Cody stood looking over the battle field. His remaining men were hunkered down behind the remaining tanks, waiting to the droids to attack. Cody glanced up at the sky, hoping he would see a transport swooping down towards them, but all he could see were the distant flashes of the space battle that held his reinforcements at bay.
"Sir, there's movement in the trees," Echo rushed up to him.
"Is the transport fixed yet?"
"Almost, sir."
"I want all the wounded on it asap. You're going with, along with Meds, Five and Chopper. No questions," Cody said firmly.
"Yes, sir. I'll go get the others ready," Echo sounded disappointed, but he knew better than to argue with his commander when he used the "voice".
Cody hefted his rifle and knelt down by the leg of the only remaining AT-ET, watching the tree line. He sensed the tension in his men, but said nothing. They all felt the same way, but they knew it was coming. They had been created just for this, but Cody wondered if he could've done more.
Something moved in the trees and the first wave of droids rushed out of the trees, guns spitting blaster bolts. Cody returned fire, just hearing the transports engines starting. He smiled grimly. At least he had made sure some of his men lived to fight for what was right another day.
"General, we have a transport inbound form the planet's atmosphere," a clone called from his station.
General Obi-wan Kenobi moved over the clone, Oddball," Who is it?"
"It's Hawk, sir, with a load of wounded. Sir," Oddball's voice faded away.
"Yes?" a knot appeared in Obi-wan's stomach.
"He says that….. He has the survivors of the battle planet side. They were leaving the atmosphere when they got the Commander's final message," Oddball sounded….distraught. "There's a private message for you, sir."
"Send it to my quarters," Obi-wan straightened, looking over at where Anakin and Ahsoka stood. "Thank you, Odds."
He crossed over to the other Jedi, who were in deep conversation with the holoimages of Masters Windu and Yoda. He cleared his throat and they all turned to him," I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I have just received word from the clones on the planet. It seems we have lost Dantooine."
"Did any of the men survive?" Windu let a little concern into his voice.
"Yes, they are inbound as we speak, but their Commander died on the planet. It seems he sent his last transport back with the wounded," Obi-wan used all his self-control the keep the sadness from his voice.
"Sorry, I am for your loss, Master Kenobi," Yoda said solemnly.
"He was a good commander. As soon as I can, I'll be taking a couple squads down to the planet to see what we can find."
None of them said it, but as Obi-wan walked away, they all shared a look that clearly spoke louder than words. They all hoped Obi-wan would find more than a couple blaster filled bodies.