-September Twenty-Seventh 2011-

Hello, and my apologies to you all.

I am afraid I have not been on as of late... or in fact for the past... nearly two years. I am terribly sorry for this. My computer broke and I had to get... a new one. I still haven't quite figured out how to turn it on without assistance.

Really, technology is far more complicated then it needs to be. I thought that it was made to make our lives easier, not uncountable times more complicated. The entire system is utterly baffling and I have managed to catch my printer on fire no less than seven times in the past month. I am convinced that this is due to the new computer, as the old computer hardly has such problems. That one was understandable, and I only needed to ring for help when I needed to find a folder or open my e-mail or run a film on it, now I need help turning the ruddy thing on.

It's beyond me. Truly. I don't understand how so many people use these things.

In any case, that's part of the reason I've been gone.

My apologies to all of you.

Due to this it has come to my attention that I may have been ignoring some of my lovely followers correspondence. If I have kindly remind me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. On a related note I will now be taking questions on the blog. I can't answer too many in a day but if you send them in I'll do my best to get to them.

Rule Britannia,
