfort her. Two days had passed since the Potter's deaths and the evening before a group of aurors had broken into the mansion to arrest Lucius. Severus suspected that it was just a matter of time before they went after him too, but in the meantime...

He had seriously considered going to visit Remus. A little later, he had repented realizing that it would be a terrible mistake. Almost as bad as sleeping with him after hearing about the attack on the Potter. He had been driven by pain, impotence, absolute terror and despair. But now there was nothing left to drive him.

Except love. But which is the worth of such emotion in times like those?

He sighed as he went into the kitchen to prepare more hot chocolate. Remus always said that chocolate was good for sad people. Severus hoped that sooner or later it would make Narcissa feel better.

Because if the girl kept crying, it wouldn't be long before he felt apart too.

It was a gray autumn morning when Sirius Black was caught. The word spread quickly and it wasn't long before every wizard and witch in England knew about it.

Naturally, Remus was the last to know. As it happens most of the time, those who would care the most about the news are the last ones to find out.

For some reason, Peter's fate didn't affect him like it should have. Deep down within his soul, he felt that something wasn't right. Only he couldn't point it out.

Twelve years would pass before he realized what was wrong.

Severus woke up early. He had tea and toast for breakfast. He took a shower, dressed and finished getting ready to go. At 8.53 in the morning, he was standing at his house threshold, waiting.

9 o'clock. He sighed and put on his coat. A black limousine stopped in front his house, causing several curious looks from his neighbors. The man ignored this and got closer to the car.

A middle aged man who was the driver, opened the door. Severus stepped into the car and greeted its occupants "Good morning, Narcissa"

"Severus" she said, her voice barely audible. She looked quite disgraceful, although she had tried to hide it with numerous beauty's spells and potions. However, her normally beautiful hair fell limpidly around her overly pale face and the eyes were puffy and red. She tried to smile, but failed miserably.

"We could have appeared at the Ministry" he said, sitting next to her and placing an arm around her shoulders.

"No" she shook her head vigorously "I needed to travel by car. I need to pull myself together, don't I?"

They didn't say another word. Sometimes, there's no need for them.

Remus left the trial's room in a rush, unable to endure such torture for another minute. Sirius refused to talk, although he had been interrogated over and over again. And every time that someone mentioned to Peter, the man smiled scornfully. And when he had been openly accused of being involved in the murder of the Potter, he had let out a dry cruel laugh and exclaimed 'Yes, it's my fault! After what I did, I might as well have killed them myself!´

A shiver ran through his spine. That man was not Sirius Black. He couldn't be; the Sirius he knew was kind and generous and...

Well, not always, Remus thought bitterly, recalling his school years and the "pranks" the Marauders had submitted Severus to. Should he have suspected back then? No; it was impossible to imagine that...

A child crying brought him back to reality. He hadn't seen Harry in while; not since the Fidelio charm. The child would be one year old now and he would be probably learning to walk... Oh, poor child! Condemned to live without his parents!

The child who was crying would be around Harry's age. He had blond hair, with a beautiful face and gray eyes which were full of tears right then, as he had fallen while trying to explore the room he was in. His mother helped him up and tried to comfort him.

"Narcissa" he whispered, unable to help it and the woman must have heard him, because she looked around. She picked her son up and approached him, looking nervously around.

"Lupin" she greeted him and again, looked around nervously. Then she took a couple steps closer to him "What are you doing here?"

Remus pointed with his head towards the room he had just exited. Narcissa stared at him without understanding but soon she realized what was going on "Oh. My cousin, right?" he nodded "Oh, the ironies of life..."

He would have asked what was she talking about but just then, someone else joined them "I couldn't find any coffee, Cissa. Chocolate?"

"Thanks" said the blonde, taking the cup her friend was offering absentmindly. Then the newcomer turned his attention towards the werewolf who was eying him nervously.

"Severus!" he exclaimed, feeling on the verge on a nervous breakdown. The dark-haired man however, eyed him impassively.

"You came to Black's trial" he sentenced and the other nodded "Shouldn't you be inside, then?"

"Couldn't stand it" Remus whispered, shaking his head violently "that man isn't Sirius"

"I beg to differ" replied the Death Eater "that's not the Sirius Black you knew and worshipped. Me, on the other hand... I'm quite familiar with this one"

Remus closed his eyes, fighting back tears "I guess you're right"

Just then another courtroom's door opened and Narcissa looked at it with apprehension. Severus placed a hand over her shoulder and pointed with his head towards the now open door "The time has come. Shall we?"

"No" the blonde seemed on the brink of tears and Remus suddenly realized what was she doing there. She had come to her husband's trial "No, Severus I…" she whispered, hugging Draco tighter against her chest.


"No" she shook her head and then stared at her son "I'll go. On my own. Please, just look after Draco, ok?"

Severus tried to discussed it, but she silenced him with a look and he nodded, defeated "Very well"

Then the woman handed Draco to him and turned towards Remus. She opened her mouth as if to say something, seemed to rethink it and closed it, then she went to the courtroom.

And so, the former lovers stayed outside, waiting to hear what would happen to their friends.

Fifteen minutes later, the men were sitting on a bench outside the courtroom. Draco was entertaining himself eating a chocolate from that Remus had found in his robe and he paid them no mind. Actually, they were trying to ignore each other too. However…

A door opened and a group of Dementors walked through it, dragging along a handcuffed man followed by a group of guards/wizards. Remus heart skipped a beat, for the man exiting the courtroom was no other than Sirius Black. He almost called after him, but found himself unable to speak.

Yet Sirius saw him. And it seemed he hadn't run out of words.

"REMUS!" he exclaimed, ignoring his captors and throwing himself at his friend's feet "Remus" he repeated, sounding lost and scared while hugging the other boy's legs "Remy, please forgive me. I don't deserve it but please… tell me you forgive me. You're the only one I can ask, the only one who can grant it to me, please…"

"Si-siruis" he shuttered, horrified. How dare he ask that? How dare he to even think that…?

He heard Severus uttering a spell and seconds later, Sirius lay at his fee. The guards eyed the dark haired man warily and he met their stare challengingly, so they said nothing and just decided to levitate Sirius unconscious body towards wherever they were taking him.

Remus watched them leave and then broke down into tears.

He didn't notice his ex boyfriend's comforting arm around his shoulders. However, it remained there for the next hour.

As I remembered, this last part was much much more dramatic. However, I can't remember exactly how it went...

Anyway, thanks for reading and again, sorry for the long wait!