Disclaimer : I do not own any character or plot . All of them belong to JKRowling.

Chapter -1

28 year old Harry Potter looked unhappy as he was drinking his firewhiskey. He was the most powerful and most famous wizard in the world. Yet he was unhappy and friendless. His only companion was Hedwig, a phoenix .But today even the phoenix's happy tunes couldn't take away the sadness in Harry's heart. Today was a very important day in Harry's life. It was 27 years ago, on this very day that Harry's parents were murdered by Voldemort .Harry survived the killing curse and became the unfortunate Boy Who Lived.

As per Dumbledore's plans Harry was placed with his muggle relatives. His aunt and uncle who very much hated magic and its freakiness tried to get it out of their nephew. They belived that if they kept Harry miserable he would never get freaky. Harry grew up only knowing emotional abuse from his guardians. His cousin Dudley used to bully him and made Harry an outcast in school. Every birthday Harry used to wish that some unknown relative would come some day for him ,he would be rescued and he would live his family happily.

On his eleventh birthday Harry got to know about wizarding world and how his parents died and about Hogwarts school where he would spend his next seven years learning magic. Harry went to Hogwarts where he made friends for the first time in life .Every year he was faced with new challenges and had to face Voldemort couple of times in his first two years. He also discovered that wizarding world was full of prejudices and discrimination was rampant.

Harry's opinion of wizarding world sunk further when the ministry went after Harry for declaring that Voldemort was back. After the death of Harry's god father, Dumbledore finally revealed the prophecy to Harry. During the next year Dumbledore explained to Harry about Voldemort's history and his horcruxes which made him immortal . Dumbledore was finally killed by Snape in a death eater attack on Hogwarts.

It didn't take long for the ministry to fall and for Voldemort to assume control of the ministry. Harry and other order members were declared criminals and they had to go underground. The next six years were the bloodiest in the history of wizarding Britain. Death eaters were ruthless in their hunt for Harry and order. Harry, whose magical powers got a boost after his reaching his adulthood, also discovered that he was a shadowmage. Harry,with his new found powers and usage of dark arts,proved a worthy opponent to Voldemort, but the horcruxes hunt proved lengthy and tough. Voldemort and his death eaters had superior numbers and order was vastly outnumbered.

Harry lost his friends and most of order members in various skirmishes but managed to destroy all of horcuxes except for the one that was in his scar. After undertaking an ancient soul magic ritual Harry managed to destroy the horcrux in his final battle was devastating. Helped by the last remaining resistance, Harry laid siege on the ministry where Voldemort was present. Harry and his troops, who were training for months for this day, surprised the ministry forces and death eaters and quickly killed many of the opposing forces. Finally Voldemort entered the fray and Harry & Voldemort dueled. The duel was lengthy and bloody, but in the end Harry prevailed. Both of them threw killing curses at each other in close proximity while Harry's curse hit Voldemort, Hedwig intercepted the curse meant for Harry and died. Voldemort was finally killed.

Harry and his troops didn't leave any death eater alive that day .The ministry officials who were working for voldemort were also arrested. ICW finally decided to act and sent a contingent of peace keeping force . Under the supervision of both Harry & ICW representatives Ministry workers were interrogated under veritaserum. All those workers who owed allegiance to Voldemort were executed . All those who committed crimes because of fear of loosing a job or fear of voldemort were also not spared. They were however given punishments in accordance with their crimes. ICW tried to get Harry to go soft on them. But opposition from Harry and overwhelming public support for Harry meant that no mercy was showed to any of them.

An interim government was formed with a mix of Harry's approved candidates and ICW representatives. ICW was there to assist Britain get back on feet and leave after five years. Harry also managed to get Wizengamot abolished. It would be reorganized after things were stabilized, but its members would now be elected by wizarding people. There were some grumblings about Harry holding too much power and forcing too many changes. Harry soon made a public statement that he would not hesitate to eliminate the people who are opposed to changes and he would always watch the system from background to make sure mistakes of past will not be repeated. Things became quiet after that.

Harry's defeat of Voldemort was six years ago. Things were looking up for wizarding Britain. ICW representatives have left last year and now there was a democratically elected minister & Wizengamot. Harry was rarely involved in the ministry after his initial radical changes. Still he kept a close watch from sidelines. He lived in a secluded house in a remote forest. Biggest surprise for him was when Hedwig came back as a phoenix after a year. Harry had won, but lost all of his friends except for Hedwig. Harry always wished that he could go back and change the way things happened. To get rid of boredom and sadness Harry traveled across the globe .He went to jungles of South America, Egypt, India, Russia and many places. There he learnt many obscure and dark forms of magic. Harry no longer believed in light or dark magic, he knew it was the intent that made it light or dark, not the magic itself.

Harry's wish of going back to change things was too strong. He started his research on the veil in the department of mysteries. Harry concluded that using his Hedwig's fire apparition and the veil, he could go back in time. One thing he was not sure was about whether he will go back in time or to a different dimension. He decided that he will go back to the time when he would be nine years old, as he will be able to use his magic at full potential from nine years onward. Everything was set for ritual and Hedwig looked excited. Harry sipped his fire whisky and looked sadly at his friend. The veil was dangerous and both he and Hedwig could loose their lives. Hedwig gave a happy note which finally gave courage to Harry and he started the ritual. With the ritual finished and the ritual vapors surrounding Harry, Hedwig landed on top of Harry and Harry walked into the veil.

After what seemed like an eternity Harry woke up to see that he looked like a spirit and was zooming forward in a big was still attached to him .He could see there were some holes in the side of tunnel. Hedwig was looking at the tunnels and indicated to him he would have to go through one to arrive at his destination. Suddenly Hedwig seized Harry and pulled him into one of the side holes.

The next moment Harry was in a bed room, looking at a sleeping nine year old Harry Potter. He looked at himself and realized he was still in his spirit form and Hedwig was looking at him amusedly. Harry using the ritual vapors which were still surrounding his form was able to merge his soul with nine year old Harry's soul. Suddenly Harry felt very tired and slipped into deep sleep.

Harry woke up early in the morning and found a phoenix staring at him .Suddenly he remembered Hedwig, his journey through the veil. He realized that he had made a mistake in his calculations as he was no longer at privet drive. All the memories of his younger version started flooding in Harry's brain. Harry was in an alternate dimension .Harry realized that he was in Godrics Hollow. His parents were alive and he had siblings. He also recalled that Neville was the Boy who lived in this universe.

Harry was in a shock. He had ended up in a different universe, but he could see happiness was building up in him as he would finally be with his parents, he would be with his younger brother and sisters. He looked up at Hedwig and asked her if he would he happy here. Hedwig gave a very happy note. Harry then told Hedwig to be gone for now and return in a week. He would then claim that a phoenix just came for him. Hedwig looked unhappy, but disappeared in a flash.

After cleaning himself up, Harry decided to venture outside his room. He did not know how he would react to seeing his parents. Harry was walking into the hall when he heard a scream "Harry, Happy birthday". Harry spun around to see it was his mother who was walking towards him and she hugged him and once again wished him happy birthday. There was so much love and warmth in that hug that something broke in Harry's mind and he started crying holding her. Lily realized that Harry was crying and just held him. After a couple of minutes Harry stopped crying and released his hug and looked down at the floor.

"Harry, why were you crying .Did something happen to you?" asked his mother.

"Mom, I had a bad dream. I dreamt that I was taken away from you and got very scared" replied Harry. Lily once again hugged Harry and told him it was just a dream and no one will take him away from her.

After that Harry watched his mom cook breakfast. She looked like an angel to him and even her cooking style appeared graceful to Harry. Meanwhile Harry was awaiting his father and his siblings. Twins Rose & Hugo were seven years old while Daisy was four years old. He discovered that older Harry was quite nice to his brother and sisters and they also liked him very much. Harry was very much lost in thoughts, he didn't see Hugo & Rose sneak up to him and shouted happy birthday in his ear. Harry almost fell of his chair, then he saw the twins giggling and then he hugged them and started tickling them. "Harry stop tickling them "cried his mother. Meanwhile James also arrived and hinted that Harry was going to get a Nimbus 2000 broom for his birthday despite his mother's disapproval.

Harry's birthday party was held in the evening in the house itself. Sirius along with his wife Clare and their four year old son Daniel arrived early while Lupin arrived right on time. Harry blew the candles and thanked god for the wonderful day he was having with his family. Even if this was a dream he didn't want to wake up from it. Harry got a broom from his parents, a golden snitch from Sirius and a box of chocolates from Remus. After that adults were talking among themselves and children were playing with Daisy and Daniel. Harry started to make funny faces and noises which caused Dan & Daisy to laugh uncontrollably, Rose & Hugo were playing with snitch. All in all, it was a good first day from Harry's point of view. Yesterday Harry had nothing to live for; today he had everything that he wanted his entire life. Before falling asleep Harry made a promise to himself he would not let anyone cause harm to his family.

Within a week Harry fell into a routine. Potter children were home schooled, Lily doing most of the teaching. Harry read old history books in the library to get a clear picture of what happened in this world. Voldemort had attacked the Longbottom residence and killed Neville's grandmother when Frank and Alice were away from their home. When he tried the same on Neville he disappeared and Neville was declared BWL. Ministry managed to catch some death eaters, but many rich purebloods got away claiming imperious curse.

People were just happy to see that Dark Lord was gone; they didn't bother much about his death eaters. Cornelius Fudge had become the minister of magic couple of years ago.

One week passed pretty much quickly. Harry was happier than in his wild dreams. He loved helping his mom cook, being a big brother to Rose & Hugo, playing with little Daisy. James was an Auror and gone for most of the day, but he would talk to Harry in the evenings mostly about quidditch. Sirius family was also a frequent visitor at the potter residence. Hedwig came back after one week.

"Mum, look that appeared in my room?" screamed Harry as he ran into the hall with Hedwig on his shoulder.

"Is that a phoenix, James"Lily asked James who looked very much shocked. Phoenixes are very rare and he had never heard of any white phoenix.

Before he could answer "Mom, can I keep it please, I think it wants to stay here "begged Harry in a hysterical voice.

"All right, calm down Harry, you can keep it; anyway I think it chose you "replied Lily.

Meanwhile Rose & Hugo came into the hall and saw the phoenix and were impressed. "What is its name Harry "they asked in unison.

" Hedwig "replied Harry.

" Why the name Hedwig,Harry? Do you think the phoenix likes its name?" asked James who was coming out of his stupor. "I don't know, the name just came to my mind, let's ask her if she likes her name. Hai Hedwig, do you like your name?" said Harry, stroking the bird .Hedwig trilled a note of pure joy which left no one in doubt.

That evening James, Sirius, Remus & Lily found themselves in serious discussion. "I don't know why you are getting so worried Lily, a phoenix choosing Harry means that he is going to be a great wizard "said Sirius.

"Sirius I am worried that it probably has something to do with that blasted prophecy. I don't want to Harry to be in any danger." replied Lily.

"Lily prophecy applies to Neville longbottom. Voldemort himself made sure of that by marking him with that scar. Even if Harry has to get involved in someway in the future, isn't it good that he has an immortal phoenix as his ally" replied Remus.

"I am scared Remus, we know voldemort is out there somewhere and he is going to comeback someday, I just don't want any of our children to get hurt. They had lived in peace so far and never known any horrors of war. I just want to stay it that way."

"Lily, I know we don't know when Voldemort will come back, but we will be better prepared this time. This time we will take the fight right to them .No one will be able to touch our children as long as we are around" Sirius replied emotionally

James who was silent till then spoke "If only the ministry had your attitude Sirius, that idiot Fudge is already talking about reducing auror numbers and reducing funding for magical law enforcement. He believes there is no need for such numbers as Voldemort is gone and all death eaters are in Azkaban. I will bet it is all Lucius Malfoy's money talking behind this Fudge's policy"

"Maybe we can ask Dumbledore for his opinion?" suggested Remus.

"No "shouted Sirius, "There is no need to reveal everything that happens in our lives to Dumbledore. I am not saying he is evil or anything, but he is always manipulating and scheming for his own version of greater good. He will ask us to make sacrifices so that he can redeem some dark wizard. Bottomline is he will do what is good for wizarding world in his opinion and will not consider what is good for us. I bet he has already made hundreds of schemes for Neville, lets not give him any incentive for making similar schemes on Harry."

"Sirius don't you think you are judging Dumbledore solely on the basis of his vouching for Snape?" questioned Remus.

"Sirius has a valid point,we have to be careful with Dumbledore. "Replied James." Anyway this is all hypothetical; we had eight years of peace, and let's hope it will last for more years."