AN: So, obviously, this story won my little competition. I have to warn you that this is short and I only have half a chapter more. I'm sorry to all those who thought this was going somewhere, but this plot-bunny seems to have exhausted itself. If I ever finish the next chapter I promise I will update it, but it may take awhile. I have some vague ideas of the future but I may have to skip a couple of years in the story before they can take place. I do want Jessie to confront her father and I have an idea to do with her mother but I'm not sure where to fit it in. It might go well in the second year but I'm not sure. So please tell me if you all have any ideas! So, read, review and enjoy!
Chapter 6: Words with Consequences
"To our new students, welcome! To our old hands, welcome back! We stand on the brink of a new school year. And this year I have a very special announcement. We are quite fortunate to have four very special students in our midst this year. Something happened this summer that has not happened in over a thousand years. Many of you are aware of what a Veela is, yes? Well, this past summer, two Veelas have turned eleven, meaning they have coming into the majority of their powers, which are numerous, I assure you. They have also found their mates, within a month of their birthday! This is completely unheard of. Though Veelas are capable of finding their mates as soon as both veela and mate have turned eleven, most find them around the ages of fourteen or fifteen. No veela has ever found their mate at eleven in over a thousand years. No, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Jessie Kirkwood, and Harry Potter, please stand. Blaise and Draco are Veelas. Jessie is Blaise's mate and Harry is Draco's. I know that Harry Potter is famous, but you might want to leave him alone, just a little handy advice." Finally Dumbledore paused and the four students took this as an opportunity to sit back down. The rest of the students did not like the way the headmaster's eyes twinkled at the last statement. But Draco seemed to be nodding in agreement, which caused Jessie and Blaise to laugh.
Dumbledore continued, "Now, for regular announcements…" Most people tuned him out as he went on with his announcements. When he finished the Hall filled with whispers. Everyone kept glancing at the four students. Poor Harry had it the worst. He was all alone except for Hermione. Draco watched his mate, who was being bombarded with questions, comments and accusations.
Students began to filter out. The four of them stuck together, and were led to their rooms by Dumbledore himself. The rooms stood behind a portrait of a stern looking knight. But as the approached he pushed up his visor and his face broke into a smile.
"Well, if it isn't two very young veelas and their equally young mates. History in the making, my dears!" He exclaimed. Dumbledore left them there, telling them to make a password and go to bed. They stood there thinking for awhile. Then Jessie cleared her throat.
"I think we should make the password in a different language. I know some French and a bit of Spanish."
The other three agreed that this was a good idea.
A few moments later Jessie said, "Estras Forza." Everyone looked at her.
"What does it mean?" Blaise asked her.
"Well, Estras means Star in Spanish and Forza means strength in German. No one would ever guess." She told them.
"Why?" Draco asked.
"Well, stars are beautiful and so are veela," her she smiled at Blaise, "and the four of us need to be strong. So, Star Strength, Estras Forza."
The others all nodded in agreement and the knight in the portrait said, "Estras Forza, then. Now off to bed with you."
The four young students entered the rooms and gasped. A cozy common room, with couches, tables, chairs, and fireplace, lay before them. There were five doors. Four of them each bore a plaque with one of their names on them. The fifth door obviously led to a bathroom. Soon each student, being exhausted, had entered their room and prepared for bed. Within minutes they were all fast asleep.